Rogers' daughter - part two

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SigynHiddleston111 and _smxle

This is part two!

I hope you like it! Enjoy reading!


Loki woke up, rubbing his eyes while does and then panicked. Where where you? His hand roamed over the mattress, looking for you. He sat up straight and lifted the pillow, as if to see if you where hiding underneath it. He looked around the room, but there was no sign of where you were at.

It wasn't until he wanted to crawl out of bed and yell at the guards for not keeping their eyes open, that he felt his leg brush against something soft. He lifted the covers and spotted you, all curled up in a ball.

He chuckled to himself and lay back down, taking you in his arms.

'How silly of me,' he whispered. 'I forgot how small you were compared to me.' He took ahold of your wrist and freed you from the cuffs.

The clicking sound woke you up. Your eyes fluttered open and you took in your surroundings. Right, Loki's room.

'Did you sleep... well?' a striking voice said. Your head snapped sideways and met with a pair of enticing eyes. You gulped and nodded. The only thing you could possibly focus on in that moment were that your lips were just inches apart. 'Good,' he whispered, a small smile planted on his lips. He went to lay even closer to you.

He draped an arm over you, awaiting your reaction to his small movement. You didn't shift you position, instead, kept looking into his eyes. He brought his face to yours, your noses touching. You felt his breath against your skin and it send butterflies to your stomach. This was not good! But it felt so right. So right that it was you who connected your lips. They moved so perfectly together that it made you question yourself.

He rolled on top of you and carresed your face while his other hand took a grib on your waist. You placed one hand on his shoulder while the other entertwined in his hair, pulling him closer to you. He bit your lip, which you sighed contently at.

Suddenly, you realised what you were doing and you pushed him away, backing away against the headbord.

'We can't do this,' you sputtered, subconsciously touching your swollen lips. He rose an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes at your statement. 'Oh, nevermind. I only live once,' you mumbled before you pulled him towards you again and attacked his lips. He pushed you further into the headbord, kissing your lips before trailing of to your cheeks, jawline and neck, where he started sucking on a spot that made you weak in the knees. Your hands grabbed his shoulders for support as he let his teeth sink in.

You were running out of breath and pulled away, breathing heavily. His eyes found yours and you blushed.

'S-Sorry,' you muttered, looking away. He tilted your head towards his.

'What for?' You shrugged. He pecked you on the lips and smiled at you. 'So, what are we going to do about this?'

'About what?'

'Us,' he stated.

'Us?' you asked. He frowned.

'Well, unless you want to ignore what has just happend. Then we can-'

'No,' you almost barked. He chuckled and you looked away again in embarrassment.

'I knew this planet was worth visiting,' he whispered as he pulled you in a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and let your head rest against his. He kissed your temple.

'If we are going to do this... What about my dad?' Loki cursed under his breath before he stared at you.

'I am not going to return you,' he said with a stern voice.


'Perhaps we can come to an agreement. If your dad doesn't... approve,' he paused in the middle of his sentence.

'What agreement,' you asked with an amused voice.

'Well, like I said. Then you'll have to come with me,' he explained.

'Aren't you rushing things a little?'

'Rushing? No, I have wanted to ever since I winked at you in your lab coat,' he said with a strong voice before he went to tower over you. 'A lot has happend since that.' He pushed you down on the mattress and crawled on top of you. Your stomach churned in a pleasant way before he gribbed your chin rather harshly. He smiled and let his eyebrows wiggle.

You giggled and saw that his pyjama sleeve had fallen over his shoulder. You caught yourself staring and quickly looked away, but Loki had noticed. 

'Okay, so I have a plan,' you changed the subject before he could pick up on that.

'I had a plan, and you weren't part of it and yet you didn't ruin it. You made it better actually. So, there will be no plans,' he interrupted you. You frowned while trailing a finger down his chest.

'I have an idea,' you corrected yourself.

'Okay, what is it?' he eagerly asked.

'I think...'

'Oh dear, she's thinking,' he joked, once again interruped you.

'Shut up and let me talk,' you whined.

'Okay, okay,' he said, holding his hands up in surrender. He took one of your hands and fondled it.

'I think,' you paused as he smirked. 'Stop it.'

'I'm not saying a thing,' he defended himself as he kissed your knuckles.

'If you return me to the Avengers, they will most likely forgive you.'

'That seems like logic. You sure?'

'I know my dad pretty well. He is the definition of forgiveness. Except when he has to interact with someone over the phone. See, he does not stan the modern world.'

'Well, then, get out of bed and put on some clothes,' he commanded with his 'kneel!'-voice.

You nodded and sat up straight.

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