Loki - Get along - part two

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@TheOgDirectioner As promised I wrote you a part two. I hope you like it. 

Enjoy reading 


You woke up by Loki pushing a strand of hair out of your face, his fingertips brushing against your nose. Your eyes fluttered open and he gave you a careful smile. You returned the gesture.

'Good morning,' he whispered softly.

'Good morning.' You gazed in each other's eyes for awhile before you cleared your throat. 'We should grab breakfast.' He nodded and sat up straight before he got out of bed, but you remained in the bed. You sighed quietly.

'Is there something wrong? If it's about yesterday. I'm sorry,' he whispered in a rushed way as he put a hand on your shoulder.

'No, no,' you assured him. 'Just... five more minutes.' It was quiet for awhile before he chuckled darkly. You sighed. Every time he would chuckle like that, he would do something. You squeezed your eyes shut. But much to your surprise he sat back down on the bed and grabbed your hand before he gave it a squeeze.

'Come on... I'm hungry,' he whined. A smile tugged at your lips as you lazily opened one eye, looking at him. You hummed, which he chuckled at.

'If you get up now, I'll carry you to the kitchen,' he promised. You snickered and got up. He grabbed the shirt and put it over his head. You yawned and then crawled under the the shirt and put your arm through the sleeves. You wrapped your arms around him, waiting for him to pick you up, but he didn't change his position. You pouted. 'What's wrong?' he asked innocently.

'You promised you would carry me to the kitchen,' you whined. He smirked.

'I lied.'

You scoffed and turned around, your back pressed against his chest. You then went to stand on top of his bare feet. He chuckled.

'Now, go to the kitchen,' you commanded. He smirked.

'What are you doing?' he asked amused.

'I am simply making it easier for you to walk,' you told him while your hands grabbed his hips behind you so you wouldn't fall if he started to walk. He chuckled and began walking to the door, his hands wrapped around your waist as he strolled to the kitchen. 

The Avengers looked at you both and they all smiled sheepishly. You expected Loki to snap at them or perhaps make a snarky comment, but he remained quiet and walked over to a chair, which he sat at, with you on his lap. He grabbed a slice of bread and you did the same, eating it and ignoring the stares you received from your teammates. 

'Have you guys slept well?' Tony said. You started blushing and Loki awkwardly cleared his voice. Tony snickered and nudged Thor on his arm. Thor nodded, great, they studied their interrogation. 

'I see you are still in your pyjamas. How are you planning on changing? And how did that went last night?' Thor inquired. 

'Yeah, I bet you took a good look at each other, right? I mean, I certainly would. It's Y/N, I sure want to know what's under those pyjamas, Loki. Now, tell us.' Loki rolled his eyes and your cheeks flushed a bright red. You decided to concentrate on your slice of bread and ignore Tony and Thor. 

'If you're going to taunt us like that, I'll put off the shirt,' Loki threatened. Tony and Thor held their hands up in surrender. 

'We're already stopping. Don't spoil our fun!' Tony whined. You rolled your eyes and figured you had enough to eat. You waited patiently on Loki's lap for him to finish as well. Once he did, he picked you up and carried you out of the kitchen. Thor whistled and Tony made a werewolf noise. You looked at Loki, who held a smirk upon his face, which caused you to blush again. 

He carried you all the way to your room, to pick up some of your clothes before he headed with you, still in his arms, to the bathroom and locked the door behind the both of you. He removed the shirt from your bodies and placed you on the edge of the bathtub. You smiled at him, but he only smirked. He bend down, his face only mere inches from yours. Your breath hitched in your throat. Was he going to kiss you? He chuckled and bend down towards the tap and opened it. Warm water ran out of it into the bath. You scolded at yourself for thinking that he was actually going to kiss you. He raised himself again and then removed his pyjama shirt, revealing his muscled chest. You kept yourself from drooling and looked away towards the door. 

'I can go, you know,' you suggested. He snickered. 

'No, you can't. We have to be in the same room for a week, remember? And I was thinking about what Thor asked us,' he answered honest. You cleared your throat. 

'Okay, then I'll turn around until you finished and then we swap,' you reasoned. He scoffed. 

'I'm not planning on spending hours in this bathroom. No, you'll join me in the bath, darling,' he spoke. His words made you swallow loud, which he laughed at. 'Come on, no need to be shy. After a lot of hesitation, you answered him. 

'Okay, but I want bubbles to cover me,' you spoke sternly. 

'That can be arranged,' he spoke in an arrogant tone that made you shiver. 

'Okay,' you repeated. He chuckled. 

'Well, go on then. Undress and get in the bath.' You began to stutter, which he only laughed darkly at. 

'T-Turn around so I can undress.' He did as you told him and you started to get rid of your pyjamas and quickly got into the bathtub. The water was really hot so you had to adjust to that for a few minutes. When there was enough water, you put off the tap and covered your breasts with your arms. Loki turned around and stripped himself from his remaining pair of trousers before he stepped into the bath as well. You averted your eyes to the ceiling. The water came even higher as Loki sat in the tub. His eyes found yours and you instantly blushed, wrapping your arms even tighter around yourself. Loki seemed to notice and chuckled. 

'You don't have to be embarressed, darling. You have an amazing body. Tony was right,' he said shamelessly. You knitted your brows together while your mouth hung slightly agape. 

'W-What?' you said with a trembling voice. He then looked at the wall behind you. You looked as well and grew pale once you noticed what he meant. He chuckled close to your ear as he ent to sit closer to you. 

'Mirror,' he whispered. 

'Oh my God,' you said, embarressed. He snickered. 

'If you allow me, I'll be your God,' he whispered seductive in your ear. You gulped and watched how he pressed his body against yours, his hands took yours away from your breasts as he admired them. You squirmed against him, not sure what to think of this. 

Then, out of the blue, he pressed his lips on yours and captured them into a heated kiss. You immediately gave in and snaked your hands around his neck to pull him even closer than he already was. 

He pulled away, grinning mischievously. 

'Can I be your God?' he whispered as slowly placed multiple tender kisses all over your face. You hummed at the pleasant feeling. 

'Be my God,' you responded and grabbed his chin rather harsh before you pressed your lips against his again. He smirked against you. 

'I like that rough side of you,' he mumbled against your lips. You smiled and bit his lip, which made him groan. 

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