Loki - A little one

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You were holding a beautiful baby boy. 

Natasha and Bruce were going on a date. And because everyone was on a mission besides you and your boyfriend the God of Mischief, you had to babysit their little one. Baby Sheldon was a cute little boy who loved his little teddybear. 

'Do you have everything?' Natasha inquired as she ran a hand through her hair. She was so stressed out. Scared that something would go wrong with the God of Mischief babysitting her precious baby. 

'Yup,' you said casually. 

'Are you sure you can handle this? We could stay home, you know-' 

'They're going to be fine,' Bruce assured his wife. Natasha smiled and nodded. 

'Just make sure you change his diaper at-' 

'Come on, date night,' Bruce interrupted Natasha's worried ranting. You giggled and waved them goodbye. You looked at baby Sheldon in your arms. 

'Aren't you a cute boy? Yes, you are,' you squeaked. Then, you faced your boyfriend, who had his arms crossed and his nose curled up. You walked over to him and he backened away from you. 

'I am not getting near that thing,' he said with his hands up. You rolled your eyes. 

'Ow, come on. How cute is he? Look at those little lips, and those eyebrows, ooh! And those little ears.' You kissed Sheldon's forehead and Loki scrunched up his nose even more. 

'You know I don't like them.' 

'Believe me, Loki. By the end of the night, you will have a spare heart for babies.' You chuckled as you walked over to the couch. Baby Sheldon yawned and you frowed. You had a plan. 'Loki?' You tried to say it as innoccent as possible. He hummed. 'I he is supposed to drink his milk, can you please hold him?' 

'No, I'll make the milk.' You smirked, knowing he would never succeed in that. So, you watched him struggle with the microwave, not even getting it right in the slightest. 

'He will need less milk, Loki. And that's the wrong button... No... No... Yes, that one.' Loki pressed the red button, but somehow it didn't work. He hit hit the microwave in frustration. 'Just hold Sheldon.' He turned to you and sighed. 

'Since you're the smartest person in the Tower, you're probably right. Hand me the monster.' You smirked. 

'Take a closer look, sweetie. He's everything but a monster,' you soothed as Loki placed himself on the couch. You helped him to sit in the right position and then placed Sheldon in his arms. He first looked a little unpleased, but when you went to prepare his milk, you saw Loki staring at the little one with joy in his eyes. 

'He's so small,' Loki commented when  you stood in front of him with the milk. You smiled. 

'He is.' You took his free hand and pushed the bottle of milk in his hands bringing it to Sheldon's mouth with care. Loki glared at you. 

'You can't just force this burden upon me,' he hissed. Little Sheldon opened his mouth and began drinking the delicious milk. 

'Oh, believe me, I can,' you muttered, focussing if Loki was holding the bottle right. Then Sheldon grabbed Loki's thumb, that made him tense up for a second, but then ease into it. 'Look at you, taking care of this little child.' You sat against him and placed yourhead in the crook of his neck. 

'Well... He is rather cute.' You smiled at Loki's statement. 

Loki continued feeding Sheldon and when he was done, you helped him placing Sheldon over his shoulder and patting his back. Once Sheldon burped, you took him in your arms and Loki went to lay on the couch. 

'Thank you, honey.' Loki mumbled a shy reply, which made you laugh. But as the oportunity presented himself, you placed the world's cutest baby on his tummy on top of Loki's chest. Loki instantly wrapped his arms around the little one to prevent it from falling off him. 'You would be a good dad someday,' you muttered. 

'Well, I would certainly not mind to pump a little Loki into you,' he practically growled at you. You pretended to think for a moment. 

'Maybe when the real parents are back,' you taunted. 

It was late at night and Loki and Sheldon were asleep in the same position as you had left them. You had made you and Loki dinner, but you didn't want to wake them. 

Now, Natasha and Bruce walked through the elevator doors and almost gasped at the adorable sight Loki and their little one were involved in. 

'And then to think he wouldn't be able to look after our child,' Natasha said, proud of the sleeping God. As were you. Your God did amazing tonight. 

And later on that night... 

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