Loki - Not a memory anymore - Smut

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The sunlight peeked through the curtains and outside your room arose a stir. You kept your eyes closed a little more - not wanting to get up yet, as it was Sunday.

There was an arm around your waist that tightened its grip around you, pulling you closer against him. A lean man's body was pressed against your back while his large, slender finger trailed over your ribcage and lower, to your hip and back up.

How did you ended up here - with God knows who. You had to admit you went a little heavy on the drinks. Thor had brought alcolhol from Asgard, so the Asgardian brothers could get drunk too, and is was way stronger to anything else you were used to. But suprisingly, you had no headache.

His other was tucked underneath your body and cupped your breast rather firm, rolling it in his palm.

You mouth hung agape in a silent moan as your body jerked.

A deep chuckle made the corners of your mouth twitch.

Your head lolled to the side and you were met by those mischievous, emerald eyes. His eyes widened, and so did yours.

He instantly let go off you and both of flew to another side of the mattress, to put as much distance between you as possible. You grabbed the bedsheets and covered your body and gulped down the disgust at the thought of his hands pawing at you just minutes ago.

"How did we-" Loki blurted. Your mouth hung agape and you took in your surroundings. This was your room. What was he doing in here? And when had he crawled into your bed?

"Why are you in my room?" you accused, pulling the sheets over your breats. You looked down at your bruised body, you were naked as well - and so was he.

Shame washed over you.

"Did we-?" you wondered, but failed to finish the sentence. He shook his head feverishly and rubbed his face.

"No," he barked. "I would never." He scowled at you and eyed you up and down, then examined his body.

"I'm terribly bruised," you whispered as you looked down at your cleavage and upper arms.

"That doens't say anything," he denied. "I would never fuck a mortal." You rolled your eyes and they descended on his neck. Your eyes went big. "What?"

"Your neck too," you said with a strained voice. His hand went to his neck and he traced down to his chest.

"Okay," he mumbled before gazing in your eyes. "Do you remember anyting from last night?"

"Clearly not," you spat. "Luckily I don't. You?"

"No. I do not. So, perhaps it happened," he drew out, running a hand through his hair and groaning.

"It certainly happened. Look at us!"

"Bruises don't define-"

"I'm also very sore," you interrupted with a glare his way. He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"It appears that I'm still skillful after a few glasses," he said smugly. Your jaw clenched and his eyes grew cold.

"No one can know," you both said at the same time.

"Agreed," Loki sneered.

You both scambled to your feet and got dressed before exiting your rooms and separating ways.

Most times, you would bump into Loki twice a day, or more, because you both were Avengers and you had to work together from time to time, but you didn't saw him for like two weeks straight, and you weren't bothered by it.

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