Loki - AM

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I acidently spilled some Arctic Monkeys over this chapter. Please, don't hate me... Enjoy the chapter! xx


Loki stood in front of a kneeling crowd, in his battle attire and helmet on his head, the scepter tightly in his hand. Natasha told him to stop. 

Tony and Steve went to fight him, but it didn't seem to work out. Time for a little distraction, you thought. 

'Loki!' you yelled enthusiastically. The God knitted his eyebrows together and blasted Tony and Cap to the other side of the road. 

'Are you going to attack me as well?' he mocked, already poinitng the scepter towards you. You held your hands up in surrender. 

'No, no! Not all,' you flirted. He cocked up an eyebrow and gave you an amused smile. 'I'm going to dedicate a poem to you,' you chirped. He snickered and quickly punched Tony in the face. 

'I am delighted,' he said in a velvety voice as he kicked Steve in the face. You gestured for Cap and Tony to leave you alone for a second. You cleared your throat. 

'So... It goes like this...,' you told him. 'I fantasize, I call it quits. I swim with the economists. And I get to the bottom of it for good. By the time reality hits. The chimes of freedom fell to bits. The shining city on the fritz. They come out of the cracks. Thirsty for blood...' you held up your hand and he gave you a questioning look. 

'Have you finished?' he asked. You hushed him. 

'Bear with me, man, I lost my train of thought...' You stared off into the distance for awhile and he gave you a weird look before he got knocked down by Tony and Steve, who quickly cuffed him. 'Sorry mate, I was just being a distraction...' He growled at you as Tony yanked him up to his feet. You giggled and tapped the God on the shoulder. He shot you a glare. 'Do you want to hear how the poem ends?' you taunted. 

'Y/N, please, stop joking around until he is in a cell,' Steve said. Loki smirked at you and you stuck your tongue out at him. 

Once they had Loki locked up in a glass cell, you were told to keep an eye on him. You gladly went down to the room were they kept him and whistled the tune of the song One Point Perspective by Arctic Monkeys, which were the words you told Loki was a poem. 

'Hello there!' you cheered. 

'Ugh, you,' Loki mumbled. 

'Oh, come on, you like me. Just admit it,' you said while batting your eyelashes at him. He rolled his eyes. 

'You're a strange person,' he commented. You frowned. 

'No, Steven isn't here. I'm Y/N,' you joked, but he didn't seemed to get it. 'I see, you haven't met Steven.' 

'No, I haven't. Why are you here?' 

'I need to babysit you,' you replied with a sarcastic voice. He walked toward the glass cell and so did you, only the glass separated you. You couldn't help yourself but to smile at him. 

'You're what? I don't need a babysitter,' he said with a frown. 

'Sorry, big guy, babysit protocol. You want to hear about the poem?' He pushed himself off the cage and turned his back towards you. So, you decided to taunt him a little and walk around the glass cage so you faced him again. He growled and turned around again, only for you to walk until you faced him. This went on for awhile until Loki grew tired of it and strolled towards the glass once again. You giggled and he chuckled, but soon enough he glared at you. 

'You're annoying,' he spat. You shrugged. 

'You too. You know. I'm very cool. I am a fan of the Arctic Monkeys, I love to read and I love poems... But you... you are trying to take over New York. That's not cool, pal,' you spoke slow. He sighed. 

'I am cool,' he almost whined. 'I love to read as well... and I am not taking over New York, no, I'm taking over your whole planet!' He laughed mischievious, but you didn't look a slightest bit interested. He knitted his eyebrows together. 'Who the fuck are Arctic Monkeys?' he asked. 

'That's a good song. Not my favourite, but I do appreciate it. My favourite songs would probably be... 505, Old Yellow Bricks, I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor or even Arabella,' you rambled. He shook his head as if he was confused. 'My favourite album is Favourite Worst Nightmare, or Humbug-' 

'Shut up!' he yelled and slammed his hand against the glass. You giggled. 

'Oh, come on. Everyone is sick of my references. I need someone to share them with. Don't spoil my fun,' you whined. He groaned and let himself drop onto the floor. 

'This is so bad... I wish I stayed on Asgard,' he mumbled. You rolled your eyes in a playful manner. 

'This will be fun. We can do karaoke. Arctic Monkey songs only,' you said while holding up a finger. He let himself lean against the glass and groaned. 'Butif you prefer The Strokes, that's fine with me...' you mumbled and put on some music. 

It took Loki a few weeks before he got into your taste of music, but eventually he ended up liking it. You both sang along to every song, after you had forced him to study them by heart. 

'If I get out of this cell,' Loki said, after you had finished the song Fireside, 'I'll take you with me to Asgard and punish you for stuffing my brain with those songs. They are stuck in my head. This house is awful!' 

'Well, This House Is A Circus,' you said and bursted out laughing.

'Oh, stop it, or I'll start singing it,' he threatened. You shrugged. 

'I wouldn't mind,' you said before you started to sing the song. Loki rolled his eyes and covered his ears, but in the end, he will always sing along with you. 

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