Professor!Sprout X Professor!Reader

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Your information:
house: A Hufflepuff
blood status: Half-blood
happens in: not a specific time zone
warnings: girlxgirl (do not hate the person that requested this!!!!!!! I myself is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and don't have anything against anyone in said community, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT!!!!!! it's that simple)
requested by: justabatbat
posted on: 09/01/2021


I looked outside the huge window in the staff room of Hogwarts, to the mud that had formed when it rained last night, my girlfriend and my coworker Pomona Sprout, she teaches Herboligy. She wrapped her arms around my waist resting her chin on my shoulder as I looked out the window now cuddled into her arms where my muscles instantly relaxed.

"How about we go out to take a walk?" she whispered into my ear and I smiled at her before I nodded my head a little to answer her. We both left the staff room to put some warm cloths on, she went to her quarters and I went to mine as we changed into our own cloths, we didn't have a combined quarter because when we started it wasn't allowed and we never remembered to ask professor Dumbledore when we saw him.

I looked myself over in the mirror, I had a thick duvet yellow coat on with some black gloves and my Hufflepuff scarf that I used while attending school, I put my black winter boots on and left my quarters to find Pomona waiting patiently outside for me. "Did you wait long?" I asked as I stepped out and locked the door with my key, I didn't trust (the marauders or the Weasley twin depending on when you want this to happen) to not go into my quarters and take something to use as a pranking item.

"No, I just got here" she said smiling at me and I nodded before I took her hand and we made our way out of the school and out into the cold fall air and the small wind that blew our cheeks making both of us pull our scarfs a bit further up to keep our cheeks warm. I looked at the black lake after we had stopped there not seeing any students around, until I felt something wet and cold hit the back of my warm jacket and I instantly turned around to see Pomona with muddy hands.

"Oh it's on" I said as I picked some mud up and threw it at her, soon we were having a full out mud fight until I tackled her to the ground and we both laughed as I pecked her lips to make her give up the fighting instantly. To my luck and happiness she instantly gave up her struggle to get away from me and as soon as I pulled away I put mud onto her face, we both laughed, this was a regular for the two of us when no one could see us.

We would be acting almost like the (again put either the marauders or the Weasley twins), we would have mud fights or prank each other to the ends of the world sometimes I would be woken up with ice water in the cold winter mornings. Usually after that we would take a warm shower together and be all adorable in each others eyes.

After we had been out there for about an hour just playing we were both freezing, it was obvious that we had been out in the cold wind as our cheeks were as red as a tomato and our fingers, when we removed our gloves, were as red as our noses and cheeks. When we got inside Hogwarts we walked hand in hand until Pomona had to go to her quarters to change her cloths, "meet me at mine when you're finished?" I asked her and she nodded, "of course love" she said before pecking my lips and leaving to her quarters.

As soon as I entered my quarters I called a house elf to come before changing my cloths, "what can Smink do for mistress?" the house elf asked and I smiled kindly at her, "could you light the fire and get some hot chocolate and some cookies?" I asked her and she smiled, "it is Sminks pleasure mistress" she said before popping away. I went into my closed room and found some comfortable fuzzy cloths to wear that still looked good on me, While I was putting the pants on I heard a pop and instantly felt the quarters get a bit warmer telling me that Smink had turned the fire on, soon I heard another pop and she left to go get the chocolate and cookies.

After I had gotten dressed I went out of the closed room and noticed Smink had just delivered the chocolate and cookies, I heard a knock on my door and I opened hoping it was Pomona. I went to open the door and there she stood, my beautiful girlfriend, I stepped aside to let her in and she entered instantly feeling the warmth from the fire.

"You got the fire started? and cookies, and hot chocolate?" she asked with love in her eyes when she looked at me, "I figured we could both use something hot to drink and some cuddles, the cookies are just some extra" I told her pecking her lips slightly. I sat down on the couch putting my arms out for her to get into them as well, she smiled at me and sat down as we cuddled into each other for body heat to keep us warm.

Both of us ended up falling asleep in each others arms, smiles on each of our faces.

A/N = I'm sorry this is so short but it's the best I could come up with I hope you like it!

WC: 988

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