Loki - Deserted island

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Your boat crashed and you had drifted off to a deserted island. It had been awful, but you coudn't afford to let that distract you. You had to survive. You had put on a tent made from leaves. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it would protect you against the rain, but right now, it was sunny. 

You were exploring the island and searching from food when you saw a small lake. You smiled to yourself and decided to drink some of the water. It was very clean and not salty. 

A week later, you were still on the island. There was probably no one looking for you. They probably assumed you were dead by now, but you weren't. You grew very desperate. You did not now what to do, but you did know you needed to take a bath. 

So you went to the lake, where you always used to drink water and you realized that would be disgusting, but you assumed that there were animals who swam in it, so you would take a bath there. 

As you stood in front of the lake, you started to take off your clothes. You put your knickers and bra over a branchand took your remaining clothes with you into the water to clean them. You left your underwear there because you didn't want to walk around naked if you finished bathing. 

Once your clothes were finished, you hung them over another branch. You then got back to the lake and started to wash yourself. You had just made your hair wet when you heard a sound behind the bushes. You froze in place and wrapped your hands around yourself in a protective way. 

'Hello?' you whispered, but you doubted if the thing that was hiding could hear you. What if it was a monster? What if it would attack you? 'Hello?' you squeaked a little louder. The figure that was hiding must've heard it now because a tall man stepped into view. You quickly checked if your body was covered... well most of it... 

You exhaled. You were relieved that it wasn't a monster. The man had raven black hair and a blue skin with patterns on it. He looked really handsome, but you quickly shook that thought off and smiled at him. 

'You really scared me for a minute,' you spoke. 'I thought you were a monster that was going to attack me?' He had a wicked grin on his face and stepped closer to you, just not stepping a foot into the lake. 

'I am a monster. And what makes you think I won't attack you?' he sneered. Your face fell and you took a step back into the lake. You gulped. 

'Well... You're not a monster. And... are you going to hurt me?' you whispered the last part. He shook his head and chuckled. 

'No, I'm not going to hurt you. What makes you think I'm not a monster?' he questioned with a velvety voice. You shrugged. 

'Well, you don't really look like one, do you? You look like a giant smurf. Smurfs are cute...' You giggled and looked over to your clothes. He followed your gaze and then smirked amusingly. 

'You think I'm cute?' he asked with a smirk. Your cheeks turned a crimson red and you averted your eyes from his intense gaze. He snickered. 'What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the mortal world?' 

'M-My boat sank. I stranded here. He nodded in understandment. 'What are you doing here?' you shot the question back. He suddenly looked very unpleased. 

'My brother dumped me here just minutes ago. They stripped me from my powers,' he snarled. 

'Powers?' you asked in a sarcastic tone.  

'Powers,' he confirmed. 'I could read minds and from illusions and I wasn't... blue...' He looked into your eyes and smirked. 'Are you coming out of the lake?' You looked past him to your clothes and then back to him. 

'N-No, I think I'm okay here,' you squeaked. He chuckled. 

'I'll turn around,' he said. You gathered all your courage and got out of the lake and put on your knickers and bra. You wanted to put on your clothes as well, but they were still dripping. The man turned around and smirked at you. Your cheeks grew even more red. You started mumbling inchorent words, which he only laughed at. 'I will not complain if you don't put them on, darling,' he said. He took your clothes from you and seemed like he would carry them. 'Do you have a shelter?' You nodded. 'I'll follow you,' he assured you. 

'O-Okay,' you stuttered out. While clearing your throat, you turned around and walked towards your tent. 'What's your name?' 

'Loki Laufeyson. Rightful King of Asgard,' he spoke proud. You cocked up and eyebrow and turned around to face him. 

'You're a King?' you stated. He hesitated before he nodded. 

'Well... yes,' he spoke. 

'From which country?' you asked. 

'Asgard. It's a realm,' he said. 'What's your name?' 

'Y/N,' you spoke. He nodded and then you walked silently to your shelter. 

Once you had arrived you, you went into the shelter and lay down on the mattres made of leaves. 

'This is cozy,' he said and stared into the little shelter. 

'Uh... yeah... you can come in if you like. I mean if you fit in. You're quite... tall...' you said. He chuckled and got in the shelter as well. 

'I think I will fit. Don't worry. Loki laid down next to you on the small mattress, his feet sticking out of the shelter, but the rest fit in. You giggled as you looked at his blue feet. He snickered and looked at you. 

The weeks passed and you and Loki grew closer every minute. It was later in the evening and you were laying on the beach, looking up at the stars. 

'I miss home,' you whispered. He looked at you and smiled, his eyes sad. He then rolled over, his body now against your side. 'I mean, I like it here. I like you, but... I miss my family.' 

'Maybe I should bring you home then,' he whispered back. Your eyes grew big. 

'How?' you questioned. He looked down at your lips. 

'They haven't successfully stripped me from my powers. I can still read your mind. I can still do illusions and I can teleport,' he confessed. 

'Why didn't you tell me that? We coud've gotten away here then,' you said quietly. 

'Because I'm afraid if I bring you home, you will leave me,' he said. You smiled up at him. He placed one arm over you and positioned himself above you. He bend down and let his lips graze against yours. He inhaled sharply as you pressed your lips fully on his and began kissing him. He instantly responded and kissed you back. Loki bit down on your bottom lip and you decided to open your mouth. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth and explored it with so much passion that you became lightheaded. 

As he pulled away; you looked up in his mesmerizing eyes, which now held a glint in them. He subconsciously licked his lips. 

'I won't leave you, my king,' you whispered. He smiled and leaned in again to capture your lips for another kiss. 

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