Loki - Pang in the chest - part two

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Hi again!

Part two is finished!

Requested by

Enjoy reading!


Loki had been by your side until you were out of the hospital. Ever since he confessed his feeling for you, you had ignored that, although you were longing for him as much as he was for you.

You were currently wearing a thin tangerine skirt and a losse, white blouse.

You were walking through the hospital corridors with the caring God by your side.

Your fingers brushed together and you blushed. He noticed and bit his lip.

'Y/N?' he called to catch your attention. Not that he had to - he always had your attention.

'Yes?' you squeaked, rubbing the bridge of your nose.

'Can I - if you want, can I hold your hand?' He rubbed his neck and pressed his lips together. You smile, cheeks scarlet.

You didn't reply. Just took his hand in yours. Your heart jumped and you bit your lip as you walked out of the hospital towards the car Loki lend - or stole.

'Happy to go home?' Loki tried to make conversation. You shrugged.

'Not really,' you muttered. He frowned and looked down at your heaving chest. His fingers stroked you palms.

'How come?' he wondered quietly. You sighed and shook your head.

'The Avengers,' you whispered. You blinked away the tears as Loki stopped in his tracks to look into your eyes.

'The Avengers are on a mission. Don't worry. I actually... I have a surprise for you at home.' You licked your lip and smiled.

'Really?' you wondered. He nodded, grinning. 'What is it?'

'I'm not going to tell you. Otherwise it isn't a surprise,' he tutted as he opened the car door for you. You got in, mumbling something.

'You sound like my mom when I was a kid.' He chuckled at that and got behind the wheel.

'I've heard that,' he retorted, closing the door and awakening the engine.

'You were supposed to hear it, moron,' you sneered.

'I'm not going to give you the surprise if you're going to continue being a know-it -all.' You glared at him.

'No!' you whined as he drove of the parking lot. 'I'm going to be the best girl in the word. I'm not complaining!' You grinned. Unless you're-' He shot you a warning glance and you quickly shut your mouth.

Loki parked outside a small cottage and you frowned.

'Where are we?' you asked him, looking through the window. 'Have you kidnapped me?'


'Where are we, Lokes?' you questioned, poking his side. He jerked in his seat.

'Hey, that tickles,' he laughed, rubbing the spot. You smiled. 'Get out. I want to show you something, darli- Y/N.'

You blushed as he almost called you that.

Nodding, you followed him into the old, vintage cottage where it smelled amazing, like cooked something.

Your eyes widened.


'I thought you might be hungry after a few weeks hospital food,' he explained as he led you to the kitchen.

'You cooked me dinner?' you squealed. He nodded as he gestured for you to sit down.

'I did. I hope you'll like it. I did my bestest,' he said nervous. You giggled.

'Bestest,' you repeated after him with a sweet smile on your face. 'Is this?' You cleared your throat. 'Is this a date?' Your voice was below a whisper and he barely understood it.

'Do you want it to be?' he asked, sounding hopeful. You nodded shyly. 'Me too.'

You gulped and played with the crimson napkin.

He took two plates and filled them with the Italian food. It smelled amazing, almost making you high.

'We need to talk,' Loki said sternly as you had your mouth stuffed with spaghetti, devouring it - attacking the poor plate with a knife and spoon. 'But given your mouth is busy, I'll go first.'

He cleared his throat, ignoring his food.

'Do you remember the first night at the hospital?' You nodded, chewing unladylike. Not that you cared.

Loki handed you a napkin and you wiped your mouth clean.

'Yeah, I remember.'

'I meant what I said.' You frowned in thought. Then it hit you what he meant. 'Nothing has changed that. 'I love you.' His breath hitched in his throat as he awaited your reaction.

You smiled and put your cutlery down.

'You don't have to return the feeling. I just want you to know that I really love you,' he interrupted before you could say something.

'Loki,' you stopped his rambling. 'I love you too.' He gulped and carefully send you a smile.

You inhaled sharply and looked him directly in the eye, gathering all of your courage.

'If you want me to, I'll be your girlfriend.' It sounded stupid when you said it aloud and your started babbling to cover it up, but it made it worse. 'You don't have to say yes, I won't be mad or something. I-'

'I would love it.' He breathed hard and he licked his lips. 'Be my girlfriend. I want to spend every minute of my life with you.'

Your heart fluttered and you bit you lip.

'Yes,' you panted. You gazed up into each other's eyes until your food became cold.

Loki is wonderful. Always had been and always will be.

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