Loki - Late night dinner - part two

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This oneshot was requested by AnweFlame
I hope it's like you imagined it. Enjoy reading!


Loki let his eyes wander across the kitchen. He hadn't forgotten about how you made a mess of this. He glared at the stove, where a burned egg was spilled.

He turned on his heel and marched in the direction of your room, not bothering to knock. He tiptoed to the side of your bed and slowly peeled the sheet from your frame. You squirmed, your hands reaching for the blanket before you pulled it back over you head.

'Sweetheart, I know it's a little early, but I'm not cleaning the kitchen by myself,' he whispered. 'Goodmorning by the way.' The corner of his mouth twitched as you rolled over, an arm draped over your face to shield yourself from the light pouring out of the hallway.

'It's six in the morning,' you groaned. 'Do you even sleep? At all?' He chuckled lowly, lifting your arm and peeking under it.

'I did. Now, get up. Or I'll carry you to the kitchen.' You huffed, letting your head fall to the side and pouting.

'I'm afraid you'll have to carry me, though,' you muttered under your breath. He sighed heavily.

'Come here, then,' he said as he opened his arm for you. You smiled triumphantly and you opened one eye. You sat up and crawled into his lap, snuggling your head against his shoulder. He picked you up then, turning around and walking towards your door.

'Tell me again, why do I have to help when I prepared you a lovely dinner?' you said with a sad voice.

'Because I'm not doing it by myself this time. And maybe because I want you to be around me,' he admitted. Your head shot up from his shoulder, cheeks a crimson red.

'Oh,' you squeaked, suddenly very aware that he was carrying you around. This was probably the closest you had ever been near him. You don't even remember touching him at all.

He reached the kitchen then and placed you on a chair. You timidly looked around the room. It looked like a tornado had made its way through Stark's kitchen.

'Oops,' you said quietly. 'I don't remember it being this messy. Are you sure it wasn't someone else?' you wondered.

'Oh no. I remember it very clearly. It was you. Don't try and shove it upon someone else,' he blamed you. You huffed.

'Okay, okay, I'll help you,' you said while throwing your hands up in surrender. He chuckled.

'Good. When we're done, I have something for you,' he promised. You smirked.

'What is it?'

'I'm not telling you.'

'Why not?'

'Do the dishes,' he commanded. You jumped on your feet, walking towards the sink with a long face.

'Come on, you can tell me,' you tried. He rolled his eyes and handed you a towel. He let the water run into the sink and used some soap. He only sighed as he gathered the dirty plates, pots and cutlery.

'I'll tell you when we're finished,' he told you. You furrowed your eyebrows and swept the towel over some wet plates, lazily drying them. 'If you're doing the best you can.' You movements became overly precise and he nodded in aprovement. This it was silent for thirty minutes as you helped him. Or he helped you, you weren't sure.

You gradually put away the clean things. You had to stand on your tiptoes to reach the high cupboards.

His body pressed up against yours, pressing you agianst the counter as he took the glass from your hands and placed it on its usual spot. You gulped.

'Thanks,' you squeaked. He hummed next to your ear, not letting go of you. His arms snaked around your waist.

'We are done,' he whispered. He flicked his wrist and the rest of the kitchen was clean as well. You gasped, turning around in his arms and glaring at him.

'You told me no flicking wrists!' He snorted. 'I would still be in my bed if you just did this last night!' you accused him.

'You are forgetting something,' he soothed, his hand carressing your cheek, his thumb brushing your lower lip. Your breath hitched in your throat.

'W-What?' you muttered, focussing on his hands, instead of the conversation.

'No one is awake yet. Now, we can do whatever we want,' he muttered against your cheekbone, his face nuzzled in your neck.

'What do you have in mind?' you challenged him, carefully placing your right hand on his hip. He chuckled darkly.

'First of all, sweetheart,' he paused to look into your eyes. 'I would like to kiss you. If you don't mind of course...' You bit the insides of your cheeks, before nodding. 'Great...' He slowly, excruciatingly slow, leaned in.

His fine lips descended on your plump ones. They moved languidly, in a sensual kiss that made your head swim. Your heart started beating so fast, you thought it would leap out of your chest. His hands moved to press you more against him, while yours fisted in his hair, pulling him closer.

Your breathing came out in irregular pants. His own was ragged as his lips lingered on yours before he pulled away to breath propperly.

You were lost in his eyes as you went to stand on your toes. You hands took ahold of his shoulders as you pressed your lips on his again.

Someone whistled. The both of you tore your lips from each other as you head snapped to the side, to see a grinning Clint Barton standing next to Bucky, who was howling like a wolf.

'Oh, leave them alone,' Thor interrupted them. He was sitting in a chair at the table with his head supported in one of his large palms, clearly watching the two of you for quiete awhile. 'Go on,' he encouraged the both of you.

Loki's eyes threw daggers at his brother, who lifted his hands in surrender. You could only look at your feet in embarrassment. Loki grabbed your hand.

'Get a room,' Bucky shouted before Loki and you turned around the corner. He smiled sheepishly at you, giving you a wink before pushing your against the nearest wall to let his lips crash on yours again.

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