Loki - Bodyguard - Smut

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You were just sound asleep when someone barged into your room, kicking the door open.

You shot up straight, eyes squinting through the darkness. A silhouette stalked across the room, towards you.

'Y/N!' a silky voice hissed at you. You yawned and rolled your eyes, falling back onto the mattress and turning around while covering your head with your blanket. 'I have no time for this! Stark Tower is under attack! How did you managed to sleep through a gunfire?' He hauled you up by fisting a hand in your hair. You yelped at the sting in your scalp.

'Loki!' you screamed, but were soon cut off by a hand covering your mouth.

'Hush,' he ordered. You glared at him. A gunshot rang in your ear and you suddenly clamped yourself around Loki's body. 'Follow me, but let me go.' He pried your hands off his and grasped your wrist, dragging you along with him.

As he towed you out of Stark Tower, the cold air slammed against your bare legs, you wore nothing mote than a thin, black nightgown and you were quickly shivering from head to toe.

'Faster,' Loki growled as he lugged you into the garage. You almost tripped over your bare feet, since Loki was practically shoving you around like a rag doll.

He opened the car door and jostled you inside. He quickly entered the car too, and drove out of the garage, going way over the legal speed limit, which had you clamping your hands around your seat.

'Where are we going?' you inquired as he drove on the highway. He sighed and let his gaze slip to you.

'Somewhere safe. Your father send me a location where I need to take you. Plus, we'll be there for awhile, so I have to babysit you,' he said with a smirk.

'Excuse me, who needs to babysit who?' you asked him mockingly. He growled, but didn't respond.

It was quiet for awhile and you hugged yourself.

'Loki?' you mumbled. He hummed, eyes focused on the road ahead of him. 'I'm cold.' He sighed and rubbed his temples.

'My jacket is in the backseat. And some clothes too. If you want,' he told you with an implying grin. You raised an eyebrow. No way you would change while he was just inches away from you. That's just asking for trouble.

'Uhm... how about no?' you whispered while grasping his jacket from the backseat and putting it on. He flashed you a toothy smile.

'Pity,' he murmured, giving you a wink.

'You should concentrate on the road,' you told him with a roll of your eyes.

'Always so helpful. You're a delight,' he mused. His hand slid off the steering wheel, on your knee. Your breath hitched and you pulled away.

'Why did father assigned you to take me to an abandoned place?' you wondered, assuming he must be out of his mind. Loki chuckled darkly and you wrapped his jacket around you a little firmer, as if it would protect you against his shenanigans. It smelled like peppermint and a hint of citrus.

'Because I wanted to, and your father was in such a rush that he wasn't thinking clear. I'm your bodyguard now.' He mischievous undertone his voice held, made you shiver. 'What's wrong? Lost your voice, darling?'

'Don't call me that,' you sneered, picking at the hem of his jacket.

'As you wish, my pet,' he said with a polite, innocent chuckle. You rolled your eyes.

'Sure,' you mocked as you stared out of the window, looking at how the metropolitan lights faded in dark woods. There was a crawling in your skin at the thought at being alone in such a dark place with only the God of Mischief to keep you company.

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