Loki - Love is blind

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This is another oneshot. The idea came from TheOgDirectioner
Thank you! Enjoy reading. Xx

After a terrible accident on Asgard, Loki became blind. So, his brother Thor and his father, King Odin, decided t was too dangerous for him to stay on Asgard. Thor proposed that Loki would be safe at Stark Tower, on Midgard and that he could stay there.

Thor and Loki appeared at Stark Tower and went inside. Unfortunately, the Avengers were on a mission so you were the only one there. Thor led Loki to the kitchen, were you were reading.

'Is anyone home? Ah, Y/N. I'm so glad to see you. Have you received my message?' Thor asked. You got up from your chair and walked towards the brothers.

'Yes, I have. You can stay here, Loki,' you whispered as you took his hand in yours. They were trembling. Thor nodded.

'Brother? Your in good hands right now. I have to head back to Asgard. I'll visit you from time to time. I love you,' Thor said in a rushed tone before disappearing again.

'Is he gone?' Loki asked, still holding his hand while squeezing it.

'Yes, he is.' Loki fell to his knees and began to cry. You kneeled in front of him and pulled him into a hug. Holding him as if he would shatter if you ever let go. 'It's alright, Loki. Is there anything I can do for you?' He held you close and nuzzled his head in the crook if your neck. His sobs broke your heart.

'Don't leave me like my brother did,' he begged. His tears stained your shirt, but you didn't bother about that. You just made sure to be there for him.

'I won't, Loki. I won't.'

The next months passed. The Avengers ignored Loki even at his most vulnerable moments, but you never left his side. At night, you would sleep in the chair next to his bed, but you always ended up sleeping next to him in his bed because that chair was so uncomfortable. He didn't mind. He held you close and enjoyed inhaling your sent and feeling your skin underneath his fingertips.

One day, Loki and you were laying in his bed and he sobbed quietly. But once they started to fade, he wrapped a arm around you.

'What do you look like?' he whispered. The question took you aback. You didn't know what to answer.

'Well, I have lips,' you started awkwardly. He smiled.

'Your eyes? What colour ate they?' he asked. You smiled as his hands met your cheeks and his thumb grazed along your bottom lip.

'My eyes are e/c,' you said. He smiled.

'I want to see you. I bet you look beautiful. You must be, with such an angelic voice. I can almost imagine the glint in your eyes as you talk so fondly of your favourite band. Can you do me a favour, Y/N?' he said. You blushed at his words.

'Of course,' you replied. 'Anything.'

'Would you read something for me. It doesn't matter what book. You can choose. I just miss reading,' he mumbled.

'Yes, Loki, I will.' You stood up from the bed and walked towards the bookshelf, to pick your favourite book, Harry Potter. You sat on the bed again, against the headboard. Loki's hands reached for your body and made his way towards you, his head laying in his lap as he lay down again.

'What are you going to read?' he whispered.

'Harry Potter. Do you know it?' you asked, while brushing some strands id hair out of his face. He shook his head.

'What does the cover look like?' he interjected curiously.

'Well, it has a red background. And there is a boy with a scar on his forehead in the form of a lightning bolt. His friends, they are standing next to him. They are holding wands,' you spoke. He smiled.

'Thank you. Would you mind reading a few chapters?' You told him it was okay and you read him the whole book. He liked it and decided he would want to read the second book by himself... but how? The next months, Loki secretly went to see different doctor with Bruce Banner. None of them could help Loki, but today, it was different.

The doctors told him he would actually be able to see after their surgery. Loki smiled and Bruce squeezed his hand.

'You'll just have go wear glasses if you're going to watch TV,' the doctors told him, but Loki didn't care about that. He would be able to see.

'When do you want your appointment?' another doctor asked Loki.

'On the (your birthday) please,' Loki smiled. He would surprise you.

Today was your birthday and you couldn't wait to spend the day with ll of your favourite friends. But the Avengers and including Loki, weren't there. No, they were all supporting Loki at the hospital. The last few months, they had communicated with the God and friendship was born. They all waved their arms at Loki as he was dragged away with the doctors to have his surgery, not that he could see that, yet.

'I have one condition,' Loki told them. 'When I wake up again. I don't want to see things just yet. I want to see a certain person for the first time. They agreed.

The surgery went well. Loki would be able to see again, but the doctors covered his eyes with bandages.

You sat in the Stark Tower. You didn't understand what was happening. It was your birthday and everyone seemed to forget. Besides, they left you alone. You were crying a little in front of the TV as the doors of the elevator slid open to reveal the whole team. Loki stepped out. Bruce and Tony both grabbing an arm and leading him towards the couch were you were. You eyed them suspicious as they helped Loki sit down on the couch, ready to see you. He couldn't wait.

'Happy birthday, Y/N. I'm sorry that I'm late, but I have a present for us both...' he said.

You didn't know what to say. Your sadness disappeared and you smiled at him.

'Y/N, would you do the honor of taking off these bandages? I had a surgery today,' he spoke. Your eyes started to fill with tears. Could this be...? 'I will be able to see again. And when I do, I want you to be the first one to see.' The Avengers had tears in their eyes and so had you.

'Loki... I'm so happy for you,' you whispered. You slowly helped him to get rid of his bandages and when you did, you saw his eyes were squeezed shut.

'Thank you. Bruce, can you give me my glases?' Loki said. Bruce walked over and placed the glases in your hand. You placed the glasses on Loki's nose and stared at him with excitement. Slowly, his eyes opened. You started to cry again, tears brimming in your eyes as he looked at you with a smile on his lips. He moved towards you, only inches apart from you. His hand went up to your face to cup your cheek, his slender fingers brushing away your tears.

'Loki,' you whispered his name. He looked into your eyes.

'Your eyes. Their are beautiful.' His fingers touched your nose and slid down to your lips. He leaned in and kissed your forehead. You smiled and hugged him. He then looked at the other, who were silently crying. He pulled apart to study your face again. He leaned in again and then gently pressed his soft lips on yours. It was a tender kiss that held so much passion and hope in it.

You pulled away and giggled. He chuckled.

'I think this is the best present someone has ever given me,' you said and you pulled him in for another kiss.

'You're even more beautiful than you described to me. Why did you lie to me?' he teased. You blushed.

'Thank you, Loki. This is your day now. It there anything you want to do?'

'I already kissed you, but I can imagine some other fun things we could do,' he said before he began attacking you with lustful kisses. You giggled and kissed him back hungrily.

'Yes, a happy ending, but don't do it on my couch. Get a room!' Tony laughed. Loki looked up and seemed shocked. 'What?' Tony laughed.

'Nothing... you... you aged... a lot,' Loki said. Natasha collapsed from laughter and Bruce snickered. Tony rolled his eyes. You smiled genuinely at Loki and hugged him.

'You look so handsome with glasses,' you commented.

'Then let's go to our room and let me take off everything but those glasses,' he smirked mischievously. You didn't complain about that. And so, your birthday turned in one of the most memorable days in yours and Loki's life.

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