Loki - Party

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Natasha had basically forced your to go to that party Tony was throwing. You being you, didn't want to go. Not. One. Bit. 

So in heels, which you hated, you walked towards the bar, where a grinning Natasha stood in a white dress. Your eyebrows raised. She looked good. Her hair was done nicely and you smiled at her, almost forgiving her. Almost. 

'Hey, there you are! You are late!' she whined. 'You know, I had to deal with Tony all by myself. He already wears his Iron Man suit in front of like a hundred people.' You rolled your eyes. 'But you look good.' Natasha pointed her finger towards Tony, who stood next to the DJ, dancing. You looked back at her and she was gesturing to someone to stay away, you looked behind you, but saw no one. 

'You look nice as well, Nat. Like, really, I love your dress,' you complimented her. She blushed and batted her eyelashes. 

'Have you tasted the drinks yet? They are delicious. Oh, and Wanda is here as well. She told me she woudn' make it to the party, but yet here she is. Your ass looks good.' You choked on air. 

'What has my ass to do with that?' Natasha waved her arms, attention seeking, but again, you saw no one. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped a little, looking next to you. It was Loki. 

'Hello, ladies. How is your evening going? Y/N, your ass looks good,' he said. Natasha winked at him and he returned the gesture. 

'Okay, what has my ass to do with this and why does it look like you guys planned something with it?' you asked, a little worried about your ass by now. Natasha chuckled and came from behind the bar. 

'Nothing, Y/N, don't worry,' Natasha said. You backed away from her as she approached you, which only caused you to bump into Loki. He put both of his hands on your shoulders as Natasha pressed her body against yours. You swallowed uncomfortable. 'Go with him. He needs to tell you something,' she whispered in your ear. She smirked and kissed your lips. Your eyes went big, but you enjoyed in anyway. Loki pushed Natasha to the side as she pulled away grinning. 

'That's quite enough, thank you,' he mumbled. He was clearly annoyed with it. Natasha winked at you before you followed Loki, blushing because of what Natasha did. What were you supposed to say when you guys met again? 

It was quiet for awhile, with only Loki and you walking through the corridors. You felt awkward, especially since you were attracted to him. But you never said or would admit that to him. You knew he wouldn't reaturn those feelings for you. Your stomach dropped just thinking about it. 

The long maze of corridors never seemed to end, so you cleared your throat, asking for his attention to give you a clue of what was going on. 

'Where are we going?' you whispered, looking behind you for no specific reason. 

'Just a few more...' Loki hummed, taking your wirst gently in his hand, dragging you along to a room. 

He pushed open a door that revealed a room with a bed and some couches. Loki pulled you inside and closed the door behind you, gesturing towards the table for you to sit at. You raised an eyebrow. 

'Why did Natasha insisted that I went to that party and now you guys force me to coem down here... What's wrong? What do you have to tell me?' you asked, slighly panicking. 

'Please, Y/N, sit down,' Loki spoke soflty. You sat down on the chair and he went to sit in front of you. 

'Am I getting fired or something?' you rambled. Loki rolled his eyes and placed his elbows on the table and leaned on them, staring intensly at you. 

'No, you are not?' 

'Then what's wrong? Is something wrong? Wrong or-' 

'If you be silent, then mabye I can tell you,' he interrupted calmly. You nodded, your cheeks turning a crimson red. 

'I'm sorry,' you whispered, looking down at the table. The way Loki looked so calm, made you worried. Maybe he and Natasha had planned something. They most certainly planned something. With you. 

'Look at me,' he demanded, an amusing tone in his voice could be heard. You did and tried to avoid his gaze by looking at his lips. No! Don't look at his lips! He'll catch you! Your eyes shot up and met his, he was smiling. 'That's better, sweetheart.' You swallowed at the nickname, it made your stomach churn in a pleasant way. 


'As Natasha said, I have to tell you something.' A shiver ran down your spine. You nodded. 'Well...' Now, it looked like he was trying not to be awkward. 


'Be quiet, I'm trying to tell you something,' he said while biting his lip and rubbing his eyes. 

'I'm sorry,' you quickly apologized. He smiled. 

'It's fine, really. But... wel...' He laughed while cringing. 'You are amzing, you know that?' A smile tugged at you lips. 'I think you are wonderful. And... I... Like you.' You shifted in your seat. 


'No, I love you.' He said, while frowning and thinking about the best way to express his feelings. 'Fuck, I studied my love confession, but I forgot...' You smiled as your heart fluttered. 

'You... studied your? That's so sweet,' you whispered. 

'But I forgot,' he sighed while letting his head fall into his hands. 'Sorry.' 

'I love you too,' you mumbled, looking down at your lap. His head shot up and he looked at you. 

'Do you?' You nodded at his ridiculous question. I mean, wasn't that obvious already. He grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him over the table. You gasped as your lips crashed on his. You smiled into the kiss and it only encouraged him to kiss you more passionately. You were melting away in his hands as he pulled you into his lap, against his body. 

A few hours later, you were both laying on his bed, reading each ohter your favourite poems when the doors of his rooms opened. 

Natasha entered with a smirk on her face, but it faded once she saw you. 

'Why are you guys not naked yet?' she wondered. 

'What?' you asked. Loki looked at you innocently, as if not to know what she was reffering to. 

'Because I knew you would invade into my room,' Loki reasoned. Natasha scowled and rolled her eyes while grinning. 

'Yeah... But are you guys...?' 

'The plan worked,' Loki confirmed. You raised an eyebrow. 

'What plan?' you asked. 

'Well, congrats with your boyfriend, Y/N,' Natasha cheered and gave you a hug. Oh. 

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