Loki - Heal me

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This oneshot was requested by

The rest of the requests are coming. I have little time to write because of schools. Thank you so much for having so much patience.

Enjoy reading!


The enemy didn't go easy on you, but in the end, you've won. It must've been the hardest mission you've ever went on. Of course, normally the Avengers helped with stuff like that, but everyone mysteriously took a day off.

If you could, you would kill them for sending you off alone. If you could.

You had a severely injured leg, and bruises were forming all over your body. There was still dripping blood from the cut in your bottom lip.

You limped into the living room, still in your tattered combat suit when Thor turned around the corner.

"Oh no!" he boomed, rushing over to your side and supporting you. You let all of your weight fall on his and collapsed against his muscled body. "What's happened?"

"You not joining me on the mission is what happened," you growled at him, glaring up. His eyes softened.

"I'm terribly sorry, Lady Y/N," he apologized sincerely, rubbing your back, but stopped when you hissed out in pain. "Allow me to bring you to my brother. He'll know what to do."

You hobbled next to Thor as he brought you to Loki's room, where the God was reading on his bed.

"Brother! Y/N needs your help!" Thor screamed from the door. Loki must've saw your injuries because he got up and wrapped an arm around you as the Odinson brothers helped you sit donw on his bed.

"What happend," he too asked, a worried expression on his face.

"You were supposed to help me on that mission. Both of you! The whole team actually!" you yelled out in frustration as you grabbed your bleeding leg.

"Wow, she's snappy when she's angry. But do not worry, Lady Y/N," Thor soothed, which you growled at, glaring at them from the mattress. "My brother is a witch. He'll help you." Loki's head turned to the side and he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm not a witch," he said in a dull tone. Thor nudged his arm.

"Then why do you dress like one?" he taunted, which Loki huffed at.

"Hey, if I may! I'm in pain," you disturbed their banter. You rolled your eyes as Loki disappeared in his personal bathroom. The bastard had his own, while you had to use the common showers with no hot water.

He came back with something small in his hands and sat down next to you on the bed as he handed it to you.

"What's this?" you bit. He placed a hand on your shoulder and smirked at you, but you held a straight face. He cleared his throat.

"It's a balm. From Asgard. Just rub it in the wounds in bruises for a couple of days and it will heal," he explained. You nodded and examined the green paste in the small bowl.

"Isn't that the balm that makes you-"

"Shut up, brother," Loki hissed.

"Makes you what?" you wanted to know, dipping your fingers in it and smearing it across the bruises on your arm. Loki bit back a smile and shrugged.

"Just use it, darling. It really helps healing wounds too." He gave his brother a stern eye as for him to keep his mouth shut.

"That's so much work. Don't you have a pill or something?" you whined, turnig the wooden bowl in your hands. Loki shook his head.

"No, I have not. But if you want someone to rub in onto your skin for you, I am a willing participant. Thor glared at his brother and smacked his cheek.

"Leave her alone. She's just gotten home from a very tough mission," he scolded while Loki rubbed his cheek while throwing a fuming glare at his brother.

"Yeah, well, thanks for the offer, but I'll do it my damn self," you said with a roll of your eyes. You got up from the bed, hissed out in pain and fell back down against Loki's shoulder.

"Maybe you should stay here, Lady Y/N," Thor said, eyeing you with worry. Then Loki can look out for you and see if the balm helps.

"That must've been the best idea you had in your whole life," Loki said in fake awe. Thor shook his head, scoffing at his little brother. "But yes, you should stay here."

Loki got up and scooped you up in his arms and headed to his luxurious bathroom where he placed you down on the edge of the bath tub. He handed you your balm and smiled at you.

"I'm going to leave you alone in here so you can apply in peace. You call for me when you... need me, okay?" he said with a glint of mischief in his eyes, and you didn't like it one bit. You gave the balm a suspicious look when he closed the door behind him. But what choice did you have. Your body ached and if this was the only way to heal you, then so be it.

You took off your combat suit and threw it over the edge, holding yourself up and carefully smeared the balm on your skin, on the bruises and injured leg. Much to your disappointment, it didn't work immediately as you thought it would. On the conterary, it stung.

You strolled over to the sinks and opened the tab. You washed your hands and your body jolted, water spilling on the floor.

"Shit," you whispered, looking in the mirror to see the bruises slowly fading. The pain in your leg remained, but the wound was closing, stopped bleeding. You inhaled sharply as a jolt of arousal washed over you body - and you moaned.

You stumbled back and you legs gave out. You fell on the floor and gasped at the sudden need for release.

"What is this?" you wondered, heat building between your legs. You shook your head. You just gotten back from a mission, you wwere tired and in pain, you couldn't be wanting this now. Shaking your head, you got up and you legs trembled.

You took one of Loki's black shirts and pulled it over your head, storming out of the bathroom and crossing your arms over your chest.

Loki looked up from the book he was reading and smiled at you.

"Feeling better already?" he wondered with a dark undertone. You nodded. He frowned and you rubbed your thighs together to relieve some of the tension. He smirked. "Time for bed, darling."

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