Kitchen mess - Loki

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At Stark Tower, everything was going great with you cooking spaghetti and no one being there to disturb you. The Avengers were on a mission they didn't tell you about, which caused you to be quite upset, so you decided to cook something for the remaining persons in the Tower: you and the God of Mischief, who was probably siting in the library, reading. With the Arctic Monkeys playing in the background, you cut the carrots and put them in a frying pan. When you were cutting the paprika, you sensed someone behind you.

'Smells good, what is that?' you heard Loki's voice said behind you.

'Paprika. I'm making spaghetti for us. The rest won't be home until tomorrow morning. He went to stand beside you.

'Can I help?' he asked. You looked up and nodded.

'Yeah, sure, you can cook the pasta if you want.'  He nodded.

'Euhm. What do I have to do with it?' he asked softly. You smiled.

'You put water in it and wait until it boils to put in the pasta.'  He nodded again and did as you told him.

'Where are the others?' he asked. 'Didn't notice them leaving.' You smiled.

'That's because you're always with your nose in some book. They're on a mission,' you said to him. He hummed.

'Don't judge me on the books I read.' You snickered.

'I don't. What are you reading now?' you questioned him. He then looked at you embarrassed. 'Oh my God, you're reading Fifty Shades, right?' you laughed. He then blushed.

'Wait, no, I'm not!' he defended. 'I'm reading... it's embarrassing... it's a children's book, but I cannot put then away.' You cocked up an eyebrow.

'What are you reading?' you teased. He rolled his eyes in a playful way. He mumbled something and looked the other way. 'What? I didn't catch that?'

'Harry Potter,' he whispered. You dropped the knife on the floor and looked at him. 'See? I told you it was embarrassing!' he said, but the only thing you could do was snicker.

'So what book you're reading? Come on, tell me, I won't spoil!' you poked him slightly kn the side.

'I've read the first one. I'm reading the Chamber of Secrets now.' You smiled.

'That's a good one. Oh, do you want to watch the first film together? Like tonight?'you asked him excited. He smiled.

'Yeah, sure. I would love that. I didn't know you liked Harry Potter as well,' he mumbled. He then seemed to study your face. He was about to say something, but then the boiling water ran over the edge.

You cursed and ran towards the stove and got it off the stove to clean up the spilled water it was a mess.

'Y/N, I'm so sorry,' he spoke with a tone of guilt.

'No, don't be,' you giggled as you finished cleaning up, putting the pasta in it and putting in a wooded spoon. 'Next time, put in a wooded spoon. Then it wont spill over the edge,' you laughed, he smiled shyly and nodded. This was not the Loki you knew. It was like something was bothering him.

'I'll keep that in mind,' he chuckled.

You ate dinner together and he sat next to you. Loki seemed troubled at how to eat the spaghetti.

'You son of a-' he cursed as the spaghetti fell of his fork into his plate. You giggled.

'Loki, repeat my actions,' you smiled. You put the fork into your spaghetti and put a bit of it on your spoon before turning the fork so it stuck onto it. You put the spaghetti in your mouth and looked at them doing exactly the same, except... it didn't reach his mouth, but it did reach his lap. You laughed and he frowned. 'Or just cut it...' He looked up at you and laughed along. Well, after you finished eating... the kitchen was a mess.

'Are we going to watch the film?' You nodded, looking at the mess. 'Let me clean that up first,' Loki said, lifting his hand up and all the material flying to it's place and the spilled spaghetti making vis way to the trash can.

You smiled up at him.

'Thank you, Loki,' you said, kissing his cheek, making your way over to the TV. Putting off the music (Arctic Monkeys) to play the film. You didn't saw the blush that was forming on Loki's cheeks as he trailed behind him.

Halfway the film, you were feeling sleepy and you felt yourself leaning into Loki's body, your head resting on his shoulder. He smiled down at you and confidently wrapped an arm around you. Your eyes closed and you drifted of into sleep.

It must be around five o'clock in the morning and you were laying on the couch, Loki laying next to you when the Avengers came into the living room.

'What the-' Tony spoke loud, but Natasha put a hand in front of his mouth.

'Let them sleep. Don't they look cute together?' she asked, looked at the way Loki's hands held your tiny frame. Thor looked at his brother and smiled. On their bare feet, they tiptoed to their room to not wake the two of you up.

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