Loki - Holiday smut

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'Y/N!' Natasha's voice roared through the intercom. 'Get your ass down here, we're leaving now!'

'Same goes for you, Loki!' Tony added. You groaned and got up from the couch in your room. You couldn't stand Loki and there wouldn't be an escape from him when you would go on a holiday with the Avengers.

Because you arrived last, you saw that there were only two places left in the van. You sat at the spot near the window. Tony was putting your luggage in the trunks when Loki arrived.

'Where am I sitting?' he questioned. You sighed, already knowing the answer.

'Next to Y/N. And don't quarrel,' Tony shouted as he sat behind the steering wheel.

'Right,' Loki mumbled as he took the seat next to you. He glared at you. 'Can we swap places? I want to sit at the window,' he asked. You shook your head.

'No, you can't. I'll get sick if I don't sit at a window.' He rolled his eyes and put on his seatbelt. You had decided you wouldn't argue with him during your holiday. You enjoyed trips and you wouldn't let Loki ruin it.

'Get your arm of my seat,' you hissed at Loki, who was intentionally taunting you.

'That's still a part of my seat. I'm not crossing the line,' he pointed out.

'You are. And I know you know it,' you defended.

'I'm not!' Loki yelled.

'Why did we even invited them?' Bruce said. 'They are giving me a lot of stress.'

'The sun is getting real low,' Thor soothed him, rubbing his back while he does.

'Shut up you two!' Natasha screamed at you. You and Loki did as she told, but kept throwing glares at each other.

'You started,' you whispered angrily to him. He smirked.

'No, you did,' he shot back.

'I thought I was clear! Stop fighting!' Natasha interjected. You stuck your tongue out and Loki placed his foot on your, crushing it.

'Aw!' you yelled.

'How long do we need to drive?' Steve asked Tony. Tony sighed.

'Still three hours buddy.' Steve nodded defeated while Loki and you kept bullying each other.

'Thank God, I'm still alive!' Bruce yelled out in frustration. He strolled to the house Tony had rented.

'My ears need rest,' Steve complained. Natasha just threw you and Loki a disapproving look before entering the house.

'We weren't that bad, right?' you asked Loki. He smirked at you.

'No, I'm surprised I didn't kill you yet,' he snickered before pushing you to the ground and entering the house. You scoffed and got up.

You entered the house to see Loki yelling at Tony.

'You can't be serious! You're a billionaire! Couldn't you rent a house with one more room?' Loki screamed at the top of his lungs.

'I'm sorry, Reindeer Games, but I couldn't find a house with that many rooms. That'll have to do it,' Tony ended the conversation.

'What is wrong?' you asked Tony. He held his hands up kn surrender.

'We have to sleep together,' Loki said through gritted teeth. Your face fell.

'What? Tony!' Tony ran away. You frowned.

'You're sleeping on the ground,' Loki said before he closed the door to your room.

You went to look for Natasha.

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