Loki - Summer night

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It was in the middle of the summer when you were turning and shifting your position in your bed. You threw the covers of you and sighed. It was so warm. You had opened the windows, but there was no breeze.

You decided to get a glass of water and downed the liquid down your throat. You were sweating and you were tired, but you couldn't sleep because of the warmth. You decided to do the only thing you could do. You would go to your giant ice cube, Loki.

You got out of your bed and walked through the corridor. In your pyjamas, you opened the door of his room, not wanting to wake him up. As careful as possible, you closed the door behind you and headed over to the sleeping Frostgiant. You smiled when you saw he had his face turned to you and was sleeping soundly. You crawled in the bed and nuzzled your head in his chest. You immediately felt the coolness radiating against your body and you sighed happily.

'What a pleasant surprise,' Loki's voice whispered hoarsely in your ear. You felt bad. You had woken him up.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up,' you said to him. He smiled down at you.

'Tell me, to what have I earned your presence?' He questioned.

'It's so warm. I couldn't sleep,' you spoke, looking up in his eyes, they had a mesmerizing glint in them. Loki smirked.

'Come here, you fragile little thing.' His hands snaked around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. 'You're cute, you know that?' He kissed the top of your head. You smiled and pressed a kiss on his chest.

'And you're... cold. And I like it,' you told him sleepily. Your got heavy as you grew tired. You yawned.

'Are you going to sleep in my bed for the whole summer or...'

'Most definitely,' you interjected before drifting of to sleep. He smiled and held you for the rest of the night.

The next morning you woke up to find Loki pressing his nose against yours.

'Morning,' his raspy voice said. You smiled. The sun shone already brightly.

'Morning,' you repeated after him.

'Let's get breakfast. I'm hungry,' he commented. You nodded and you both got up.

As you walked in the kitchen, Tony looked sleepy, Natasha looked grumpy and Bruce and Thor had enormous bags under their eyes from the lack of sleep they had last night. You, on the other hand, were very much alive.

'Good morning!' you cheered. They all sat on their chairs, leaning on the table. They replied with mumbles.

'It's so hot already and it's just morning,' Bruce complained.

'Yeah, didn't close one eye because of it,' Thor commented. You giggled and Loki smirked.

'I would do everything to sleep tonight,' Natasha told the team. They all agreed.

'I sleep very good,' you said. Loki grinned and winked at you.

'How have you accomplished that? It's like we are in a desert.

'I slept in Loki's bed. He's a Frostgiant, remember?' you laughed, leaning on Loki's shoulder as you sipped your tea. Natasha's mouth fell agape and she frowned. Loki patted your head.

That night, you were laying on top of Loki, hugging him. Your chests pressed together. You could feel his icy body. You giggled as Loki glared at you. Natasha hugged Loki as well, from his right side. On the left side, Thor was laying. Tony used Loki as a blanket and Bruce had himself wrapped between Loki's legs. You giggled.

'I must say, I liked it better when we were alone, last night,' Loki commented. You all slept good that night, except for Loki, who got sandwiched between sweating bodies.

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