Loki - Mr. Tickles

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I graduated! I'm so happy!

kleine_fanfictions this oneshot is for you. I hope you like it!

Enjoy reading


Sound asleep, you lay on the couch. It was a little past midnight.

The television threw light across the room, just enough so Loki could stumble to the couch, worn out from a tough mission director Fury had send him on.

With a tired sigh, he flopped himself on the couch, accidentally sat on your feet, and jolted upright again.

'Shit,' he hissed to himself, as he stared down at your sleeping form. Your head rested on the pillow, mouth slightly agape and breathing heavily. 'Don't wake up, please.' He looked at you for awhile. 'Are you dead?'

You did not wake up, nor stir. Glad that he saw you breathing, he convinced himself of the fact that you were not indeed not dead.

He gave a sigh of relief and bend down to grab your ankles, before sitting down on the couch and putting your feet on his lap.

He then reached for the remote control, pried it from your clutching fingers and switched the television to a different channel.

He smiled down at you as you snored a little, and let his eyes trail back to the moving theatre before him.

His fingers brushed your ankle and he caressed your calf, slowly letting his hand glide up and down as he allowed himself to sink deeper into the pillows.

He kicked his heavy boots off and popped his feet up on the coffee table.

Then the tips of his fingers brushed over the sole of your left foot and your foot jerked. He looked down with a frown, then smirked and did it again. It elicited the same reaction from you and he chuckled.

The television now abandoned, Loki brought his two hands to your feet and mercilessly tickled your feet.

You stirred in your sleep, shifted your legs on his lap, but the feeling kept taking your breath away.

You shook body and finally opened your eyes, squinting in the glow of the television as you made an attempt to squirm away from your agressor.

A chuckle came from right in front of you and you started giggling uncontrollably as he kept moving his fingers around your toes and feet.

'Stop!' you screeched, trying to make an escape, but one of his hands kept your ankle in a vice gib.

'Ehehe, no,' he said with a smirk. He moved on top of you and his hands slid underneath your shirt to tickle your tummy.

You gasped for air as you pushed against his shoulders, but to no avail.

As you came to the conclusion that running away from him would not work, you brought your hands up to his stomach and attacked him with tickles, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

'Ah, no!' he laughed as he collapsed beside you on the couch. You giggled and took that opportunity to crawl on top of him, invading his personal space to tickle him further.

He squirmed underneath you, trying to get away, but you tickled your heart out.

'Surrender, Loki!' you said with a laugh. Your breath caught in your throat as he succeeded in grabbing your wrists and flipping you over.

You yelped.

'Loki of Asgard never surrenders,' he laughed mischievously. He pinned your wrists above your head and tickled you until you were laughing hysterically.

'Alright!' you yelled, kicking your legs in the air. 'I surrender! I repeat! I surrender! Please!'

He chuckled and tickled you a little more, but eventually let go off you. You took a relieved breath as he helped you sit upright.

'God,' you said, gasping for air.

'Yes?' he asked. You rolled your eyes, a faint smile on your lips.

'How was the mission?' you questioned him. He shrugged and pulled you against him, so you were straddling him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.

'Same as always. Quite boring,' he replied, putting his forehead against your, your noses touching. 'What were you doing on the couch? Didn't I tell you to go to bed when it's over midnight?'

You grinned.

'I was waiting for my boyfriend to return from his mission,' you said with an arrogant tone before pressing your lisp against his. He moaned into your mouth and let his hands slip into your hair, tugging at it. I

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