Loki - Calling her by her name

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After a long night in the lab, you returned planned to go to your room. You went in the elevator and once you were on the right floor, you got out and walked down the corridor. You gulped when you saw Loki walking towards you. He was definitely in a bad mood. You tried to push yourself against the wall as he passed you, but he tilted his body so his body bumped into yours. You hissed as your shoulder hit the wall. 

'Watch it, mortal,' he snarled. You nodded and quickly got into your room, locking the door behind you and lay down on the bed. 

Loki shook his head to himself. He liked you, but didn't want to admit that. It was rather humiliating for him to admit that he was falling for a mere mortal. He was a God after all. 

You sighed and stared at the ceiling. What were you doing wrong that Loki didn't like about you? 

The next morining you woke up and went to the kitchen before heading to the lab. You made yourself a coffee when Loki walked in, his breath hitched in his throat by seeing you in your lab coat. You turned around and your eyes widened, but his expression remained cool. 

'Good morning,' you greeted the God, your voice was soft and careful. You didn't want him to snap at you at this hour. You just woke up. 'Can I make you a coffee as well? Or do you prefer tea?' you asked. Loki sighed. 

'I don't need anything form a mortal. Why do you even talk to me,' he said while rolling his eyes. You just decided to nod and walk away, not exchanging another word with him, which caused him to be even more annoyed. He wanted to talk to you, but he didn't want to. You know? You walked towards the lab and aided Bruce with technical stuff. 

'Do you need me for anyhing else,' you asked Bruce. Bruce took his glasses of and shook his head. 

'No, Y/N, I'll be fine. Thank you. You should go to sleep. It's like three in the morning,' Bruce said softly. You smiled at him and bid him a good night before before walking towards the kitchen because you were hungry. Okay, actually you were always hungry, but now you were really starving. You grabbed a fruit salad out of the fridge and began eating it. 

Once you were done, you put the bowl and the spoon into the sink, you would do the dishes tomorrow. You turned around and jumped a few feet in the air when you saw Loki sitting at the kitchen table. 

'What are you still doing here?' his velvety voice asked you. He sounded annoyed. You inhaled sharply as you just turned around, your high heels clicking on the floor. Loki got up in a swift move and pinned you to the nearest wall. 'Answer me when I ask you a question.' You whimpered. 

'I-I thought you didn't want me to talk to you, sorry. I just finished working. Please, don't hurt me,' you whispered the last part because your voice cracked during the first part of the sentence. He looked angry and you didn't know why. You hadn't done anything to him, ever. 

'You're so-' he didn't finish his sentence, but slammed his fist on the spot right next to your head, so that a hole was now in the wall beside you. You gasped and there were tears brimming in your eyes. 'Annoying.' You bit your lip. 'You're just a mortal,' he spoke to himself. Your bottom lip was quivering at the names he called you. 'Forget it,' he said before he let you go and walked away. You ran to your room and shut the door behind you before you sank to the ground and cried out the tears you were holding. 

The names he called you never seemed to stop. On your day off, you were sitting on the couch and watching a film. Until you heard footsteps. You held on tightly to your blanket, already knowing who it was. The steps his heavy boots made on the floor, made you shiver. You felt the couch dip next to you, but you held your eyes glued to the TV. 

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