Loki - Rivals

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Tony and Steve were arguing about you at the kitchen table.

'No, you can't, Stark. I want to make a move. I love her,' Steve's voice said. Tony rolled his eyes.

'Yeah, well, me too. Let her alone, Cap, she's mine,' Tony said calmly.

'No, you only want her for her body. Not for the person she is. She has the most lovely soul I have ever met,' Steve argued.

'I can give you that one. She has a wonderful personality, and I want her in my bed, but I want her so bad. Why not make it a competition? You, me, whoever gets her heart fist, wins,' Tony suggested. Steve cocked up an eyebrow.

'What, no, that's wrong.'

'We do this or you back off, Miss Stripes and Stars,' Tony said while rolling his eyes. 'So, the person who wins, who is obviously me, gets a drink from the other. With other words, you'll owe me a drink.' Steve frowned.

'No, you'll owe me a drink.' They both stormed off. Just then, Loki overheard the conversation and grew very angry. He cared about you, probably more than he should have. And he would do everything to protect you against that bet.

You were walking down the corridors when you crossed Steve.

'Hello, Y/N,' Steve approached you. You smiled at him, having no clue about what would happen. 'You look lovely today.' You smiled.

'Thank you,' you replied.

'Not that you don't... uh, you always look beautiful... I just...' he seemed struggling with his words and you chuckled slightly. Then Tony appeared in front of you, blocking your and Steve's way.

'Hey, Y/N, how are you?' Tony asked you. You looked at Steve, who's jaw clenched. Suspicious, you answered.

'I'm good. Thank you. Is there something I don't know? You both look quite constipated. Tony laughed awkwardly.

'No, no, nothing's wrong. But, I'm here to ask you something.' Steve's eyes grew big.

'Yeah, sure ask away,' you said politely. He smiled and gave Steve a glare without you noticing. Steve stuck out his tongue.

'Are you free tonight? We could go on a date?' Tony questioned. You felt sad for him.

'Oh, sorry, Tony, but I already have plans for tonight,' you lied. You didn't really like Tony in that way.

'No, problem, maybe another time, you'll let me know, right?' Before you could reply, a tall person appeared behind you and Steve.

'Y/N?' a silky voice said. You turned around to see the God of Mischief. That was more the person you liked in that way. You smiled sheepishly at him.

'Hey, Loki,' you blushed. Loki felt his stomach knot as his name fell of your lips. He cleared his throat and gave the two men a disapproving look before turning to you.

'Can you help me?' he asked with his mist innocent voice. Steve and Tony both cursed him at that moment.

'Yeah, sure,' you said, your eyes held a glint in them.

'Can you help me sending an electronic letter? Called an email? Thor told me about it.' You nodded.

'Sure, you have a computer?' you questioned. He cocked up an eyebrow.

'No, what for?' Loki asked. You giggled.

'You can use mine,' you told him as you grabbed his arm and dragged him away. Loki looked behind him and winked at Steve and Tony. They looked at each other and Tony spoke.

'Seems like we have another rival,' he said through gritted teeth.

The two men didn't leave you alone for weeks. Steve brought you flowers every now and then, and when you at least expected it, he tried to peck you on the cheek, but you were always just in time to dive away and escape. Tony on the other hand, kept inviting you to have dinner together or backend you up in a corner to steal some kisses, but until now, Loki had alway been your savior and came up with a silly reason to help you out of the situation.

You were growing tired of the two men that tried so desperately to earn your heart, but they didn't know that Loki had stolen that from the moment he started living in Stark Tower.

It was until one afternoon, that you snapped. You were reading on the couch, next to Loki, when Steve and Tony came in, arguing once again. You sighed and put your book down, but Loki held his eyes glued to the book, not reading however, but listening in to the conversation.

'Y/N, I don't know if it's clear or not, but we both like you,' Tony started.

'A lot,' Steve added. Tony nodded in agreement.

'But we have made a bet. Who first got you will buy the other a drink, so, who do you pick?' Your eyes grew big.

'Who do I pick?' You questioned yourself. Loki frowned, but remained quiet. 'You tell me you made a bet! Well, love isn't sole kind of bet! You morons! Who do I pick, huh? I'm sick of your games! Who do I pick?' you snapped. You threw your book at Steve, then took Loki's book and threw it at Tony. They looked at you in shock. 'I pick Loki!' You turned around to face the God, bend down and pecked him on the lips quickly. You turned around to see them both looking at you in disgust. Loki, on the other hand, subconsciously touched his lip, a smile spread across his face.

'I liked that,' Loki's silky voice spoke from the couch. He grabbed your hand and pulled you on top of him, kissing you passionately while the others two looked at you dumbfounded. You smiled into the kiss as something in your stomach seemed to explode. He bit and suck your lip. You held back a moan and tangled your hands in his hair.

When you pulled back, Steve and Tony were still looking at you.

'Maybe you should both buy Loki a drink, idiots...' you mumbled as you got up from Loki's lap. Loki grinned widely and smirked at the two Avengers. 'And as for you,' you spoke with a stern voice to Loki. His face grew worried, but you smiled softly at him. 'Get in my bed in ten minutes.' He grinned wickedly and got up as well.

'Yes, Miss, whatever you desire,' he chuckled and headed to your room.

That night, Tony and Steve were sitting on the couch. Your screams and Loki's groans could be heard from there.

'That bastard might nit gotten New York, but he has my princess,  To y sighed. Steve agreed with a sad face.

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