Loki - Documentary

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With your brand new camera in your hand, you went to the kitchen. You turned on your camera and filmed everywhere you would go. You saw Thor and let the camera focus on him.

'Hey Thor!' you shrieked. Thor turned around and waved at the camera.

'Hello, Y/N,' he greeted the camera. 'Why are you filming me?' he questioned.

'Well, as you know, tomorrow you will be living here for one year and I decided to make a documentary about you and Loki.' Thor laughed, but then turned serious.

'Careful around Loki. He does not like to be filmed,' Thor warned. You nodded.

'Then I will have to spy on him. You know, Thor, I'm actually a really good spy. I don't get why Fury doesn't let me spy on people,' you complained before you left.

You walked to the library, still filming and talking.

'We are now on our way to the habitat of Mr. Loki Laufeyson. This is the library in Stark Tower, owned by the amazing billionaire Tony Stark. I will have to be quiet now if we want to spot the rare Loki Laufeyson. He is rather shy and will not give himself away.' You went quiet and walked into the library. But you didn't see him. 'Well, people, it seems like Mr. Loki Laufeyson left his habitat. Follow me on my journey to spot him.'

You searched for him and eventually found him kn the living room.

'As you can see, he is sitting on the couch, I will have to be very quiet and approach him without any sound. He has been hunting for a good book and is now devouring it with only his eyes, licking his slender finger before turning a page. This is the only reason why Mr. Loki leaves his natural habitat, the library.'

Loki turned around with his eyebrow cocked up.

'Natural habitat?' he asked with an amused voice.

'We have been spotted. Abort mission! I repeat, abort mission! I don't want to get stabbed!' You got up and smiled at him. He chuckled and gestured for you to sit on the couch. You did and went to sit on the same couch as he was, as far from him as possible.

'What are you doing?' he asked with an amused voice. You cleared your throat and stammered your response.

'Well, tomorrow you and Thor will be living here for a year and I wanted to do something special. I am making a documentary about you two,' you explained. He smiled. He took the camera from you and examined it.

'Is this thing on?' he wondered. You nodded. 'Well then, film me. But stop calling me Mr, Loki Laufeyson. King will do it,' he said smugly. You scoffed.

'I am not calling you King,' you huffed. He glared playfully at you. You took the camera from his and filmed.

'Do you have a title for the documentary?' he questioned. You shrugged.

'Y/N and how she got stabbed by an Asgardian narcist?' He growled, took the camera from you and put it on the coffee table. He pushed you down onto the couch while he crawled on top of you. 'Don't kill me,' you begged. He smirked.

'I won't. But only if you call me King,' he said smugly. You frowned.

'Why do you want me to call you that?' You batted your eyelashes at him and stared innocently into his beautiful eyes. He smirked and bit his lips as he crawled on top of you and leaned in.

'Because it turns me on,' he hissed into your ear before he bit down onto your earlobe. You moaned quietly while one of your hands tangled in his long black hair.

'Well, that turns me on, my King,' you mumbled against his shoulder. He snickered and let his lips graze over the skin of your neck. He then pressed his lips against your neck hard and started sucking merciless. You grabbed his shoulders for support while you moaned out his name, long and incoherent. He smiled against your neck and then bit down.

'Not Loki,' he sneered. 'Who?' he taunted as his hands grabbed your waist.

'King,' you breathed out. He smirked.

'Good,' he told you while grinning. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You eagerly kissed back. Your bodies melted together as if it has always been that way.

You pulled away for a much needed breath. Loki chuckled into your ear and gave you one more peck on the lips before he sat up straight again. You smiled.

'What if you call it: King Loki and how he got himself a girlfriend?' Your eyes widened and you blushed. Loki chuckled darkly and pulled you onto his lap.

'I must say I like the sound of that,' you admitted.

The next evening, everyone was seated in the couches. You sat next to Loki while Tony was connecting the TV with your camera. Then the documentary started to play. And Thor got all excited because he was on TV.

'Look! That's me!' he boomed.

'Shut up brother. I will be on next,' Loki spat. You smiled at the two.

Clint complimented on your beautiful filming while Natasha said she found your chose of words hilarious. Suddenly, when you thought the documentary would end, but didn't because you forgot to stop the camera at that moment Loki placed it down onto the coffee table and filmed the two of you laying on the couch. Your cheeks turned a crimson red and you took the remote control to put off the TV. The Avengers slowly eyed you and Loki. Clint and Bucky bursted out laughing, Natasha giggled and Steve was sitting on the couch with a shocked expression on his face.

'Why did you turn it off? It was just getting interesting,' Tony whined.

'Yeah, it was almost educational,' Bucky laughed. Clint chocked on air while you and Loki shifted kn your positions awkwardly.

'Brother?' Thor questioned. 'Does this mean that you and Y/N are a thing now?' Thor didn't wait for a response. 'Great! I ship you guys! Make the best of it! Happy one year at Stark Tower! Woohoo!' Thor boomed. Loki facepalmed and you went to sit on his lap, hiding your blushing face from the laughing Avengers.

'I didn't know Gods had kinks,' Clint laughed. Loki rolled his eyes.

'I might not be King of Asgard, but that does not mean I cannot have the kink,' he replied with a smirk as he stroke the back of your head.

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