Loki - A little emotional

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Warning: this contains Titanic spoilers. Ehehe... 

I hope you like it. 

Enjoy reading. 


The Avengers were already asleep, but you and your best friend, Loki, decided you would still watch a three hour film. More specific, Titanic. You sat on the couch, snuggled up against the pillows. 

During the film, you would both laugh and it was very romantic. So Loki smoothly got closer to you. You eyed him with a smile on your lips as he took a blanket and threw it over you both. His arm wrapped itself around your shoulder and you rested your head in the crook of his neck as you continued to watch the film. Every time Jack would do something romantic with Rose, Loki would place a kiss on your forehead and you would smile. 

But as the film continued, it grew more and more sad. It was now the scene were Rose crawled on top of a piece of wood, while Jack would struggle to crawl on it as well, but he unfortunately didn't succeed and had to keep in the freezing water. Loki his grib on you tightened. 

Rose tapped Jack multiple times on his shoulders and with a hoarse voice she called his name, but Jack didn't respond. Next to you, you heard a sob. 

You turned your head and saw Loki with tears in his eyes while he held his hand in front of his mouth to keep himself from sobbing. You, with tears in your eyes as well, smiled at him. 

'Loki?' you called as you grabbed his hand. He quickly wiped his tears away and looked at you, his eyes bloodshot. He cleared his throat. 'Are you alright?' He nodded. 

'Yes. I'm sorry-' he mumbled. 

'It's fine,' you assured him. 'It's a sad film. It's okay to cry.' He huffed. 

'I was not crying,' he scoffed. You rolled your eyes and smiled at him. 

'That's not something to be embarrassed off. The fact that you are crying shows that you have a heart,' you giggled. He rolled his eyes playfully and he rolled on top of you. You gasped, but then cocked up a playful eyebrow. 

'Okay. I admit it. I was crying. Happy?' He bend down and kissed your nose. 

'Beyond happy,' you replied sarcastically. He snorted, but then turned serious. 

'Y/N,' he said your name with a stern voice. You smiled. 

'What?' you teased. His hand cupped the side of your face and his thumb stroke your cheek. 

'Promise me you'll never get on a boat. I can't afford to lose you,' he whispered. You melted at his words. 

'Loki, that doesn't happen to all the boats. You don't have to worry about that,' you soothed him. 

'Promise me that you'll never get on a boat without me. If it sinks I can teleport us away. Promise it to me, Y/N,' he begged. You smiled. 

'I promise that I'll never get on a boat without you, Loki,' you promised him. He seemed satisfied with that and placed a tender kiss on your forehead. 

'Good,' he replied. 

'Loki?' He hummed 'Why are you so concerned about me?' He looked away from your face and blushed. 

'I just like you. I care for you,' he mumbled. You gently grabbed his chin and made him look into your eyes.

'I like you as well,' you spoke. Loki's eyes lit up and he smiled. 'You're my best friend,' you teased. His face fell and he knitted his brows together, which made you giggle foolishly. 

'Please, don't friendzone me,' he pleaded you. You smirked. 

'Why not?' you taunted. Now it was his time to put on a wicked grin. He bend down and just waited. His lips ghosted over yours. You exhaled sharply, growing impatient. He must've sensed that because he chuckled against your lips before he pressed them fully on yours. Your hands grabbed his shoulders while his arm wrapped themself around your waist and the other hand in your hair. 

Loki pulled away, way too soon to your liking. You whined. 

'Does this answer your question?' You rolled your eyes and smiled mischievously. 

'Come here,' you said dominantly. He smirked and happily obeyed your command, connecting your lips again. 

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