Loki - Tied up in the shower

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Hey, I noticed I had 10k readers on this oneshot book. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this! It means a lot to me and it gets me motivated to write even more. Thank you so much.

Here is *Thors' voice* ANOTHER oneshot. Enjoy reading.


You had just woken up, and were walking thtough the corridor. You were assigned on a misson with the Avengers and you were proud of it. It was a little dangerous, but it was worth the risk. It would be the most memorable mission of your life.

'Why are you up this early?' a silky voice behind asked behind you.

'I have a mission with the Avengers,' you told Loki with a smile. You clapped your hands in excitement.

'That mission?' he asked with concern in his voice.

'That mission,' you repeated. You walked towards the bathroom in your navy blue pyjamas with Loki by your side. 'Now, I need to change. Can you go?' you asked when he closed the bathroom door behind him. He smirked.

'Yes, in a minute,' he told you as he approached you.

'What are you doing?' you wondered as he took both of your wrists before he grabbed a piece of rope out of his pocket and tied them together. 'What the-'

'Hush.' He dragged you into the shower and tied you up. You struggled against him, but it was no use. He chuckled as he took a look at you.

'This is not fair. Let me go. I need to go on that mission!' you yelled.


'What?' Loki stepped took a few steps back and closed the shower curtain.

'Don't bother to scream. No one will hear you. I put a spell on this bathroom. No one will look for you in here.' Loki left the bathroom, while you tried to scream, but it was no use, no one came.

The Avengers waited for you in the kitchen as Loki stepped in, an amused  smirk on his face.

'Have you seen, Y/N? We're already late,' Tony whined.

'She's sick. I'll take her place,' Loki explained. Natasha nodded.

'Thanks,' she mumbled as they all left to go on that mission.

As the hours passed, you grew bored, and especially hungry. Your stomach growled. You tugged at the ropes, but you couldn't release yourself. You let out a frustrated sigh and just waited until someone would rescue you, or if Loki decided to come back for you.

The door clicked open and you saw that as your opportunity to escape.

'Help!' you yelled at the top of you lungs. Someone chuckled darkly and the curtain opened. You glared when you saw Loki standing there, his hands crossed over his chest.

'Are you still here? I almost forgot about you,' he said. You laughed sarcastically.

'Very witty. Let me out.'

'Have you not showered yet?' he asked.

'No, because some idiot tied me up,' you answered.

'What a shame.' He lifted his hand and you threw him a glare.

'Don't you dare,' you threatened. He chuckled and put on the shower. Ice cold water ran over you and soaked your pyjamas, which caused it to stick to your skin. You yelped and tried to back of from the water, but it didn't work. He grabbed the showerhead and pointed it at you. 'Loki! Damn it!' He chuckled and continued for a few moments before turning the shower off. 'You're so getting that one back when I'm getting out.'

'I would love to believe you.'

'Have you gotten any idea how important that mission was for me? Now, they probably went without me.'

'I took your place,' he admitted as he stepped into the shower. You frowned.


'Have you looked at yourself? They would have crushed you,' he stated.

'I'm not weak,' you protested. He picked at the ropes, slowly untying you.

'I know, but I don't watn you to get hurt either,' he reasoned. You looked at him and then smiled.

'The great Loki Laufeyson cares for a mortal,' you taunted.

'I never said I cared about you,' he sneered. You face fell and you felt a pang in your chest. You pushed him away to walk past him, but he pulled you back into the shower, pushing you against the wall. 'That came out wrong. I'm sorry.' You held a straight face, not wanting to give in that easily. 'I...'

'You what?' you nearly spat. He frowned and cleared his throat.

'I kind of... oh, dear, come on. You know what I mean,' he sighed. You smiled deviously.

'I don't. I think you have to explain yourself,' you teased. He smiled and rolled his eyes, looking away from you and mumbling somehing under his breath. 'What was that?'

'I like you, damn it,' he said. You smiled.

'I know. That's why we are friends, right?' you asked while grinning.

'Not like that,' he growled.

'Like what then? Come on, now. Say it.'

'I...' He sighed, smiling and staring in your eyes. 'I love you.'

'Really? How much?'

'For God's sake, Y/N,' he grumbled. You giggled and took his face between your hands before crashing your lips on his. He immediately responded and pushed you a little further into the wall. You stomach flipped as his tongue tapped against your bottom lip. You opened your moutch slowly, but he forced it open with the strenght of his jaw. His tongue circled around yours as he explored your mouth. You panted heavily as he pulled away, with a rushed nibble on your bottom lip.

'So...' you said with a smile.

'You need a towel.'

'Are we just going to ignore how you jsut confessed your feelings? I didn't even tell you how I feel about you. I mean, you locked me in here for the whole day,' you spoke sternly. His face grew pale and he visibly swallowed. 'Just kidding, honey,' you added and kissed his cheek. 'Because I do, love you too.' He bit his lip to hide the cheeky smile that was slowly creeping up his face. You both got out of the shower and you got dressed.

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