Loki - Nose bleed

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'Give me the that spoon,' Natasha said to you. You went with the Avengers on a holiday. And here's the best. You get to sleep in a tent with everyone. That meant only one thing: chatting until everyone fell asleep from fatigue.

Tony and Steve getting some more wood, you and Natasha were cooking and Clint was nagging because he was hungry. Loki and Thor were arguing on whether or not it was a good idea to join the trip. Loki saying he needed a bed, not just a mattres to sleep on, but Thor commented camping was fun.

Speaking of Loki, you guys weren't the best friends. It was as if he was targetting you. Always making fun of you, and bullied you when he saw an opportunity.

Soon, dinner was served and you enjoyed your time, even when everyone went into the tent to sleep. Natasha was laying nexto Peter, who complimented on her hair, saying it looked good, and offering to braid it.

Tony went to lay beside you, talking about some new device he was working on, you were listening intensly until someone pushed you aside.

'Aw,' you huffed when you hit the mattress a little harder than intended. You heard someone chuckle darkly and you knew who it was. 'It's not funny.'

'Get out of my way, Thor said this was my place,' he whined. You rolled your eyes and went to lay down.

'Actually, Y/N was here first, so move Reindeer Games,' Tony blended into the conversation.

'I am a God. I don't move for a mortal,' he sneered. Tony smirked.

'Y/N, cutie, you can always share a mattress with me,' Tony proposed.

'Thanks, but I will be fine here, in the middle,' you awkwardly said. You closed your eyes and looked over at Peter, who smiled, now braiding Natasha's hair. You were just going to sleep. Tomorrow you would make sure you were in the tent first, so you could pick the best spot. Slowly, you felt yourself drift to sleep.

You woke up due to a choking feeling in your throat. You coughed it up while your hands instantly shot up to your face to pinch your nose. Then, put on your flashlight. You saw blood on your pillow and figured you had a nose bleed. Great, you thought sarcastically.

You got kicked in the side and whimpered, jolting forward.

'Put that damn light out,' Loki growled.

'I'm sorry that I woke you up,' you squeaked. You didn't put the light out, though. 'I' m having a nose bleed.' That's when Loki noticed the blood running down your arms. He frowned, then sighed.

'Come here.' He started getting out of the tent and you followed. 'Before you wake everyone up,' he mumbled, but you pretended like you didn't hear that.

Once outside, a few feet from the tent, he studied your face and took a handkerchief from his pocket. He slapped your hands away and immediately, the blood flowed down your chin, dripping on your shirt.

'Sorry I woke you up,' you muttered as he held the handkerchief to your nose.

'That's okay,' he responded, a little bitter. You sat like that for a long time as you waited for it to stop bleeding.

'I think it stopped,' you whispered as you brought your hands to your face. He slapped them away, this time a little harder.

'Aw,' you squealed, rubbing your hand. He put on a sad smile.

'Sorry. Just... let me take care of you. Don't interfere,' he spoke strictly. You nodded as he wiped the remaining blood from your face. 'Give me your hand.'

'If you don't hurt me again,' you mumbled grumpily. He chuckled.



'Good,' he whispered as he cleaned them. 'There is a lot of blood on your hands, Lady Y/N,' he joked. You smiled.

'Haha. Very witty,' you told him with an eyeroll. He chuckled slightly before he looked over at your shirt.

'Take this off,' he commanded while tugging at the hem. Your stomach fluttered and thank God it was dark outside because otherwise he would've seen you blushing. When you didn't, he took initiative and took your shirt off. Luckily, you were still wearing your bra. Loki threw it away and seemed to study your face. 'Are you okay?' You nodded, shielding your body from him.

He suddenly got closer to you, sitting next to you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and just stared ahead of him.

'What's wrong?' you asked. He didn't respond. 'Is it because I stole the mattress?' you asked, aware of the guilt.

'What? No, no,' he quickly replied and looked into your eyes.

'I'm sorry for waking you up.'

'I said it was fine,' he snarled. Your face fell and you stared at the grass.

'Sorry,' you mumbled. Scratching the back of your head in anticipation.

'Quit apologizing.'

'Sorry, I mean... I'll just shut up.' That put a smile on Loki's face, without him realizing it. He turned his head and it made you look up at him. He took your chin between his fingers, just staring into your eyes. He slowly bend down, his lips mere inches from yours. Your heart stopped and then sped up.

Finally, his lips crashed down on yours. You melted because of his touch, his hand ever so lightly caressing your cheeks, while your hands intertwined in his hair. Your breathing got heavier as the kiss continued and eventually pulled away, gasping for air. Loki's face lit up as he placed a tender kiss on your temple.

'Where did that came from?' you wondered aloud. He chuckled.

'I don't know. I thought that for a moment you had put a spell on me, but I clearly just fell for you.' You smiled like an idiot. 'Hard.'

Without saying another word, he pulled you to your feet and carried you back to the tent, kissing your face.

He placed you on the mattress you quarreled over a few hours ago and went to lay beside you, one arm draped around you, while you held the biggest smile anyone had ever seen. With you nestled in his arm, you both fell asleep.

I'm going to pretent it wasn't a month and a half ago since I updated...

My apologies...

Hope you enjoyed this oneshot. :)


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