Loki - What are you even doing here?

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As a Princess from another realm, you were brought to Asgard because there was a war on your planet.

Frigga had taken you into her home - palace. As you waited for your the war to be over, you often walked around in the rose gardens, carrying your stuffed doll with you - you were eight at the time.

The two Asgardian brother a bit older than you.

You'll never forget your first encounter with the younger Prince tough. You sat at the edge of the fountain, playing with your doll when Thor and Loki walked to you.

Thor waved at you and you waved right back.

'Are you the new Princess?' he asked. 'Mommy told us about you.' You nodded. 'Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Thor.'

He held out his hand, which you took. He had short golden locks that seemed to glow in the afternoon sun, blue eyes smiling friendly at you.

'Oh!' he said, as if suddenly remembering something important. 'And this is my brother. Loki, say hi.' The raven-haired boy rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. 'Cole on, or I'll tell mom you didn't say hi.'

'Hi,' Loki bit, fists clenched and glaring at his brother. You smiled at the two brothers you'd be living with, for now, until the war ended.

'Hi,' you said to them. You took your doll between your fingers and clutched it to your chest, letting your legs dangling from the fountain.

'Great to meet you. If you don't mind, I have to go. Loki, will you sty with her? Mommy didn't want her to be alone. Make sure you are there for dinner,' Thor told you before storming off towards the training grounds.

Loki stared at you as you played with your doll, before taking a step closer to you and sitting next to you.

'Give me that,' he sneered. He suddenly grabbed your doll and it vanished. Your eyes widened.

'Hey, my doll-' you whined, looking around for it.

'Dolls are for kids. Grow up.' With that he pushed you into the fountain.

You yelped, water splashing around you as you coughed.

You never got your doll back. The younger Prince didn't make it a secret that he didn't like you, he wanted you gone. But at least there was Frigga, who loved you and treated you almost like her own daughter although you were just a guest - until the war was over, you reminded yourself on a daily basis.

Thor and you got along pretty well. But to Loki, you barely spoke. He did like to bully you until you would explode and scold him. But as soon Frigga turned around the corner, you became civil again, which he always smirked at.

When you came of age, Odin had thrown you a party. You were having fun with Thor, who drank his whole beer before you could say rainbow bridge.

Loki sat in front of you, glaring at you as always. He purposely kicked his heavy boots against your knee. You clenched your jaw, eyes focused on Thor, who used Lady Sifs hair as a moustache. You smiled, then grimaced when Loki's boot hit your knee harder.

'Stop it,' you hissed quietly. He smirked and did it again, so you drew your legs closer to your body. You looked back at Thor who got beaten by Lady Sif in a drinking contest.

Loki's foot tapped your chair, lifting it on two legs so you almost lost balance and fell off. Your hands shot up to the table to keep you there and he chuckled lightly.

You frowned and stood up, smoothing out your simple magenta dress before clearing your throat.

'I'm taking off. Tonight was really great,' you said to Thor and his friends. Thor shook his head, knocking a beer over.

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