Who's Amanda?

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This oneshot was requested by movielover182

I haven't forgotten about you. i just didn't have any time to write. I hope this makes up for it.

Enjoy reading!


It was a quiet day at Stark Tower and you were just watching a film with your boyfriend, Loki. He seemed so distracted for some reason. He was on his phone the whole time as if to check his mail for an email from Fury. You knew he was going on a mission again soon. Maybe it was that.

He had been to a lot of missions lately, almost every week.

You paused the film, but Loki didn't notice. He just stared at his phone, smiling while his fingers typed away. You frowned.

"Loki?" You said, strechting your neck to see the screen, but he quickly hid it from your view.

"Mhm?" he asked, scowling at you.

"What's wrong?" you wondered. He shrugged.

"Nothing, why would something be wrong?" You bit your lip, averting your eyes to your lap.

"Well, you aren't watching the film and you're always on your phone," you muttered. He raised an annoyed eybrow, a sigh escaping his mouth.

"I am," he sneered. You glared at him.

"Alright, no need to be a prick," you grumbled, playing the film and trying to concentrate on the images, but when he pulled out his phone again, your jaw clenched involuntary. The tapping of his fingers on the little screen made you anxious. What were you supposed to think? It was like he was hiding something from you.

You paused the film once again as he chuckled, but quickly cleared his throat.

"What is it? Tell me," you demanded, your hand fisting around the remote control. Your blood was boiling as your suspicions raised. He used to tell you everything.

He rolled his eyes.

"There's a thing called privacy," he snarled as he got up and strolled to the kitchen table. You huffed, eyes following him until he was out of sight. You glared at the corner where he'd disappeared.

That night you were beyond pissed. He had ignored you the whole day. His stupid phone was laying on the nightstand and it took all of your self-restraint not to unlock it. Not that you would succeed in that. He had changed the password, so it was useless.

You were laying in bed, while he was showering.

Abruptly, the screen from his phone lit up and you lauched yourself to his nightstand.

Your face grew pale and you heart thrummed against your ribcage. You bit your lip as your eyes began to blur. Your crying, your realized. It coudn't be more clear. It was like someone just slapped you across the face.

The screen dimmed and you laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Sadness turned to anger really quick and your hands fisted into the bedsheets. That woman - you hoped she didn't know about you and Loki otherwise you would be mad at her too.

The door opened and Loki walked back in. You rolled on your stomach, hiding your face away in the pillows. The bed dipped and a pair of arms snaked around your waist, but only after he had checked his phone and replied. You were fuming and slapped his hands away.

His head shot up and he glared at you.

"What now?" he barked. You bit your lip, chosing your words carefully. He sighed and bend down, brushing your hair aside. His lips hovered over you neck and he chuckled. "Come on, Y/N. Today was awful. Let's put it behind us." He kissed your neck, but your pushed him away.

His eyes went big and he scowled at you. You met his gaze and pressed your lips together.

"Who's Amanda?" you insisted, folding your arms. His face grew expressionless and he just gawked at you for a few minutes.

"That's - have you looked into my phone?" he sneered. You glared at him.

"Even if I wanted, I coudn't. You change your password every five seconds. Now, who's Amanda? Does she know?"

"Knows what?" he spat in your face.

"That you're dating me?" you said with a strict voice.

"No, she doens't." You felt sorry for the woman too. He then smirked. "Because we aren't." Your heart stopped beating for a second before it started to raise. Tears welled up in your eyes.

"W-What?" you whispered.

"You heard me. We aren't dating," he said dismissively. You held in a sob. "We never talked about it, am I wrong?" Your heart squeezed painfully.

"But we-"

"Yes, we fucked. That's it. Nothing more," he blurted. "Does your mortal brain get's that?" You balled your first, getting up and throwing one more glare at him.

"If that's how you see it. Then fine. But whatever there was between us - it's over. Goodbye."

It hurt. Really bad. You even wondered if this was too drastic, but remembered his harsh words and you shook your head no. It was better this way. You deserved someone who values you. Someone who doens't see you as a lowly mortal, but as an equal who loves you.

The news about your raw breakup with Loki spread like a wildfire. One day he was sitting at the kitchen table, reading away in his book when Natasha came up to him and smacked him against his cheek so her palm left a mark, then walked away without saying anything to comfort you, leaving Loki stunned.

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