Loki - Whoops - Smut

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A smooth hand was slowly stroking over your naked body, all the way from your collarbone, down the valley between your breasts, over your tummy and hip before reaching back up, nails dragging across the skin.

You cracked one eye opened. Oh, yeah, now you remembered. You smirked to yourself, feeling oddly satisfied.

You pushed yourself against the hand and a chuckle roamed against your back as he pressed himself against you from behind.

'Morning, sunshine,' you breathed, moaning softly as his fingers pinched your nipple. His digits stroke your flesh in the most divine way.

He growled something back, but you didn't bother to catch it, as you were to busy concentrating on what he was doing to you -again.

'Wish to relive last night?' he rasped in your ear, his velvety morning voice sending a jolt of arousal through you. You hummed, rolling on your back and grasping at his shoulder to force him on top of you.

You were met by a pair of emerald eyes, their corners crinkled as he smiled at you. You licked your lips and lead him closer to you, lips brushing against each other.

His breath hitched as he deepened the kiss, pulling you into passion as his hands instinctively slid down to your hips.

The rustling of panicked footsteps echoed through the corridors, but you were deafened by the sounds Loki purred into your ear as he rubbed his hips against yours.

You moaned and arched into him, eager to get him inside you. He hummed and gave you a look, seeking your permission.

'Be gentle. I'm still sore from your little stunt last night,' you whispered against his cheek, placing a small kiss there. He chuckled.

'I wouldn't exactly call it little,' he replied cockily. Your rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, while you brought your face to his and sucked on his earlobe. He groaned and lined himself up at your entrance.

He let himself slip in carefully, just like you requested. You swooned as he filled you completely. Your insides twisted as you struggled to keep breathing at a regular pace.

'Mhm, I don't think I'll ever get enough of this feeling, of you,' he moaned as he slowly stroke your walls, savoring each movement.

Your eyes closed as the pleasure consumed you, not giving a damn about what was happening beyond these four walls. You just focused on him.

He increased the pace and your thrusts matched each other's perfectly, on a melody only you two could hear. He bit his lips to keep his voice down, as there were several booming voices in the corridor.

You, however, couldn't, because a delicious dick was moving inside of you.

The doors of your chamber bursted opened, but Loki ignored it. Evenmore, he fastened his thrusting. You gripped at his shoulders, looking over them at your father standing at the end of the bed with his eyes wide open.

You buried your face in Loki's neck to hide away your embarrassment, but you couldn't push it away. Neither could you help it when you moaned - very loud - when you reached your high, pleasure overwhelmingly you in a breathtaking orgasm. Your nails dug into his porcelain skin, leaving little half moons behind.

His juices dripped drown your thighs as he came too, panting in your ear as your chest heaved.

You squeaked at the sight of your father, his hands on his hips and a frown on his forehead. Loki smirked as he looked over his shoulder at Stark.

'Get your dick out of my daughter,' he hissed.

Loki chuckled and your cheeks turned a crimson red.

Then Thor came bursting through the doors.

'Oh, Stark! There he is!' Thor pointed at his brother - still inside you. 'We thought you had escaped. The while Tower is looking for you!' he explained happily, not caring about the post-orgasmic state you were in.

Thor turned to you and waved.

'We were going to ask you if you haven't seen him, but...' The evidence finally seeped into his brain and he looked at Stark with widened eyes.

Tony glared at you.

'You, young Lady, are grounded,' he growled. Your face went from bright red to chalk white and you gulped. Loki kissed your lips and gave you an assuring nod.

'Can you ground me too?' he taunted your father.

'Enough!' Tony said, a little panicked. 'Both of you, out of bed and get dressed and make sure I'll never see that again!'

You glared at your dad.

'Then don't come into my room without knocking,' you told him with a stern voice. 'I fuck whoever I want to fuck, dad.'

'Language!' Tony snarled.

'Oh excuse me. I said, I fuck whoever I want to fuck, father.' Loki chuckled.

'Now, leave us, Stark. We have to get dressed.' Tony nodded, already calming although he was still pulling his own hair out. 'After we showered,' Loki added with a sly grin.

Oh, and you had fun in that shower.

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