Loki - Dark night - Smut

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I'm back! 

Warning: mention of depression and strong language at the begining. 

This oneshot has a really sweet ending :) 

Enjoy reading! 


You were so done with everyone's shit. 

Teeth clenched, you ran out of your classroom. Tired of school and their bullshit. Every day was the same. Getting up, breakfast, rushing to school, eight hours of torture, anxiety and back to sleep. 

Thank God it was Friday. 

You closed your eyes as you walked out of college, sighing as your phone went off. You swiped right and answered whoever the fuck was calling you. 

"Y/N, who's this?" you mumbled as you fumbled with the straps of your backpack, they were annoying the shit out of you. 

"Ah, hello, sweatheart. It's me," said a mocking voice. 



You scrunched up your nose. 

"What do you need?" you snarled. He never called, unless he needed you to drive him somewhere. He chuckled through the phone and it made a shiver run down your spine. His voice alone should make you anxious. 

"Stark told me to take you camping," he drawled. "He says you're depressed. It will cheer you up a bit." Your entire mood dropped and you clenched your fists. 

"I'm not depressed," you hissed. You could hear him smirk through the phone. You just knew it. 

"No, you are not. But camping will take your mind of whatever is going on in that beautiful head of yours." You huffed. "And besides," he went on, ignoring you, "it's just for the weekend." You rolled your eyes. 

"Who's going with me?" Again, that chuckle that made your stomach churn. 


Your heart stilled and you sucked in a harsh breath, surging through your lungs. 

"What?" you breathed. "No, I'm not going-" 

"Too late for that. I'm here and I packed your bags. Get over here," he snapped, done with you. "I'm not thrilled about it either, but it was the only opportunity I got to get out of that godforsaken tower." You frowned at your phone. 

"Where the heck are you?" you demanded. 

"To your left," he responded. He sounded bored and ended the call. You gared to your left and saw him standing there with a dull expression on his face. He stood next to one of Tony's expensive cars, and you briefly wondered if he had stolen it or actually had the permission to drive it. You doubted he'd asked Stark. 

Sighing, you walked over to him and he smirked. 

"Get in," he said, getting behind the wheel. You obliged, throwing your bag on  the backseat before putting on your seatbelt. 

"So, where we going?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, looking out of the window. He shrugged. 

"I don't know what it is called. Some stupid Midgardian place," he muttered while starting the engine and driving away from the parking lot. Poor man, you thought, he has been kept inside the Tower for way too long. 

Your drive was silent. You didn't really spoke to each other, given the fact that you're not partically fond of each other. 

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