Loki - bully

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You lived in Stark Tower, you have become one of the Avengers recently and you were very proud of that. And so were your parents. Thor and Loki lived here now as well, and well, let's say you developed some strange feelings for the God of Mischief. Not, that he felt the same way, though ... He actually had found a liking, a hobby to bully you. Well, no, it wasn't really a hobby of him. It was more his nine to five job. 

You were sitting in the kitchen, eating a poptart. Of course Thor consumed them all before you could even finish yours, but however, you managed to eat one. 

'So ... now it is waiting for another mission,' Thor spoke with his mouth full of those poptarts. You nodded and swallowed a piece of poptart. 'Well, lady Y / N, I leave you alone for a minute because I am going to the store. I want more poptarts, 'Thor told you. You once again nodded and stood up, grabbing yourself a cup of tea before sitting down on the couch, about to grab the remote control to turn on the TV. Until, you felt something tickling on your head. You decided to let it go and turned on the TV, but then, that something on your head, started to move. You cleared your throat when you reached up to run a hand through your hair. The tickling feeling crept up your hand and you looked at it to see a fucking huge spider. You shrieked, the eyes of the spider widened and seemed to look ... human. The spider then jumped on your face and although you were almost certain it was Loki again, you still remained screaming and yelling for it to go away. The spider then turned into Loki, you were laying on the couch and he, well, towered over you, his hair almost touching your face, that's how close he was. He laughed in your face and you shoved him of you. You were a bit upset. He knew what your biggest fear was, spiders, and yet, he teased you with it. 

'It's not funny anymore, Loki,' you spoke to him. That earned you a smirk from him. 

'Maybe not for you, but I am perfectly entertained,' he spoke slowly. You rolled your eyes and threw a pillow to him, which he, unfortunalty, caught. 

That same evening you were sitting at the table. The rest of the Avengers were gone out, and they didn't invite you ... But actually you didn't want to go with them, you just wanted to read. And Loki ... well, he always stayed home. You were reading in your room until you heard a knock on your door. You decided to ignore it. Again, the knock on the door. You still sat silent. 

'Please, Y / N, let me in, I want to apologize,' Loki's voice came from behind the door. You suspiciously raised one of your eyebrows. Loki and apologizing? That's an odd combination. You walked to your door and unlocked the door, still not opening it. 'Y / N?' Loki's voice sounded sincere, but you actually didn't want to deal with him anymore, these jokes of him, they were starting to irritate you and you felt sad every time he did something to you. He was always making fun of you. And every time he did something else to you, you forced yourself to not let a tear escape, but it became harder every time ... Finally, you opened the door and you saw Loki standing in front of you. He smiled at you, but you didn't had the strenght anymore to smile back. He pulled you into a hug and to your surprise it felt good. Goal, 

'What?' you snapped, completely done with his childish behavior. 

'I'm not sorry, but you hair is-' you ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror 

'It's green!' you shouted at him. He appeared behind you, holding his sides and bend over from laughing. You shoved past him. 

'Will it come out it I wash it?' you asked. He shook his head.

'Please let me fix it ...' He approached you and held a hand to your face, but instead of turning it to your normal color again, you felt yourself become smaller and turn into a cat. He laughed and picked your up by your neck, carrying you to the living room. 'Y / N allow me to introduce you to you new friend,' he spoke in his silky voice. He threw you on the ground and much to your surprise you landed on your four legs. Something growled at you. You looked up and saw a large dog running towards you. You tried to yell, but it only came out as a whimpering 'miauw'. Loki laughed again, but you were on the very edge of tears when you started running towards the couch, well, you hid underthe couch, were that monster coudn't reach you. You quietly sobbed and burried your head in your paws. 

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