Hairdresser - Loki

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You were sitting in the Stark Tower at the kitchen table. You desperately needed someone who you could have fun with. You wanted to play with someone's hair. You know, making braids or just combing it. So, you went to search for Natasha.

You eventually found her in her room. You knocked.

'Come in,' she said, her voice muffled because of the closed door. You opened the door to reveal Natasha in her full Black Widow suit.

'Oh,' you said, quite disappointed.

'Whats wrong, Y/N?' she asked. You shrugged.

'Nothing. It's just... I'm bored and I wanted to do someone's hair, but never mind.' She pouted.

'Aw, damn, I just needed to go on a mission,' she sighed. She enjoyed it so much when you did her hair. 'Ow, just ask Thor!' she suggested.

You laughed.

'Yes! Okay, see you later Nat! Be safe!' Before she could say anything else, you ran to the kitchen to find Loki and Thor arguing about Poparts.

'They are unhealthy!' Loki hissed.

'They are delicious,' Thor boomed in response. Loki rolled his eyes at Thor and then noticed you. He glared at you. You gulped, anxious under his gaze.

'Lady Y/N!' Thor shouted when he spotted who Loki was glaring at.

'H-Hi,' you spoke. 'Thor?'

'How can I help you?' Thor asked politely. You smiled.

'I was looking for you. Since Natasha is leaving on a mission I need someone with long hair... and I wonder if I could do your hair.' Loki laughed at his brother. Thor frowned at him and then let his gaze slid to you.

'Sorry, Y/N, I was just about to leave for some Poptarts. But I am certain that my brother, Loki, here, would like to take my spot. You know, since he seemed to like you so much.' He wiggled his eyebrows at Loki, which earned him an elbow in his stomach. Loki grinned as Thor grabbed the table for comfort.

'So...' you gulped. 'I can borrow you for an hour...' Loki's eyes grew big.

'An hour?' he questioned.

'An hour or three?' you spoke softly.

'Three hours?' He laughed mockingly. Thor slapped the back of Loki's head and glared at him.

'I totally understand if you have more important things to do... I know you-'

'I'll do it,' Loki spoke. He smiled at you and winked, which made you blush. What just happened? You never blushed. And he never did that before.

'Well, brother, I think you will both enjoy each other company. I'll go to my precious Poptarts,' Thor said. Loki rolled his eyes. Thor walked away and disappeared into the elevator.

You awkwardly smiled at Loki. He walked over to you and stopped in front of you.

'So, what do I need to do?' his silky voice questioned you. It took you a moment to realize you were alone and he was talking to you.

'J-Just follow me please.' He followed you to the bathroom and you pointed at the bath. He gave you a questioning look. 'Sit in front of it. With your back against the tub,' you told him sternly. He did as you told him. You sat onto the tub next to him.

'What are you doing?' He asked as you grabbed the shower nozzle and water started to pour out of it.

'I'm going to wash your hair,' you spoke.

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