Don't stab me

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You were in the Stark Tower as always, preparing some breakfast for all of the Avengers. Thor and Loki had just arrived on Midgard and you wanted to surprise them all with pancakes. Tony helped you, placing plates on the table.

'So what do you think Loki will be like? I mean, I know Thor, but I haven't met Loki yet,' you squeaked excited. Tony smirked as you flipped the pancake in the air and then caught it again.

'He's a bit of a pin in the ass,' Tony commented. You huffed.

'Have you met him,' you questioned. You didn't like how he judged him.

'Yes, we've met,' he chuckled. A few minutes later the Avengers came in the kitchen. You all sat at the kitchen table. The pancakes ready to be eaten.

'Steve! Don't touch anything until our guest have arrived,' you hissed, smacking his hand away from the pancakes. Natasha giggled at this. Then the elevator doors slid open and Thor walked in, dragging a raven haired man in the kitchen by his ear.

'Let go of me, you oaf. Aw!' the man angrily told Thor. You cocked up an eyebrow. 'I will not live with these mortals!' he hissed. You instantly felt bad for that man. You wanted to comfort him, but then again, he probably wouldn't allow a mortal to get near him. But either way, you tried.

'Hello.' You raised from your chair and walked to the two Asgardians. Thor let go of his brother's ear and the man you assumed was Loki, stood up straight gain. He gave you a look of disapproval. 'Hey Thor, Loki, nice to meet you.' Thor spread open his arms and you ran into them.

'Y/N! Oh, God I missed you so much. Did you cook something? It smells amazing,' he boomed.

'Yes, I did. I made pancakes. Come on, let's eat.' Thor let go of you and and ran to the kitchen table to greet the others. You turned to the extremely handsome man in front of you. 'Hi, I'm Y/N. I assume you are Loki?' you said nicely.

'Yes, Prince Loki for you, mortal,' he sneered before walking to the kitchen.

'Okay,' you sighed before returning to your spot at the table. Tony gave you an I-told-you-he-was-an-pain-in-the-ass-look.

'So, Thor, how are you,' Natasha asked, smiling at the God of Thunder. You decided to give a second try to Loki.

'Prince Loki?' you tried and catch his attention, but he ignored you. You frowned at him, but also noticed that no one else tried and look for any sort of communication with him, so you felt quite obligated to talk to him. 'I don't know you... would you mind telling something about yourself?' He threw you an annoyed look before eating his pancake and ignoring you again.

This went on for months. Every time you saw him, you felt your heart flutter. But he kept ignoring you and every one in the Tower. You understood that he didn't want to be here, but he could at least try and talk to someone to make his stay a little more pleasant for himself. Thor told you that he liked reading so you went to the nearest bookshop to buy the Harry Potter series, make him his favourite tea and head to his room. With the heavy bag of the books hanging on your shoulder and the tea in your hands, one for him and one for him, you knocked on the door.

Much to your surprise, he opened the door.

'What?' he rudely snapped. You decided to ignore that fact.

'Good evening, Loki,' you sang before inviting yourself in his room. He sighed and closed the door behind you, looking as you put your tea on his nightstand. 'I brought you a tea.' You handed him the tea and he grabbed it from you. He nodded and took a sip. You smiled.

'Are you leaving?'

'I- Not yet. I have a surprise for you,' you cheered. He cocked up an eyebrow.

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