Ron X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 3rd year
Warnings: a bit of swearing
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
I hope you like this!
Posted on: 02/10/2020


You walked into the great hall, it was lunch, you, Ron and Harry he just finished Divination and were headed to dinner. You found Hermione and dragged the boys over, the four of you talked about what professor Trelawney had said to Harry when he had gone to give her crystal ball back.

Once the four of you finished dinner you all hurried down to Hagrid's hut, Bucbeak was supposed to be executed tonight. The four of you wanted to be with him once it happened, "come on stop!" Harry said harshly to the other two.

"Harry's right, I think Croockshanks ate Scabbers but there is no proof so stop fighting please" you said trying to get Hermione and Ron to stop. They both sighed and nodded their heads, you always tried to protect Ron from everything.

Since you started to grow a crush on the red headed boy you had tried your best to always protect him in your adventures with the other three. Although Ron always teased you for being so protective over him.

The four of you were finally at Hagrid's hut and sat down, "oh Ron, while I remember" Hagrid said before taking the lid off of his cookie jar. He put his big hand into the jar and took something out, "Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed taking Scabbers from Hagrid.

"Keep a better eye on your pets Ron" Hagrid scolded him friendly. "Och" Harry exclaimed and rubbed his head, "Hagrid, they're coming over" you exclaimed after looking out the window.

"You four shouldn't be here, go out the back door, quick" Hagrid said and we all did as told while Hagrid covered his beast that sat there on a pillow. Once Dumbledore, the Minister and the executioner were inside the four of you hurried out the back door and hid behind the pumpkins.

Suddenly Hermione turned around quickly, "what?" You whispered to her, "I thought I saw, never mind, let's go" Hermione said and you all ran over to the stone circle. Once you were there you watched as the executioner put his heavy axe down onto Bucbeack's neck.

You put your head on Ron's shoulder while Hermione was on his other one and Harry was hugging Hermione from behind. "Och!" Ron screamed, "he bit me, Scabbers!" Ron called after his rat while running after him.

Time skip till after the shreeking shack and once They used the time turner because im too lazy to write it!

You, Harry and Hermione had just used the time turner to save bucbeack and Sirius. "Guy's are you sure Ron's alright?" You asked them for the 100th time since you three left the hospital wing.

You were just sitting there waiting for all of you to go out of the shrieking shack. "Yes" they said together tired of you constantly asking them. "Okay, okay" you said giving them some peace from asking although your mind was racing a 100 miles an hour.

What if his foot got infection while we're away? What if he'll hurt his leg even more?

These thoughts wouldn't leave your mind, they came back constantly. Then it was time for Harry to use his patronus and pretty much save himself and Sirius from the dementors.

You let yourself fall off of Bucbeak's back and smiled warmly at Harry and Sirius while you and Hermione started to tend to Bucbeak.

Once Sirius was on Bucbeak's back he said goodbye to all of us and flew off. "Come on! The time!" You screeched and the three of you ran in the direction of the infirmary.

Once you reached the infirmary you saw Ron laying in the same bed as before looking surprised and stammering out questions none of you could understand. You three laughed at his confusion and then went over.

Hermione ended up telling Ron all about what happened while you were gone and explained the time turner to him. "Y/N couldn't stop worrying about you" Harry said laughing a little.

" were worried?" Ron laughed, you felt the same little sting in your heart when he said that. It always happened when he teased you for protecting him or worrying about him.

It used to hurt more than it did now although it does still hurt.

"Why do you always have to tease me for caring? Merlin Ron! I fucking love you and you keep teasing me for caring! How do you think I feel!" You lost it screaming at him. Until you realized you just told him the only secret you had been trying to hold in.

You just told Ron you loved him. Harry and Hermione decided to leave and let you and Ron have some pricy to talk a bit.

"You, you love me?" Ron asked stammering a bit. "Yes" you said not meeting his eyes afraid of getting rejected.

"I love you too, I'm sorry I've been teasing you for caring and protecting me, I actually love it when you do" Ron said chuckling a little. "I just don't want to get teased myself if everyone thinks I need a girl to protect me" Ron admitted even further.

You had become so shocked at this time that you had sat down in the chair that was by Ron's bedside. Ron took your hand in his and gently stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Be my girlfriend Y/N, please?" Ron finally asked, your eyes went big and a smile grew bigger and bigger every moment. "Yes!" You screamed and threw your arms around his neck hugging him tightly to you.

"I love you" he whispered into your ear and you smiled into the crook of his neck, "I love you too" you said. Once you two pulled out of the hug you kissed Ron on the lips, the kiss was gentle and soft yet passionate at the same time.

WC: 1017

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