Loki - Cactus

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So, you were sitting at the kitchen table, discussing  with Natasha on how do dye your hair. Tony, Peter and Thor were sitting there as well when Loki stepped into the room. Peter was so lovely. He offered to look through some pictures for hair dye ideas with you. 

'It will absolutely look amazing on you, Y/N,' he squeaked excited. Loki went to sit at the table as well, sipping his tea and eavesdropping on what you guys were saying. 

'Yeah, I agree. It will compliment your eyes,' Thor said while taking a strand of hair between his fingers and playing with it. 

'So, you go blonde?' Tony asked Natasha. She nodded and clapped her hands together. 

'Yup. And you, Y/N? You sure you want to go (colour)?' You nodded. 

'Definitely,' you answered with confidence. 

'Well, let's make an appointment!' Peter cheered as he grabbed the phone and dialed the hairdressers' number. 

'This is so exciting!' Thor boomed. 'It makes me want to dye my hair red! It's my favourite colour!' 

'Calm down, Sparkles,' Tony soothed. Loki rolled his eyes and looked at you, wanting your attention, but you didn't gave it to him. No way you would consume any more insult from him today. 

'Next Friday!' Peter announced as he threw the phone on the table. You guys all cheered, except Loki, who dully sipped his tea again. 

As everyone went to their room, you went to sit on the couch, grabbed a book and started reading. 

But soon you got interrupted by the sound of heavy boots entering the living room. You sighed and kept you gaze on the book as Loki sat down next to you on the couch. 

'Dying your hair is not going to help, you know,' he said with a smirk. You cocked up an annoyed eyebrow. 

'What do you mean?' you muttered under you breath, flipping the page although you didn't read a word on the previous one. You had to pretent you had though. 

'Well, I'm simply saying that dying your hair does not make you a different person. You'll still be unattractive on the inside, as well as the outside. Especially with those clothes you are wearing right know. What is that?' He said while grabbing your casual T-shirt and ripping the sleeves off. 

'What the! Stop it!' you shrieked. 

'I'm merely telling you the truth. It's no wonder that that you're still single. I mean look at you.' He laughed darkly as you stood up, tears in your eyes. 

'Why are you saying this to me?' you whispered, slowly backing away. Your appearance had always been a touchy subject. You had spend most of your teenage years stressing over your body and constantly comparing it to others. 

'Someone has to. It's not like those friends of you are going to tell you that, so I might as well to the job,' he explained with a smug grin. You turned around and walked away, not bothering to say somehing nasty back this time. He had really hurt you this time. 

The next day, Loki kept his mouth shut, but he decided to taunt you in an other way. He constantly called you names and pushed you out of his way. 

But you wouldn't let that plummet your mood. Today was the day that your hair would be dyed. So together with Natasha, you went to the hairdresser and dyed it (colour) while she went blonde. It suited her perfectly, as did yours. You were so beautiful, you always were, but this gave your confident a little boost. 

As you walked back into Stark Tower, everyone was waiting for you two. Thor gapsed and put a hand in front of his mouth. 

'Oh my God!' he squealed. 'You are both stunning!' You blushed as they kept giving Natasha and you compliments. 

'I like Lady Romanoffs' hair,' Loki commented. Everyone smiled at his reaction and so did you. Maybe he could be nice. 'But you,' Loki stated with a smirk. 'It's ruined. It just looks ugly, wouldn't you guys agree? And stop lying to her.' You felt a pang in your chest. 

'Are you blind?' Tony commented. 

'She looks good. If you say she's ugly, maybe you should look at yours first before you judge someone else,' Natasha defended you. Thor glared at his brother while Peter rubbed your back to comfort you, telling you you were pretty. 

'Come on mortal-' 

'I have met a lot of pricks in my life,' you interrupted Loki while walking towards him. 'But you are a damn cactus.' With that said you slapped him right across the face and stormed off to your room, Tony rushing behind you. 

'You diserved that one, brother. That is no way to speak to a beautiful young lady. I'll tell mother,' Thor said sternly. Loki's face went pale. 

'No... No, no, no, no. Don't tell mother,' he begged. Thor smirked. 

'Then go apologise.' 


'Heimdall!' Thor shouted. 

'Fine! I'm on my way!' Loki grunted as he went to your room. 

'It's okay, Y/N, you shouldn't worry about what he says. I think the hair colour suits you in every way possible,' Tony told you while holding you in his arms. You were both sitting on your bed, embracing one another. 

'Thank you, Tony,' you whispered. On that moment, Loki looked through the open door and stopped in his tracks. He quickly hid behind a wall as he saw how close you and Stark were sitting. He peeked behind the wall and stared at the event unfolding in front of his eyes. 

'Y/N,' Tony whispered your name as he came closer, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart fluttered and you brought your face closer to his. He connected your lips and kissed you slow, taking his time as he explored your body with his hands, pushing you down on the mattress, caressing your face. 

Loki's heart stung at the sight of that and he felt a pang of jealousy go though him. He balded his fist and clenched his teeth as he looked away and rushed to his room, where he kicked a chair in frustration, cursing loudly. 

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