Loki - Asgardian in the park

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You were walking with Loki by your side. He has been your best friend since he came to live with the Avengers. But you had decided to go for a walk. Not such a good idea, no, because it was pouring rain.

You quickly hid under Loki's arm, using it as an umbrella. He smirked at you.

'Let go home,' Loki told you. You nodded. Loki was wearing his Asgardian attire. So he took his green cape from his shoulders and placed one end over your head and the other one over his. You thanked him and went to stand closer to him.

'We're like Ron and Harry under the invisibility cloack,' you laughed. He gave you a confused look, but then chuckled once he knew what you meant.

'You like those books, don't you?' he questioned.

'I do. Can I ask you a question?' He nodded.

'Yeah sure,' he replied.

'How do you see yourself?' He gave you another confused look and shrugged.

'What do you mean?'

'Well, ... I don't know,' you spoke. You giggled and he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you. 'If you were to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be?' He seemed to think for awhile before he replied.

'I think I would consider myself as a lion,' he answered. You snorted.

'Why?' you questioned sarcastically. He gave you a playful glare.

'Lions are Kings. And I am obviously a King. They are confident animals. Why? Don't you agree?' His voice was amused and he was curious about what you were to answer.

'No. I do certainly not agree,' you mimicked his Asgardian accent. He chuckled. 'I see you as a cute little kitten,' you corrected him. He had a shocked expression on his face.

'What?' Why?' He held a hand to his chest and pretended to be hurt. You rolled your eyes.

'Why? That's a simple question. Because you are such a cutie. Even when you're mad and turn into some vengeful God, you are still cute. You are not a lion, Loki. You are a kitten.' He chuckled at your explanation.

'Do not tell that to the Avengers,' he told you sternly. You snickered.

'Why not?' you taunted.

Because I have a reputation that I would like to keep,' he teased back.

'Okay, I won't. What animal would you think I would be?' you confirmed. He shrugged.

'As a wasp?' He smirked.

'A wasp? Why?' you questioned. He grinned.

'Wasps are annoying,' he explained. You gasped and hit his arm multiple times until he grabbed your hand and stopped in his tracks. 'Just kidding, love. No, I think you would be an owl.' You cocked up an amused eyebrow while a smile decorated your face.

'Why is that?' You batted your eyelashes at him. 'And don't you dare to say something insulting again or I-' You weren't able to finish your sentence because Loki had his lips pressed on yours. You closer your eyes once his lips moved against yours. You kissed him back while his hands wrapped around your waist. Way to soon, he pulled away and smiled at you.

'Owl are smart. So be a smart girl and say yes when I ask you to date me,' he whispered. You smiled.

'I'm a very smart girl. So yeah, I say yes, kitten,' you said. He smiled at you and bend down to kiss you again.

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