Do I Wanna Know - Part two - Loki

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You stood there dumbfounded when Loki sang along with the Arctic Monkeys. Your mouth hung slightly agape, but you closed it when the song ended. Loki laughed quietly and walked over to your Ipod, selecting another song.

'Well, what am I going to pick?' he questioned himself. You played a song called "Do I Wanna Know" and just at that moment Loki tapped the very same song. He turned around and smiled at you while you hit the notes, smiling while you do.

'There is this tune I found and makes me think of you somehow. And I play it on repeat!' you sang.

'Do I Wanna Know?' Loki sang, his voice cracking causing you to laugh. 'If this feeling flows both ways!'

You finished the song and just looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

'Can I like... play something?' Loki asked. You cocked up an eyebrow. Was he being serious? You smiled kindly and turned the music down a bit. You put of the guitar and sat on your bed, motioning for Loki to do the same. He sat next to you and you placed the guitar on his lap. He smiled.

'Have you ever played?' Curiosity got the best of you. He shook his head.

'No, love, I have not, but I believe that playing the guitar is just a matter of rhythm. And I can assure you that I have that. It's a feeling,' he explained. You frowned a little, looking worriedly at the guitar.

'Yeah...' you mumbled. Loki positioned himself and was about to hit a string before you stopped him. 'Stop! Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!' you panicked. You weren't worried about him to be honest, just about your very expensive guitar. You crawled over to him and sat behind him. Your hand grabbing his from behind and leading it to the strings. Your other hand prevented him from playing any chords, yet. 'Just play it open. Try do play a rhythm you like,' you told him. You slightly leaned against his back, your hand guiding his for hitting the strings. He then did some damage to your ears.

He played the guitar like a lunatic, the strings being bend and not sounding healthy.

'Okay, okay!' you spoke hurriedly. He snorted. You grabbed his hand and gently led it over the guitar, playing a little more tranquil.

'I must say it sounds better when you do it,' he admitted. You rolled your eyes and laughed a little.

'Can I use my other hand now? Like you do it?' he asked, turning his head towards you and looking into your eyes. You nodded. Placing your hand in a Am chord. The easiest, you thought.

'Just like this,' you said. He nodded. You took your hand away and looked how he tried to do the same. He struggled. 'Come on. You have longer fingers than I. You should be able to do that,' you complained. He smirked.

'Well, my finger aren't used to do that,' he explained.

'Well then try it again, smart boy,' you reasoned. He smiled and this time he did it. 'Yes! Play it!' you said excitingly. He frowned.


'Just like this.' You took his hand and played a beautiful Am chord. Loki laughed his beautiful laugh and it send butterflies all the way to your stomach.

'Thanks. Would you mind teaching me?' His question took you by surprise. You crawled from behind him and raised from the bed. 'Please? I want to play like you. You're amazing.' That send a blush to your cheeks even though you don't blush often. You grabbed your other guitar and faced him.

'Sure,' you spoke confidently. 'But one rule.' He nodded.

'Yes, anything, love. Anything to spend time with you,' he said, but then he cleared his throat and you swore you saw a slight blush on his cheeks.

'When I teach you, you will only play good music, which includes the Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes and Oasis. Clear.' He nodded.

'And the Kooks, Kaiser Chiefs? Editors?' He asked. You were surprised by his good taste in music. You could play their music. It was really good. But you decided to tease him a bit.

'Don't run before you can walk, Reindeer Games,' you told him with a wink. He smirked and got up.

You both walked out of your room, both a guitar in your hands and headed to the couch in the living room. All the Avengers eyed you suspiciously, but you ignored the stares and the questioning looks.

Loki and you sat down and you looked at him.

'Okay, I have the perfect song for you in mind,' you told him. He had a glint in his eyes and you smiled at him. It's the easiest you knew. And it was from your favourite band. The Arctic Monkeys. 'It's called 505 from Arctic Monkeys. It only has two chords. Em and Dm.' Natasha rolled her eyes.

'When is this obsession going to stop, Y/N?' she told you, taking a sip from her drink. You shrugged.

'I just want to see them live,' you mumbled. Playing the chords of 505.

'I'll take you to one of their concerts,' Loki promised. You smiled up at him. You were having a wonderful moment, but Tony decided to interrupt that.

'Hey, lovebirds, play something or I'll put on my music,' he threatened. You gasped.

'You are pure evil,' you spat in a playfully way. He snickered. You quickly played Aviation by The Last Shadow Puppets. 'So, happy?' you asked Tony.

'Yes, very much, love,' Tony said, winking at you. Loki shot a glare at him and Tony put his hands up in surrender. 'Don't worry, Kitty, I'm not going to steal your girlfriend.' The Avengers smirked and Thor's laughter boomed across the room.

'Okay,' you blushed. Loki looked at you, not really sure how to respond to that. You showed him how to play 505 and after three hours he was finally was able to play it.

'Yes! Come on Loki!' you cheered as you sang along. The Avengers clapped. 'But I crumble completely when you cry! It seems like once again you had to greet me with goodby!' you sang. At the end of the song, Thor was crying and so was Bruce.

'Beautiful!' Thor sobbed. 'This usually doesn't happen. I'm usually not an emotion wreck. And certainly not when it comes to music, but this... brother! Oh!' Thor burst out crying on Tony's shoulder. Tony patted the God's back.

'Easy buddy,' he said. Loki looked at you, proud of what he had done. He then looked at the Avengers, inhaled deeply before pressing his lips onto yours. It caught you by surprise, but you kissed him back. The feeling in your stomach returned and pleasant shivers ran down your spine. But the moment was over before you fully realized what was happening. Thor cried even more.

'Oh, Loki!' Thor's voice said loud. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and Natasha gave him a handkerchief. He blew his nose. 'Never leave Y/N... Oh, Tony, I ship this so much.'

Loki looked at you and you giggled. You were the happiest person on Midgard.

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