Loki - You'll pay for this - Smut

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Hey! This is the 100th oneshot!
Thank you for all the people who are reading this! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do writing them. I love you all so much! Enjoy reading this one too!


Loki and you were definitely not friends. Nor enemies. It was somewhere in between. Where? You could point it out, and neither could he.

You liked to tease each other. Sometimes in an unpleasant way. Like when you both were seated at the kitchen table. You were tasting your favourite food, but decided it could use some salt, but Loki grabbed it before you could.

You let it slip, but when you wanted to put some salt on your delicious food, the head fell off and your whole meal was covered in it and ruined. Loki snickered. Your head shot up and you glared at him.

'You did that on purpose!' you accused him. He smirked.

'I did,' he admitted, then returned to his own plate, finishing it. You sighed, getting up and walking around the table to see if there was anything left in the fridge for you to eat. There wasn't anything. Luckily there were some Poptarts that had left in a cupboard, or maybe it was Tony who hid them from Thor... 'You can eat something from my plate!' Loki called after you as you walked away while taking a bite from the cookie.

You walked away without saying anything to him, thinking of a way to get him back.

A grin formed on your beautiful lips. You had a brilliant idea and went to his room, quiet as not to raise any suspicion. It didn't took you long to find his shiny, horned helmet that stood  pompously on his nightstand. You took it to your room and hid it in your wardrobe. Ha! No way he would look in there!

You didn't had to wait long before your little victory because a little while later, there was a rushed knock on your door.

'Y/N!' his velvety voice called. You hummed quietly.

'Come in, darling,' you mocked. He stormed into your room, his eyes almost black because anger seemed to overtake him.

'Where did you hide it?' he seethed. You shrugged.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' You gave him your most innocent look you could muster, before you broke down laughing hysterically. 'I'm sorry, I can't even say it with a straight face!' you laughed as you fell back on the bed. He growled and started walking over to your desk, opening all the little drawer. You rolled your eyes. 'There is no chance your helmet fits in there.' He raised an eyebrow at you, then looked at your wardrobe. Then back to you, your eyes must've given away its hiding place because he started sauntering towards it.

You cleared your throat awkwardly.

'No, Loki, you don't want to go there. It's not in there,' you said, laughing nervously.

'We'll see, darling,' he mocked. He opened the wardrobe and looked around. First, he made it look like an tornado had struck in your shirt section. Then your trousers were everywhere across your room and then he stopped. That's it, you thought. He had found his helmet, but then he turned to you with a shocked expression.

'What?' you squeaked. His eyes tingled with mischief and he held some of your lingerie. You blushed, which made him chuckle.

'I'm surprised you have something like that,' he admitted. You groaned in embarrassment. He smirked and hocus-pocused his helmet into his hands.

'Just so you know, it was Tony who bought it for me. I actually never wore it,' you said, hiding your head in your hands.

'What a shame. It would look good on you, dear.' Your cheeks gained even more colour.

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