Loki - His birthday

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Happy birthday to Tom Hiddleston! This one shot is devoted to him. This whole book, actually. But especially today!

Enjoy reading!


Today was special. You had gotten up early and prepared a large cake, too large for Thor to eat all at once, so it was safe when you strolled over to Loki's room.

As quiet as you could muster, you opened the door and stepped inside. The crack of light poured from the hallway into his room.

You tiptoed to the bed and let yourself sink in the mattress, laying down next to the snoring God. You smiled at him and brought a hand up to his face. Fingers gliding over his cheek, he began stirring.

'Happy birthday, Loki,' you said softly, stroking his nose. He groaned, then yawed and stretched himself.

He cracked one eye open and drew his brows together.

'W-What did you just say?' His voice was raspy from just waking up. You smiled and tucked a raven strand of hair to the side.

'Happy birthday, Loki,' you repeated, corners of your mouth lifting. He smiled too then and placed his arms in the nape of his neck.

'Thank you, Lady Y/N,' he said.

'I have something planned for today. If you get up, you big ice cube?' He sighed, and your heart faltered.

'It's my birthday, can't I do what I want?' he argued as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on his chest. You yelped, which he chuckled at. 'For example, I want to cuddle you.'

'But the Avengers are waiting for you in the kitchen,' you protested, although you weren't trying to crawl away from him. He hummed against the base of your throat and your stomach did a backflip.

'I'm sure they can wait a little longer,' he assured you as his arms wrapped around your back. Your heart purred as you gave into his embrace, your hands rested on his arms as you snuggled your head against his shoulder.

'I do have a present for you,' you casually mentioned. You looked up in his eyes to see his pupils dilated.


'In the kitchen,' you said with a shy smile. He grinned.

'I'd love to wrap you out of your clothes,' he said in his midnight purr. You chuckled.

'Not now. Come on, get up,' you told him before he acted on it. You entangled your fingers with his and pulled him up from the bed.

'I swear, if they're going to sing to me like last year, I'm going to slit their vocal chords,' he threatened as you dragged him through the corridors into the kitchen.

'Happy birthday!' everyone cheered. Loki looked down at you with a blush and smiled happily.

'Brother!' boomed Thor, waving his hands around. 'I made you something!' You cringed as you knew what it was - and Loki was not going to like it. 'Sit down, sit down.' Tony and Clint snickered.

Loki took a seat at the kitchen table beside you as Thor handed him his present. Loki threw him a suspicious eye once he opened the box. You cringed.

'What is it?' Loki rhetorically asked as he held up the green T-shirt with Thor's face on it. Thor smiled a toothy one and clapped his hands together.

'It's a shirt!' Thor exclaimed. 'With me on it!' The Avengers tried to hold back their laughter as did you, which Loki poked you in the side for.

'I know, you dimwit,' Loki replied lazily. 'But why would I want a shirt with your face on it?' Thor grinned and leaned his elbows on the table, speaking to his brother with twinkling eyes.

'Then I'm always close with you. Then you don't have to miss me when you're hopping from realm to realm,' Thor explained. Loki grew pale and eyed the shirt with a smile, then out it over his head.

'Oh, Loki!' Thor uttered. 'You look so handsome in it!' Tears formed in the corners of his eye as he went to crush his little brother in a hug, weeping on his shoulder.

'It's alright. Thank you, brother,' Loki soothed, patting Thor on the back and rolling his eyes at you. You giggled and curled your fingers around the present you were holding underneath the table, growing a bit nervous as time went on. 'I love you, Thor.'

Thor cried his eyes out and Loki gasped for air as his lungs were being crushed.

'I love you too!' Thor cried out.

'Great, can you let me go, you're staining my amazing shirt,' Loki said while patting Thor on the head.

Thor eventually let go of him and wiped the tears away, looking smug as Loki was wearing the shirt.

You tapped Loki's shoulder and smiled while your cheeks turned scarlet. You took a sharp inhale and pulled out the present from underneath the table.

The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled down at you.

'You didn't have to do that, love,' Loki spoke and your stomach twisted. Either way, he unwrapped your gift and stumbled upon a little lime box. 'How does everyone know my favourite colour is green?' You chuckled and gestured to his green pyjamas. 'Makes sense.'

His fingers curled around the lid of the box and carefully pulled it open. He drew his brows together in clear confusion as he glanced at you, then back at the inside of the box.

'It's the key to my appartement,' you explained. 'So you don't have to kick the door in.'

'Aww,' Thor wailed on Tony's shoulder. The billionaire rolled his eyes and whacked Thor off him.

Loki faced you with an enormous grin and pulled you into a hug.

'Thank you, Y/N,' he whispered in your ear. His fingers brushed against your back and your heart fluttered under his gentle attention.

'You come by whenever you want, okay?' you said back, mirroring his smile. He nodded and pecked you on the lips.

It was over before you could register what had happened, but when you did, you blushed like crazy.

'I'm sorry, love,' Loki whispered, before Natasha interrupted.

'You guys - are you guys?' she stuttered.

'They're a couple!' Thor boomed, grabbing ahold of Tony's hand and squeezing it. Tony growled and snatched his hand away.

'Let go of me, you big baby!' Tony snarled. Loki gave you an apologetic smile.

'How long?' Bruce wanted to know, nodding encouragingly for you to tell them.

'When was your first date?' Steve said with his brows raised with interest.

'Is this why you guys sneak out at night?' asked Bucky while crossing his arms over his chest.

Loki sighed and smiled at you.

'Now I understand why you wanted it to be a secret,' he whispered. You smiled and kissed him again.

'Happy birthday, Loki.'

'Brother? Do you want to see my blue shirt with your face on it?' Thor questioned, but you were distracting Loki with featherlight kisses all over his face.

Loki one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now