Loki - Stranger in the bedroom

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Night. So peaceful. 

Not in your case. 

You were sleeping soundly, but you jolted awake when you heard something begin knocked over just to your right. It was dark in your room. Was someone in your bedroom? You breathed heavily. Your trembling hands searched for the book that was laying on your nightstand before you put on the light. 

For a second, you were blinded by the lights. You blinked a few times before you got adjusted to it and spotted a stranger, his hands up in surrender with a smirk plastered on his face when he saw your weapon was a book you were holding up in a defensive way. 

'Hello,' a silky voice said. You threw the book at him and it hit his chest. You blinked again before your eyes widened. That was? No, he was being locked away in Asgard, under Thors watch. It couldn't be. 

'You... Are...' You laughed at yourself. 'Loki?' 

'Hello, Y/N. I must say I'm quite disappointed in your self defense skills. A book? Really?' he asked with an amused grin. 

'Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on Asgard?' you asked with a playful glare. 

'Jup.' You cocked up an eyebrow. 'But I wanted to see my-' 

'Friend?' you finished before he could. He jumped on the bed next to you and stole your pillow. You frowned at that, but didn't say anything about it. 

'No. Girlfriend,' he corrected. You grinned. 

'I am your girlfriend?' you asked, just because you wanted him to say it again. He chuckled and nodded. 

'Of course you are.' 

'I never agreed to this,' you teased as you looked him in the eye. He snorted. 

'Like you want to refuse. Just come here and kiss me. I've been in that cell for a long time with only you on my mind. So fix it,' he demanded. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. 


'What? What do you mean, 'No.'?' he asked as he sat up straight. 

'I'll tell Thor you escaped, right away,' you taunted. 'Or...' He smiled and pulled you down with him. 


'I could watch over you...' You giggled as you let your lips hover over his. He groaned and pulled your against him, his lips finding yours. His hand grabbed your cheek firmly, but the rest of his touches were genlte. His other hand slid up and down your back while yours were busy ruining his perfect hair. 

You pulled away and yawned, which he chuckled at. 

'Tired?' he asked as he took your hands and kissed your fingers. You nodded. 

'Yeah, well, some idiot woke me up,' you joked. He pulled your body against his and closed his eyes. 

You frowed and cleared your voice. He opened one eye. 

'What's wrong?' he asked. 

'You stole my pillow,' you whined. He chuckled and took you in his arms. 

'Use me as a pillow,' he suggested. You nodded, fair enough. You rested your head on his chest. Oh, damn, that chest. You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent. 'You know, back on Asgard-' 

'My pillow doens't talk,' you interrupted him. He was quiet for awhile before he started chuckling. 

'Nor does it chuckle,' you said grumpily as you felt yourself falling asleep. 

'Goodnight, darling. I love you,' he whispered as he went to kiss your temple. You smiled. 

'I love you too,' you mumbled, giving him a little kiss on his neck because you were to tired to reach all the way up to his lips. And like that you both fell asleep. His arms wrapped tightly around your, protecting you from strangers in the bedroom so you didn't had to throw a book at them. 

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