Loki - Lost teddy bear

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Loki had come and live with the Avengers and everyone seemed to be okay with that. At first, you were too, but he then started to call you names. Mostly, you were called 'mortal' and you became used to it. He was convinced of the thought that he superior, that he stood above you. Every time, you would roll your eyes at his names and shake it off, but Loki being the God of Mischief, he just had to annoy you in different ways. It all started with your teddy bear, that had mysteriously vanished. 

You walked into your room, ready to go to bed. You crawled in your bed and lay down. Your hands searched the bed for your teddy bear, but you coudn't find it. A frown crept its way up to your forehead as you left your warm nest and looked for it next to it, under it, you even looked at the ceiling... 

'Where are you?' you mumbled to the hiding teddy bear. You decided to take a look in the living room, where you often took him with you to watch TV. You lifted a few pillows, before a voice flayed you and you straightened yourself. 

'Have you lost something?' Loki's silky voice said. You glared at him, already knowing who hid your precious companion. 

'Give it back,' you whined. He snickered and shook his head. 

'You're way too old for that. I threw it away,' Loki waved your comment away. Your eyes grew big and you actually started to tear up. Your mother had gotten it for you when you were seven and that was the only memory you had left of her. 

'You what?' you whispered, not trusting your voice in front of him. Afraid it might break in the middle of your sentence so he could make even more fun of you. A single tear escaped your beautiful eyes, but you quickly wiped it away. Your feet carried you away from the spot and left for your room. 

That night the weather went off stormier that usual. Grey clouds circled around Stark Tower while rain poured out of them. The wind hitting the windows in a harsh manner and howling thourgh the night. 

You grabbed the blankets thightly as you quietly sobbed at the memory of your mother and you together. The memories came in flashes, when she gave you the teddy bear until the memory Loki told you he threw it away. A soft knock could be heard upon your door. You turned around, relieved that someone came so you might spend the night with, comforting you and telling you you shoudn't be scared about the thunder and lighting that often barked through the window. You rolled out of bed and went to open the door, not even bothering to wipe away the tears that were still falling. 

As you opened the door, your mood plummeted. In front of you, the God of Mischief was standing, a smug grin on his face, but it faded once he spotted you were crying. He cleared his throat and you slammed the door shut, but he stuck his foot in between. 

'Leave me alone,' you said tiredly. He shoved the door back open and let himself in before closing it again. 'I don't know if you heard me, but I said to you that you should leave me alone.' 

'You're crying,' he whispered. You rolled your eyes and turned around so he coudn't see your face anymore. Suddenly, you felt a hand being pressed against your shoulder. 'What's wrong?' In one abrupt motion, you turned around and scoffed at him. Was he being serious? 

'What's wrong?' you repeated, your voice eventually cracking. He knitted his eyebrows together and crossed his arms over his chest. 'I cannot believe you are asking this. Just leave me alone. What are you even doing here?' He sighed and went over to your bed and sat down on it. 

'I came here to taunt you a little more. I know you are afraid of thunder and lightning so I was... look I am not going to do it. You're crying,' he told you honest. You let out a sob. Seriously? He first threw away your most precious thing you possesed and he was planning on taunting you even more? 

'Leave,' you snapped. He smirked and lay down on your bed. 

'No,' he replied with amusement. 

'Please, Loki, not now.' You were about to break down into tears again and didn't want him to see that. 

'Not until you tell me what's bothering you,' he said. 

'You. you are bothering me,' you sobbed. You turned around and wanted to leave the room, but he lifted his hand and when you tugged at the door knob, it was locked. 'Let me go.' 

'No, come here.' As you turned around, you saw him holding up his arms, ready to embrace you, but you kept standing by the door, while shaking your head. 

'No, do you want to know why I am sad? Because of you! You threw my teddy bear away!' you sobbed. His face softened and the smirk disappeared while his arms dropped to his sides. 

'Oh,' he whispered. He looked down and began chuckling. Anger rose inside of you and you stormed towards him and stopped in front of him. 

'Are you seriously laughing at me? That bear meant everything to me,' you sobbed. He took one of your wrists and pulled you down onto his lap. You struggled for awhile before you broke down in tears on his shoulder as he patted your back. 

'My, my, you're attached to that thing...' he murmered. You just continued with crying, your nails digging in his leather attire. 'Maybe...' You felt something tap against the back of your head. You looked up and tied to look through your teary eyes. Loki held the teddy bear against you cheek and snickered. You, still on his lap, freed the bear from his grasp and held in, Loki chuckling lightly. You glared at him and smacked the teddy bear against his nose. 

'Aw,' he whined. You stuck your tongue out at him and lay down onto your bed. You turned your back towards him and just then, thunder struck. You squeaked and held onto your teddy bear tightly. You were delighted that Loki didn't threw it away after all, but you were still a little angry at him. You heard the God take his attire off and after a few seconds, the bed dipped and his arms sneaked his way around your waist. 

'What do you think you're doing?' you asked, annoyed. He smiled against the top of your head and chuckled. 

'I am simply holding you in my arms. I know you are afraid of thunder and lightning and I am not letting you lay here without any sort of comfort, lady Y/N,' he spoke. You frowed. He had actually called you by your name, not 'mortal'. 

'You know my n-name,' you stuttered. Once again, he snickered. 

'Of course.' 

'Why did you take my bear?' you questioned him. Lightning appeared and you turned around in Loki's arms and buried your face in his chest. He thightened his grib on you. 

'I just... wanted a... thing that reminded me of you...' he spoke. 'I didn't knew you were that attached to it,' he laughed at the end of his sentence. 'Am I forgiven?' You looked at him and cocked up an eyebrow. 

'No,' you spat. 

'What? Why not? I gave your bear,' he asked. 

'Yeah, but you took it first,' you scoffed. 

'Alright then... forgive me or I'll kiss you,' Loki teased, slowly leaning in. You rolled your eyes. He woudn't do that. 

'I don't forgive you.' He smirked and now his lips were just a few inches from yours. 'Okay! Okay! You're forgiven!' you panicked. He smiled. 

'Good, now let me thank you,' he whispered before his lips collided with yours. Your breath hitched in your throat and you wanted to push him of you, but from the moment his lips started to move against you, you gave in. The sweetness that the kiss held was something you've never expected the God was able to show, but he did and it felt amazing. 

As Loki pulled away, he smiled genuine at you and kissed your jawline before laying down on the pillow you were now sharing. 

'Good night, Y/N,' he whispered. You smiled a toothy grin and wrapped your hands around Loki, completely forgetting about your teddy bear. You had found a new one. 

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