Loki - Study hard - Smut

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You were in the middle of your study session because you were having exams this week. Luckily, this was your last day and you didn't have to do that much. So, with the last thing to study, your science, you had found the courage to start on your last study session. 

Just when you were about to sit down, your boyfriend bursted through the door with an enormous smirk plastered on his face. 

'Sweetheart? Are you free?' Loki cooed. You gave him a sad smile. 

'Last exam tomorrow, sorry. Have to study today,' you muttered as you sat at your desk. He huffed, popping himself up on your bed, where he simply watched you for a few moments as you began concentrating on your book. 

'Can I help you?' You looked up from your work and shrugged. 

'If you want to, then yes,' you told him. He smiled and got off your bed, leaving the sheets a little ruffled. Damn it, Loki. You made your bed this morning. 

He stalked towards you with skip in his step, then picked you up, sat down at the desk and placed you on his lap. Well, you thought, this was cozy

'What can I do?' You handed him your textbook, with a grin on his face. 

'Ask me a question,' you commanded him as you stared in his eyes. You hoped you would be able to answer his question, because his eyes, his damn beautiful eyes were quite the distraction. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let him be around while you had to focuss... Anyway, your brain decided to ignore that. 

'Okay... let me see... What's homeostasis?' He frowned, trying figure out what that meant. You giggled. 

'Well, it's not that hard though. If someone explains it in propper English at least. Homeostasis is the actually the body that tries to maintain its internal state. For example, if the sun is out and you're getting really hot, your body starts sweating to cool off. Well, that's my simple answer.' He looked back at your textbook and cocked up an eyebrow. 

'You're probably right... I don't understand what it means... When I look at your textbook, I have to use a dictionary,' he complained. 'Who wrote this?' You laughed. 

'I know. They explain it quite different, but I am not the kind of girl that parrots every detail. My brain doesn't work that way. Anyway, next question?' You tilted your head to the side and smiled. He rolled his eyes. 

'I quit. It's boring.' 

'No, no, it's actually quite interesting. But I understand...' 

'Can I stay here though?' Loki wondered. You shrugged. 

'I guess so, if you're quiet.' 

And so you began studying, on Loki's lap while he played with your hair, braiding it, and then starting all over again. You were just halfway your book when he huffed again. 

'I don't get it. Why do you have to memorise that rubbish? You will most likely not use any of that stuff again in your life. Like, ever.' You chuckled. 

'Sometimes it's fun to outsmart Tony.' Loki nodded. It was quiet then. The only noise that would cut through the silence was the turning of your pages. 

'I actually think if that' s the only reason to-' 

'Please, Loki, I really need to focus.' 

'Of course you do,' he said in an apologetic tone. He cleared his throat and grabbed another textbook from your desk that you would never use again, so you didn't really care what he was going to do with it. Turns out, he was going to read it. Good job, Y/N, what else is he supposed to do with a book? Duh. 

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