Loki - Cleaning up

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Stark Tower was a mess. The Avengers didn't clean up, so you decided to do that task. You started to clean the kitchen first, doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher and scrubbed the floor because Thor had earlier today entered without wiping his muddy feet. You moved to the living room and put the pillows back on the couch. You even vacuumed because someone, Tony, had eaten popcorn yesterday.

Once you finished cleaning the whole building, except Loki's room, the Avengers returned.

'Stop!' you screamed. They stayed still in the elevator, their hands up in surrender. 'I cleaned. Wipe your feel,' you commanded. Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Thor, Wanda and Vision did as you told. They looked around in awe after you demanded that they put off their shoes. 'Where is Loki?' you asked, admiring Natasha's orange socks. You were kind of jealous of them.

'He will come. He decided to stop at the library,' Thor said. You nodded.

'Oh, perfect,' you cheered. They eyed you weirdly, but you shook that off. 'Then I can still clean his room. Thor!' Thor turned around. 'The Poptarts will be eaten at the table. Otherwise you'll be vacuuming!' you snapped at him.

'Yes lady Y/N,' he said, walking to table and ate his Poptarts there.

'Thank you,' you said before walking towards Loki's room and entering. You looked around. You didn't expect it to be this messy. The God could be really chaotic sometimes. You rolled your eyes and started picking up some of his dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine, you wiped the fingerprints of his helmet and mopped the floor.

The door of his room opened and you were taking the bedsheets off. They were dirty as well and they were a little moist. You curled your nose.

'What are you doing?' a velvety voice asked. You jumped and looked at him.

'What does it look like I'm doing? Cleaning your room of course,' you huffed at his lack of saying thank you. 'What have you done with the bedsheets? They are wet...' He smirked.

'I have been... you know...' he snickered. It took you a moment to figure out what he meant. Your eyes widened in realization and you dropped the bedsheets. He burst out in laughter.

'Oh. My. God. That's disgusting,' you said, looking down at your hands.

'Join me tonight and I don't have to do it myself. Beside, it has been awhile now,' he chuckled as he approached you. You huffed.

'I'm not going to join you tonight,' you said.

'Why not?' he asked like if he was inviting you to his tea party. You blushed. Well, you had a rather large crush on him. 'Really, for how long?'

'What?' you blurted out. He smirked.

'I can read your mind,' he said. 'How long have you had a crush on me?' You began stuttering. 'It's fine.' He winked and took the bedsheets from the bed, dragging them to the washing machine. You looked at him and wanted to leave. 'Where are you going?' You smiled at him.

'I'm going to wash my hands,' you said in a sweet voice before closing the door behind you.

The same evening, you were sitting at the table. Pepper had cooked you an amazing meal. You and the Avengers were eating. Before you had come to the kitchen you had slipped on your short pyjamas. Natasha had done the same and so did Wanda. Loki sat next to you, his chair a little to close to yours to your liking.

'Hello,' a voice said. You looked around, but everyone was talking to each other and not to you. 'Sorry, love, it's me.'

You frowned. Of course it was Loki. He was in your head. You were very careful.

'You look good in those pyjamas of yours. May I remind  you that the offer is still available. Tonight?' You shook your head slowly, not to draw any attention to you as the others were busy discussing things. 'Sweetheart? Please?' You were seriously considering his offer. 'Then say yes. I can read your mind. Stop fighting it. I know you want me.' You looked over at him and he sat there with a smug grin on his face. You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore him. 'Y/N,' his silky voice teased.

You grew tired if him being in your head. You inwardly screamed, and Loki fell of his chair. Now, it was your turn to burst out laughing. The Avengers joined you soon they realized the loud noise was him falling of his chair. Loki looked at you and glared, but smiled eventually.

'Okay, you win,' he gave in. And that night you might have given in to his offer.

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