Loki - Give it back - Smut

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It was around eight o'clock and you had  finished reading some steamy book just minutes ago.  You had just brushed your teeth and gone to your room to call your boss, to tell him about some mission you finished. You took off all of your clothes and put on a oversized shirt. 

You were about to grab your phone from your nightstand when... it wasn't there. You were sure that you left it there. You were almost sure he had taken it again. 


He and you weren't the best friends. You dared to say you hated each other and the Avengers were well aware of that. You growled as you stormed out of your room, not caring about how less you wore underneath the shirt. 

'Lady Y/N? What's wrong? You look upset,' Thor called as you passed him in the corridor. 

'Your brother. That's what's wrong.' 

'Please don't let him kill you. I like you,' Thor joked. 

'No, I'll go and kill him,' you barked. Thor laughed his booming laugh and disappeared behind the corner, not giving any more attention to your trip to conquer your phone. 

The next moment you swung the door to Loki's room and slammed it back shut. Your suspicions were confirmed. He was playing Candy Crush on your phone again. You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. He didn't even bother to look up to you. 

'Give it back. I need to call my boss,' you said in a still civil tone. A playful smile crept on his face.  

'I'm in the middle of my game. You can have it back tomorrow, dear,' he purred. Your arms dropped next to your body and your hands clenched into fist. 

'It's important,' you tried to hold back a snarl. 

'No, it's not.'

'Stop being such an-' 

'Such a what?' he interrupted. You inhaled sharply and then smiled at him. It wasn't a friendly smile, a mischievous smile it was. He mirrored your facial expression, laying the phone under his pillow. 'If you want it so badly, then come and get it.' His voice was somewhat deeper. You took a few steps closer until you stood next to his bed. His eyes scanned over you and he cocked up an eyebrow. 'It's right under the pillow. Go ahead.' 

You crawled on the bed and crept over him. Your hands sneaked under the pillow, but he took ahold of your wrist. You tried to jerk it back. You brought your other hand under the pillow, hoping he wouldn't notice. And he didn't. As you tried to wriggle free with your other hand, your left hand dug under the pillow and grabbed the phone. You laughed victoriously. 

'I've got it! Ha, you lose, you puny God!' you cheered as you were straddling him. Not that you noticed... but he did

You unlocked your phone and called your boss. His face darkened when you stuck your tongue out. 


'Hello? Who do I speak with?' Fury's voice asked annoyed, as always. 

'Yes, of course Fury. It's Y/N. I call you to tell you that I finished the mission succesfully.' 

'Really? Well, you have no idea how proud I am of you. Send  me the details by Friday and I'll give you a new mission? Can you do that?' Loki's hands pawed at your hip and you glared at him. 


'Okay, I hope to hear from you soon, Y/N. Good job.' You hung up, grinning at your phone. Then, you moaned. Your hand clasped around you phone tightly. By all the fighting between Loki and you, the sheets were hanging around his knees and... well, with one firm thrust he was inside you. Your mouth hung agape as you let your eyes meet with his, waiting for you to protest. When you didn't, he started moving, using gravity in his advantage. 

'Tell me to stop,' he rasped as he grabbed your hips. You whimpered and your eyes rolled back in their sockets. Your bottom lip was drawn between your teeth. 'Tell me to stop. Tell me you don't want this.' He gave you a hard thrust and you moaned, the phone falling out of your hand on the mattress. 'Push me away,' whispered as he lifted your shirt to caress your skin. 

You wondered if he was using reverse psychology or magic, because it made your body respond to him. Your breathing quickened as you dared to look him in the eye. You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut and bringin your hands to his shoulders. 

'Tell me what you want,' he demanded. You whimpered, digging your nails in his shoulders. 

'I- I want-' You moaned and were unable to finish your sentence. 

'Do you want this? Are you okay with this?' You nodded, moving your hips to get more friction. He stilled completly beneath you and you drew in a sharp breath, trying to glare at him. 'Use your words, sweetheart.' 

'Yes... Yes, Loki,' you breathed out. He smirked and you were expecting for him to pull away at any moment. 

'Oh sweetheart,' he purred and picked up a steady pace that had you writhing above himd. He took a grip on your shirt and pulled over your head. He fondled your breast for awhile before your leaned in to suck on his jaw, then neck and it made him groan. You smirked against his skin. 

Your breath quickened and you felt him pant against the side of your face, kissing your temple and drawing a path from your cheek to your chin. 

The tension between your legs was getting to much to handle and you stilled completely. Your legs spasmed and you moaned against his hair. His hand fisted into the sheets while his other grabbed your ass rather firm, pushing your firmer against him. 

You fell into euforia with his final fiery thust. You let your body collasp on top of his, heart thrumming against your chest. You walls clenched around him and then cool liquid filled you, dripping on your thighs. 

You both lay there for awhile until you found your breath again. You traced a finger along his lips, smiling. 

'I loved that,' you whispered. He smiled. 

'Me too. I wouldn't mind if we'd do that again. On the regular,' he said with his deep midnight voice. You chuckled in his ear, and kissed his hair. 

'What about the Avengers?' you wondered aloud. He shrugged, playing with a strand of your hair. 

'They won't discover. I promise. Don't worry.' With that, you fell asleep in his arms. It was pleasant this way, him and his mint scent. 

The next morning you woke up due to someone kissing all over your face. You smiled, thrilled you didn't dream about last night, but that it actually happened. 

'Good morning,' his hoarse morning voice greeted you. You bit your lip. 


'Care to get breakfast together?' 

'Mhm. Please. I'm starving,' you whined. He chuckled and took your lips in a heated kiss that made you dizzy. He took your hand and helped you out of the bed. You both grabbed some clothes, you in your shirt from last night that lay discarded on the floor and he in only his pyjama pants. Then he opened his door and your eyes widened. 

The Avengers were sitting in chairs in front of Loki's door. Natasha and Bruce were still asleep, but Tony was already fully awake, shaking Clint awake. 

'I told you!' The sleepy Avengers opened their eyes and they turned as big as plates. 'I told you they were-' Tony got interrupted by Loki. 

'What  are you doing here?' he hissed. 

'Proving you guys did it. See, I told you Clint!' Tony said with a proud smile. Your cheeks turned a crimson red as Loki led you away from the curious Avengers and had breakfast together. You had fun together and got to know Loki better. It turned out that you two had more in common that you thought you had. He was actually a charming God. 

From that day, Loki and you indeed had fun on the regular.        

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