Loki - A horny helmet - Smut

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This oneshot was requested by Bookjustbecause

I hope it's what you expected.

Warning: Dominant reader and submissive Loki because it's hot.

Enjoy reading!


Loki was settled in the bath, had been for hours and you patience was wearing thin.

You were currently trying on his Asgardian armor. So, standing in front of his mirror, you put on the way to heavy helmet on top of your head.

You knew he had been watching you for months on end and now it was your chance to get what you wanted.

Chucking, you meandered to the bathroom and knocked.

'Loki?' you called. The rinsing of the tap muffled his reply. 'I'm coming in.'

He was massaging his scalp with shampoo and turned in the tub to face you, his mouth hanging open, a frown on his features.

'W-What?' he laughed, biting his bottom lip afterwards. 'Oh my...' He cleared his throat. 'Darling, you look-' You shut the door and leaned against it as he searched for the right word. 'Ravishing.'

You smiled as he settled down in the bath again, his shoulders disappearing below the soap bubbles.

'Well, I was rather bored, my King,' you started off on a flirtatious tone, throwing your head to the side. 'You've been in that tub for thirty minutes and I was wondering when it was my turn.'

He licked his lips and let his eyes roam over your cladded frame. His armor looked damn good on you. How he wanted to rip them apart and run his fingers along your-

He cleared his throat, looking away. No, he could not think of you in such way. You were restricted territory. Stark's daughter. No, he couldn't mess around with you.

'Please, take that off,' he mumbled, wetting hair and closing eyes.

You sighed and went to sit on the edge of the tub.

'Gladly,' you whispered, taking the helmet off your head and placed in onto the floor. His eyes opened and he rubbed his legs together at the memory of how it looked on you.

Stop, he snarled at himself.

Your hand slowly slid over your chest as you unbuckled the armor. The piece slid right of your shoulders, landing onto the floor.

And you aren't wearing a bra.

He should've torn his eyes away from you, but he simply couldn't when you rose to your feet, hands gripping at the fly of it.

Look away! His mind screamed at him. His eyes briefly flashed over the water surface, checking if his body was still covered with bubbles.

His hand stroke his full erection, and he shuddered when the trousers dropped. Fuck, you stood completely naked before him and he wanted to do nothing more than to burry himself deep inside you.

His thumb slid over the head of his cock and he breathed heavily as you lifted one leg over the edge of the tub, getting in.

Oh dear Allfather. You were joining him in the tub.

His breath hitched in his throat as you pressed your back against his front, rubbing your ass on his hard member.

He grunted near your ear and you let your head fall back in the crook of your shoulder, to feel his breath on you.

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