Firenze X Centaur!reader

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Your information:
House: none
Blood status: a centaur (Banes daughter)
Happens in: Harry's 1st year
Warnings: the reader is a centaur
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 2/2/2022 (9:35pm)

I looked out the window of our resting space, I noticed Firenze running after kids in a playful manner and I smiled to myself, when we were younger Firenze and I were very close, we were best of friends, nothing could tear us apart. That was until my father, Bane, forced me to stop meeting him in my free time, it had killed me to ignore him, at first we would still be talking while doing choirs around the camp but now, nothing.

Flashback begins

Firenze and I ran around the campfire at the birthday party of one of the younger kids at our tribe, we danced as we laughed as his hoofs scraped my own and we were both being completely clumsy at this dancing thing.

Our parents stood to the side, far apart, my father never having liked Firenze parents and his parents always paying my father huge amount of respect. My father being one of the most well respected male centaur in the tribe, being his daughter I was one of the most respected female centaur of the tribe.

Flashback ends

That was 15 years ago, currently we were 25 years old.

I looked at him with envy, shortly after that birthday party my father had forced me to stop talking to him, and my father trying to find suitors suitable for me to marry, even though I didn't want to. I had fallen for Firenze ,in more than a friendly way, by watching him like a freak around the camp, he was a hard working centaur, he was good to the other centaurs around the camp, he was amazing with kids as well as having grown to be quite the handsome centaur.

"Y/N" my father called and I stood up, trotting over to my father, "yes father?" I answered as I noticed, in the corner of my eye, that Firenze stop his playing with the kids and was looking in my direction. "This is Nessus, he's asking for your hoof" he said and I felt myself freeze, "oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Nessus, but I don't think you're quite my type" I said politely and he just nodded, not seeming upset in the slightest.

I walked away from them and went to do some of my chores for the day.

Time skip till that evening

I was walking with father when we saw Harry Potter and Firenze talking and so we went over to them. When we got there father and Firenze of course went to argue, I zoomed most of it out enjoying the feeling of having Firenze close to me.

After about five minutes I snapped "stop it, both of you" I screamed at both of them, "Firenze I'm so sorry I started to ignore you, father here forced me to because of our different status in the tribe. I know you've noticed me watching you, and I can't help having fallen in love with you, father. I don't want to marry just some stranger, I want to marry someone I know and I love for who they are" I told my father as both of them stood frozen as Hagrid came hurrying over to us.

Time skip till the morning after

I ran in the forest, nothing was going to make me go back to the tribe. Father had threatened me badly and been way too harsh on me when we had gotten home. As soon as he'd been asleep I had ran, I was still running as I bumped into someone, I almost fell backwards as I looked up, "Firenze" I said out in one breath.

"Y/N" he said smiling at me, "I love you too" he said until he noticed I was quite out of breath "what's going on?" He asked looking behind me to see if someone was following me. "I ran away, I need to get away from the tribe" I told him and his eyes went wide. "Wait here, I'll go let my parents know and be back as soon as I can" Firenze said before gently nudging me with his body and I smiled gently at him before nodding.

I looked after Firenze as he ran at a sprint towards the camp and I smiled at the thought of him being coming with me. My heart skipped a beat and my face got flushed as I realized what had happened, Firenze said he loved me too, he loves me.

I laid down on a grass spot around the place where I had bumped into Firenze as I waited for him to come back, I heard the sound of hooves hurrying over and I tried making myself smaller. "Y/N" Firenze called and I stood up, "I'm here" I told him walking over and smiling as I approached him.

"Should we get going then? Find someplace to stay for the night?" Firenze said and I looked at the spot of grass I had been laying on, "it's already getting dark, why don't we just stay here?" I asked motioning to the grass. Firenze nodded a smile on his face as we laid down on the grass together, "I meant what I said before, I've really fallen in love with you Y/N" Firenze said and I smiled nodding, I looked in his direction, he was looking in mine and I pressed my lips onto his.

"Then be mine?" I asked him and he smiled "I was going to ask you that" he said chuckling at me and I smiled before he kissed me again.

Time skip till Harry's 5th year

I watched as Firenze went into the castle to teach his first class of divination, it was perfect for him, he was always good with children both centaur kids and human kids. I looked at my 3 year old daughter who was already running around and talking like there was no tomorrow.

She and I went back to heated housing that is the family had gotten after Firenze started teaching.

WC: 1043

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