Loki - Just Kidding

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You went on a mission with Tony Stark, but it didn't turn out the way you'd liked. You were shot in the calf. You had just woken up after your surgery and were laying in a rather uncomfortble bed.

Of course Stark felt guilty and he was currently rushing to Stark Tower to bake you some cookies.

Someone bursted through the doors in a rage. Your head snapped to the side, sitting up quickly, sheets scunching down to your hips.

"Uhm... hi," you muttered to the angry God. His raven black hair hung in front of his eyes and his chest heaved, as if he had run to your room.

"Hi? That's all you can say after almost being dead?" he fumed. You rolled your eyes at your overdramatic boyfriend. A bashful smile adorned your lips as you shook your head.

"Please, Loki," you huffed. "I'm fine. Look, I'm alive even." He slammed the door behind him and went to sit on the side of your bed. There was creak in his chiseled forhead as he glared at you, arms crossed over his chest in an almost childish way.

He hummed.

"Alright. But, how are you feeling?" he asked, surpressing the scowl he was previously wearing.

"Better now that I see you," you admitted. He stared down at his lap, a small smile playing around his lips.

"That's sweet of you to say. Did you got hit on the head too?" he questioned. Now it was your time to glare. He held his hands up in surrender. "Just kidding," he mused. "Anyway, I brought you the cookies Stark baked for you."

Your face lit up.

"Oh, really? Where are they?" you asked. He bit the inside of his cheek, eyes avoiding yours.

"I ate them," he admitted in a bashful tone. Your eyes pierced the side of his head and he finally let his gaze meet yours. "But I'm here, so the cookies are technically here. Just... don't tell Stark." You let out a giggle.

"That's fine. The hospital food is awful anyway, but don't mind me," you replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, okay!" he defended himself while trying not to smile. "I ate one... and then two... and before I knew it, they were gone!" You let yourself fall back on the bed, a sigh escaping your mouth.

"It's okay, sweetheart, no worries. Just glad you came. I was starting to feel rather lonely in here," you muttered. He kicked off his Asgardian boots and settled on the mattress next to you, punching the pillow under his elbow.

"How do you sleep on this?" he asked.

"I don't," you mocked him, eyes falling closed as you yawned. You suddenly realized you were pretty tired.

"Would you like me to stay?" he offered in his honeyed voice, dripping with affection. You nodded as he sat up straight agianst the headboard. "Luckily I brought my Midgardian so called laptop," bragged with a smirk. "I'm really good at it." You rolled your eyes, but could not conceal the smile that crept up your face.

"Oh, is that true, darling?" you mocked.

"Yes, of course, why would you doubt me?" he asked playfully, hitting your arms with his elbow just slighty - not to hurt you. "I can send an electronic letter," he continued.

"An email," you corrected.

"A what?"

"Nevermind, go on," you said, hiding your grinning face against the pillow.

"That was it. I can send an electronic letter." A giggle escaped your mouth and you felt him throw daggers at you. "Also," he went on. "I must make some homework Stark send me. You know, to fit into the mortal world."

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