Loki - Kidnapped

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I think I should put a warning here. This oneshot contains the reader that is kidnapped and refuses to eat. So, please, if that triggers you, don't read this. It does have a fluffy and a happy ending. Enjoy reading for those who do read it. It makes my day when someone reads these so thank you so much. Just wanted to say this to you.


The alarms went off and everyone started to panic. You were working along the Bruce's side when he transformed into the Hulk and jumped out of the window.

'One if the engines broke down!' Tony roared.

It all happened so fast. Natasha grabbed your hand and dragged you along with her to the roof of the Helicarrier.

'Wait here for me,' she told you sternly. You did as you told and hid behind a few crates.

Time passed. Minutes, maybe an hour before someone tapped your shoulder. You quickly turned around and toppled over, but that person caught you.

'Clint!' you exclaimed. 'Where is Nat?' He smiled at you and helped you up.

'She is fine. She told me to get you out of here,' he soothed. 'Follow me. We have to get off this thing.'

'Thank you,' you said to him as he shielded you from the chaos on the deck. He led you into a plane. The doors of the plane closed and already stared to move before you could take a proper seat. You felt a pair of intriguing eyes watching you and you looked to your left. You gasped silently as you saw the prisoner. The demi-God. Loki.


'Who's that?' Loki barked at him. Clint shrugged.

'Scientist. To help doctor Selvig with the Tesseract,' Clint explained. Your mind clicked. Clint was betraying you!

'Clint!' you squeaked in realization.

'Keep it quiet,' Loki ordered. Your raised an eyebrow at him.

'It? I have a name, you motherf-!' That earned you a smack against the head, from which you passed out. The last thing you heard was Loki laughing amusingly.

You woke up a few hours later in a tiled room where you found yourself laying on a bed. The sheets were silky beneath your body. You tried to get up, but your head throbbed and you groaned as you fell back.

A few moments later, someone came inside and you tilted your head o the side so you could see who it was. Loki. He had a plate in his hands and a glass of water. He came to sit on the side of the bed.

'Sit up, mortal,' he commanded.

'I can't,' you whined. He sighed, rolled his eyes, then placed his hand on top off your face so you were struggling to breath. You instinctively started to wrestle yourself free, but then you felt the headache fade away.

'Try again.' You did as he asked. He smirked. 'Humanity was born to obey.' You frowned at the major asshole in front of you and grabbed the plate from his other hand.

'We bere born to eat.' With that, you ate your carrot angrily. 'Why am I here. I demand that you let me go after I finished eating this.'

'You? Demand?' He laughed eerily. The hairs in the nape of your neck stood straight up. 'Your race is not in the right place to demand things.'  You scoffed.

'Then answer my fucking other question,' you huffed as you snatched to glass of water out off his other hand and downed it.

'A lady should not curse,' he said strictly. 'Do all Midgardian women curse like that?'

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