Loki - My Tesseract - Smut

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Thank you so much for 100k readers! That means so much to me. Thank you so much! I can't even begin to express how grateful I am.

This oneshot was requested by Dorkie_Dorka18

I hope it is what you imagined!

Enjoy reading!


'An ant has no quarrel with a boot,' he spoke in a careless manner, tilting his head and eliciting a dark chuckle from his throat.

Director Fury dropped the case that held the Tesseract and Loki snatched it away before he and a few men fled.

The God of Mischief jumped in the back of the car.

'Who's that?' a woman he didn't know asked. Clint Barton said something back, but Loki didn't bother to listen. The bond was getting stronger, rushing trough his veins as the power inside him rose to its full extent.

He closed his eyes and held the suitcase tighter against him, pressed it against his chest to protect the delicate item inside it.

They drove away, but not without a fuss. He didn't care though, because soon, he would get what he wanted.

Loki was sitting in a lab with mind-controlled scientists that worked for him. He carefully opened the suitcase and his breath hitched in his throat.

The navy dazzle reflected in his eyes and he smiled, brushing a finger over the edge of the Tesseract - his Tesseract.

His heart thrummed against his ribs, threatened to leap out of his chest as he gestured fir doctor Selvig to come closer.

The scientist knew what to do and took the glowing cube between his hands, before placing it in some kind of generator.

'Careful!' Loki barked, which almost caused the poor scientist to drop the Tesseract.

The generator began to stir and rumble.

Loki's blood pressure spiked.

The other scientists took a step back as Loki took one closer, his hands reached out for it.

A flash of light made his arm shield his face until it faded.

A few gasps could be heard behind Loki and he opened his eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched and he stepped closer.

He stooped down next to the woman with bright blue eyes - just like the Tesseract did.

His hand lifted to touch your face and caress your cheek.

'My sweet, sweet darling, Y/N,' he whispered. You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.

'I missed you so much,' you uttered.

'I missed you too,' he told you sincerely, petting the back of your head. He stared down your naked form and frowned. His hand reached out to the bruise on your collarbone as his eyes roamed over your body to examine it for other ones.

It looked as if you had been in a battle. Your skin felt rough under the pads of his finger and there was a cut in your lower lip.

'Who did this to you,' he wanted to know. His hands slid across your lower back.

'Fury. The Avengers,' you squeaked, voice rough from being trapped inside a cube for decades.

Loki cursed under his breath, scowling himself for not killing them all when he had the chance.

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