Loki - Birthday - Smut

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Happy birthday to Anna_Belle_T !
Enjoy your day sweetie?
Enjoy reading!


The wind swirled as thunder struck, making you finch in the glow of your laptop. You had just finished a huge project and you closed your laptop. You sighed as you looked at the clock on your  wall. It was around ten, so you still had two hours to spend your birthday, since everyone else seemed to have forgotten.

You got up from the chair and jumped when slender hands took a hold of your hips, holding you firmly in place. You squeaked when your back hit a solid chest, a mint scent numbing your senses.

Those hands travelled up your ribcage. You tilted your head to the side to see who this mysterious person was, but he tightly grabbed your chin. You gasped and your heartbeat picked up as a silky, green scarf was placed in front of your eyes.

Your chest rose and fell at a rapid pace when the hands fumbled with the hem of your shirt. You bit your lip, a shaky breath leaving you. Your heart fluttered at the small contact the pads of his fingers left on your skin as he got rid of your shirt.

You leaned back against the tall figure. It couldn't be Steve or Tony. And Clint was gone too. Bruce had Natasha and Thor...

"Thor?" you whispered, ears ringing. His nails dug into your hips, making your hiss out in both pain and desire.

As his mouth moulded against your neck, it clicked. You instantly knew who it was. He needn't say anything, his gentle caress was enough.

You leaned into his touch and you mouth fell agape when his hands unhooked your bra. The coldness of his armour radiated against your bare back as he pushed himself against you, his face nuzzling your hair, kissing the top of your head.

His fingers delicately fondled your soft breast, making your writh in his arms. You threw your head back against his shoulder as he placed tender kisses on your throat, scraping his teeth along your neck, pulling at the skin. You pressed your lips together to keep from making any noise.

You were spun around, disoriented in a pair of arms as his lips met yours. Coddling them and making your head swim. You whimpered as his tongue delved in, making your stomach flutter and your heart jump.

His skillful hands slid down your back, gripping at your bum to pull you closer against him. Your hands went to grab his shoulders and your breathing quickened.

As he pulled away, you were out of breath. You wanted to see him - to see if you were right.

You brought your hands up to the blindfold, but he grasped your wrists in a vice grip, swirling you around so your back was pressed up against his front again. You gasped for air at the rough movement.

He bend you over to something that felt like was your desk. Arms still pinned behind your back, he leaned over you, his weight pressing against you in the most exquisite way possible. You were panting hard now, and noticed his breath quickened too.

His fingers hooked into the waistband of your pyjama trousers and pulled them down. The muscles in your shins tensed and your cheeks flushed. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips. Your knickers followed suit. One hand let go of your wrist, but not enough for you to get free.

He tapped two of his fingers against your lips and you opened your mouth. You closed your lips around them and suck while he caressed your tongue. The coil in your stomach tightened.

He pulled away and you pouted at the loss oof him, but soon felt those fingers entering you from your throbbing core. You sighed as the pleasure of him stroking your inner wall consumed you, making you squirm underneath him. Your wetness grew the more he worked his fingers inside you.

His knuckles brushed against your lower back and you clenched around his fingers. You whimpered and he pulled away again. He let go of your wrist and your fist grabbed at the sides of your desk in frustration.

The rustling of clothes brought you back from your high and you wondered if you were right. You hoped your were right. His weight settled upon yours again and you noticed he still wore his armour.

he grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged at it, making your whine in silence, face contorting as he brought his lips to your shoulder to bite you.

The torture on your shoulders and back went on for awhile until your were squirming trembling with desire.

The tip of his cock teased your entrance and you let out an involuntary moan, which was to be rewarded with a gentle kiss on your temple.

As he slid inside, you could feel his jaw tense against your shoulder to keep himself quiet. Your nails dug into the oak wood of the desk as you tried to arch your back into him. His sigh tickled your ear and made you shiver.

His hands reached for yours and your fist relaxed into his palm as he held them above your head. He slowly started pumping, making you hiss out and throwing your head to the side, which he took advantage of by dragging his tongue over your pulse point.

His thumb stroke the back of your hands as he grunted in your ear, fastening his pace. His hips rocked against your ass.

He hit the most delicious placed inside you and it made you clench around him. You moaned loudly and were rewarded with a hard thrust, making you arch against him. His teeth bit your earlobe and you whimpered, incoherently begging him.

He groaned, almost animalistic, and battered you against the desk. You clenched, muscles trembling and limbs spasming, you screamed as you surrendered to it. The release was sweet. He kept on thrusting into you and you felt him twitch inside you before he spilled himself inside you. Some of it dripped down your thighs.

You were still panting when he pulled out of you. The warmth of his body left you and you forced your aching body to get up. On shaky legs you turned around until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. Your breath hitched as they went up to the blindfold.

A pair of emerald eyes with blue stariations gazed at you and you smiled. Loki smiled back at you.

"Happy birthday, Y/N," he whispered as he leaned in to peck you on the lips. He handed you a black shirt of his, which you pulled over you head, not tearing your eyes away from him. You bit your lip as he wrapped his arms around your waist and nudged you towards the desk again.

A small cake was laying on it. You chuckled and looked up at him.

"Oh, Loki, You shouldn've done that," you muttered as he cut a slice for the both of you. He hummed softly and brought a spoon to your face. You took a bite from it and closed your eyes at the overwhelming delicious taste.

"I wanted to," he mused against your temple. "I spend the whole afternoon baking that cake, so you're forced to like it," he scolded in a teasing tone, which made you giggle. He smiled and kissed your nose.

"I love it Loki," you told him before pressing your lips to his.

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