Loki - Prank war

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You were at war. At war with the God of Mischief. And not just a regular war, no, it was a prank war, and it all started with him taking your phone from you. 

You walked into the kitchen to find Loki standing on a chair, taping something to the ceiling. You knitted your eyebrows together and crossed your arms over you chest. 

'I-Is that my phone?' you questioned the God. He looked down at you and smirked. 

'Yep,' he chuckled. You scoffed. 

'Give it back. I haven't checked Wattpad yet,' you whined. He rolled his eyes and got off the chair. 

'No, you spend way to much time on that social network. Do something else with your spare time, dear. Or get the phone yourself.' He left the chair for you and went to lean against the kitchen counter. 'Go on, try it,' he taunted. You stuck out your tongue and got on the chair. You tried, just like Loki had done, to reach the phone, but your arms were too short. You coudn't reach the ceiling. Loki bursted out laughing and you shot him a glare. 

'Don't just stand there, help me... No, no, Loki? Where are you going? Come back!' you shouted as Loki left the kitchen while chuckling. He turned around and gave you a smirk. 

'Just a few more inches to grow, little one,' he teased before he disappeared. You tried to jump on the chair, but that was clearly a bad idea. You fell and landed on your bum. You giggled a little at your own clumsiness before you got up and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. 

You walked to Thor's room and knocked, a little rushed. He opened and gave you the brightest smile in the whole Stark Tower. You smiled back a little before explaining your plan to him. Thor's smile got even bigger with every sentence you spoke. 

'I'm in, lady Y/N!' You and Thor then walked towards Loki's room and as you two turned your words into actions, all you could do was wait once you were ready. 

It was quite late and you were sitting in front of the TV as Loki came into view. 

'Y/N?' he seethed. You looked up from the TV innocently and batted your eyelashes at him. He yanked you off the couch and dragged you to his room and pushed you in, putting on the light. 'What is this?' You bursted out laughing. 'My room is pink!' Tears formed in your eyes from laughter. His bedsheets, curtains and even his walls were pink. Even his green cape, you had replaced it with a pink one. He looked in your eyes as he grabbed your arms firmy. Giggles still escaped your lips, not being able to control yourself. 'You are going to regret that.' 

'Do I smell a war?' you teased. 

'No, that's the pink soap,' he joked. 'But, yeah, I want my war.' You grinned and he smirked. 

'Well, good night, princess,' you giggled before you walked away. 

'What? No, no, Y/N? Where are you going? Come back!' he shouted. 'My pyjamas are pink too! I'm not sleeping in those!' You giggled and ignored him, walking to your room and having a peaceful night. 

The next morning, you woke up and headed to the kitchen. Steve, Clint, Bucky and Natasha were already sitting at the kitchen table and before you joined them, you stole a glance at you phone on the ceiling and sighed. You grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and wanted to grab your cereals as well, but someone had moved them so you coudn't reach them. 

'Need help?' Loki whispered seductively in your ear. You tensed as he pushed his body against your back and reached up to grab the cereal. He gave them to you and went to sit on your seat. 

'That's my seat... Then I'll steal yours...' You hesitated before you sat down, inspecting the chair before you sat on it, not wanting Loki to mess with it. Eventually, you sat down and grabbed your bowl, and tilting the box of cereal. 

About ten lemons rolled out of the box of cereal, a few in your bowl, the rest of it fell on the ground. 

'When live gives you lemons,' you said in an awkward voice. Loki laughed hard and Steve sat up straight. 

'I understood that reference,' Steve announced as he held a finger up in the air. Tony chuckled and Clint rolled his eyes. 

'What is going on?' Bucky questioned you and Loki. You both glared at each other before you spoke. 

'Loki started. He taped my phone to the ceiling,' you told them as you pointed at the device that was taped to the ceiling. Their gazes followed your pointed finger and they looked up. 

'Yeah, but she painted my room pink. Everything in it is pink! Even my cape!' Loki whined. You kicked him underneath the table, but that ended up bad. He trapped you foot between his legs and now you were stuck. He smirked and ate his cereal. 

'Can I have some cereal as well... please?' you asked Loki. He threw an empty box at you.

'Sorry, darling, I ate the last bit.' You whined and wanted to get up, but your foot was still trapped. 

After breakfast you stayed behind in the kitchen. You grabbed a whistle and put some pepper in it. With a confident look on your face, you walked into Loki's very pink room. 

'Loki, this doens't work. Tony says this doesn't work because I blow it and says you have to suck on the whistle, but it doesn't make any sound,' you whined. 'Can you repair it for me?' 

'You're probably not doing it good,' he said smart-alecky. 'Let me do it. Suck you say?' You nodded, doing your best not to laugh at the spot. He suck on the whistle and immediately started to cough up the pepper. You bursted out laughing while he kept on coughing. 

'You're so,' he got interrupted by his own coughing, 'evil.' 

'Does that mean I beat the God of Mischief? I won the war?' He pulled you down with him on his bed as he continued coughing every now and then. 

'You did, now, I'll bring us a glass of water. Because my throat is on fire,' he said hoarsly. You chuckled as he threw you to the bed and got up to get you both a glass of water while you snuggled up against the soft pillows. 

Once he came back into the room, you lifted your gaze to meet his. 

'I'm back,' he said, his voice rough. You sat upright and leaned against the headbord. He handed you a glass of water and you both took a sip. You instantly spit it out as you tasted noting but salt water. You spilled the liquid on Loki. 

'You're evil as well,' you whined. 'Blegh!' Loki chuckled, but coughed again, quickly drinking a little more water. You gave him a glare and took his glass from him, emptying the whole content. 

'You started,' he reasoned. Your eyes widened and you crossed your arms once you placed the glass on his nightstand. 

'No, you did,' you said sternly. 

'Whatever, you made my shirt wet,' he pouted. 

'Well, you better take it off then,' you flirted. He did what you said and got rid of the drenched shirt. Your eyes scanned over his toned chest, memorizing every inch of his muscled body. 'I-I wasn't being serious. I was only joking,' you explained. 

'Oh, that's pity,' he teased. He pushed you down. 'Who won the war?' He growled next to your ear as he pressed his body against yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, but you recovered quickly. 

'I did,' you taunted. He rolled his hips against yours. 

'Wrong answer,' he whispered before he bit down on your earlobe. You squirmed underneath him, your hands tangling in his hair. 

'No, I'm pretty sure, I'm right,' you teased. He let go of your earlobe and bend down, close to you. 'But we can both win,' you said, your breath caught stuck in your throat. He smiled. 

'I like the idea of that,' he spoke before he placed his lips on yours, not moving yet. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the small hint of pepper on his lips, while he could taste the salt on yours. 'Salt and pepper,' he chuckled against your lips. You smiled before you started to move your lips against his, and he happily returned the gesture. It was the most passionate kiss you had ever recieved from someone and you got a little dazed after awhile, but that didn't matter. You were having a great time with the God of Mischief. 

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