Loki - Stop hurting your brother!

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You were laying on your bed, Thor beside you. 

You were both eating Poptarts and watching a film on the Ipad. Suddenly, there was a notification that it needed to be charged. So, you grabbed the charger and handed it to him. 

'Come on, Thor, give it a sparkle,' you said. He chuckled and took the end of the charger between his fingers, and a few seconds later, the Ipad charged. 

As the film continued, you both grew sleepy, and you fell asleep first, before Thor started snoring. You didn't got a lot of rest, though. 

You felt something tickle at your toes and shifted your position. That feeling crept up your leg and soon wrapped around itself around your waist. Your eyes fluttered open and with a blurry vision, you put on the lamp on your nightstand. 

You gasped for air as you saw it was a snake. You tried to pry it of you, but its grib was strong and it didn't look like it would let go. His head sneaked up towards yours, his tongue almost licking your face. 

Your hand shot towards Thors' shoulder and shook him a little, but he only snored louder. 

'Thor,' you whispered. You were slightly panicking when the snake nestled himself on your chest, his tail still wrapped tightly around your waist, but gentle enough to let you breath. You grabbed a pillow and smacked it on top of Thors' head. He shot up and threw a glare at you. 

'Why did you do that? I was just having a dream about Tony dressed up as a-' 

'There is a snake!' you panicked, pointing at the snake that was on top of you. Thor chuckled and admired the sight he was having. 'This is not funny. Get it of me.' 

'It's not a snake,' Thor soothed. You cocked up an eyebrow. 

'Are you sure you're fully awake?' you asked him. 

'It's definitely my bro-' Thor explained. The snake hissed at Thor and then went back to laying himself on you. 

'What?' you asked him again.

'It's Loki.' The snake seemed to glare at Thor and you watched it as Thor took its head in his large hand and pried it off you, with a great struggle. 'Come on, brother, this is just a naughty way of getting in a woman's bed.'

Then the snake, or Loki, let go of you and wrapped itself around Thors' neck. 

'Thor!' you shrieked. 'Oh my God! Are you alright?' 

'Don't worry, Y/N. He's merely cuddling,' Thor explained while he gapsed for air. 

Loki seemed to use all of his strenght until Thor looked like he would pass out any moment. 

'Or maybe not,' Thor whispered as he fell to the ground, squirming while trying to get Loki off him. 

'Loki, if that's really you, let him go please,' you begged the snake. 

Eventually, Thor passed out and Loki finally let go of him, turning back into himself and chuckling. You had a horrid expression on your face as you looked him in the eye. 

'Did you kill him?' you whispered as you backed away from him. 

'Kill him? No, what would the fun be in that? I find it much more entertaining when I get to do that whenever I want. I don't want him dead,' Loki rambled as he went to sit on the edge of your bed. 

'Is he going to be okay?' you asked. Loki looked at his brother and shrugged. 

'He's a God. He'll live.' The lack of care that dripped from his voice, concerned you and you laid your eyes on the unconscious God. Loki took your hand and you jolted. 'If you didn't woke him up in the first place, I wouldn't have to do that.' 


'Was I hurting you?' 

'No, but-' 

'Well, then, go back to sleep.' He pushed you down on the mattress and wrapped his arms around you. 

'Thor is laying on the floor...' 

'I know.' 

'You're not worried about your brother?' 

'Darling, I did this a million times. I know he will be fine. I used to do this four times a day when I wanted a silent place to read. We shared the same room back then. Mother was always surprised when she saw him "sleeping" every hour of the day. It's a blessing she never found out it was me,' he rambled on. You nestled yourself in his arm and let your head rest against his shoulder. With a smile on your face, you thought about their childhood and how much fun it probably was. Loki chuckled. 


'Or that time we were eight. Then I stabbed him.' Your face turned pale. 'I love him, though.' 

You smiled at him. 

'I know you do,' you whispered. 'But are we really going to let him sleep on the floor?' you wondered aloud. Loki grinned. 


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