Draco X Potter!Reader ~part one~

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Warnings: none
Happens in: 5th year
Requested by: nobody
Short A/N = requests are still open if you have any!!!


You sat in the quidditch stands watching the game between Slytherin and Gryffindor. You were cheering for the Gryffindor team until you saw a bludger make it's way and throw Draco, your boyfriend off of his broom. You gasped softly and quietly, nobody knew about you and Draco.

You wanted to run onto the pitch to make sure he was alright but you couldn't, Harry your twin brother was on the Gryffindor team. Then you heard a gasp from Hermione and she was pointing at Harry falling from his own broom.

Once Harry landed on the ground - thankfully close to Draco - you plopped yourself down in between them. You took Harry's hand in one of yours while you took Draco's hand in your other one.

You followed madame Pomfrey as she and some other people levitated Harry and Draco up to the hospital wing to be checked. You sat outside the wing on the floor waiting to be allowed to go see Harry.

Thankfully it wasn't long before you were allowed inside the wing and you hurried over to Harry's bedside. Although you gave Draco a small smile before sitting down in the chair besides Harry's bed.

You and Harry talked for a couple of seconds before you had to leave for bed, you had eaten dinner with Harry. "Good Night" Harry Said smiling weekly at you before you left, "good night" you said waving at him and smiling at Draco again.

Time skip till three days later

Hermione and Ron came into the Common Room while you were packing your homework things to go see Harry. Both Harry and Draco were still in the hospital wing, "hey, Harry was about to take a nap" Hermione said when she saw me leave the common room.

"I'm still going to go see him" you said and flashed them a smile, you hoped that maybe you'd be lucky and Harry was asleep. If he would be asleep you could talk to Draco, see how he was feeling, maybe sneak him a kiss or two.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't realize you were already at the hospital wing. You smiled to yourself before opening the doors quietly and walking inside only to see Harry asleep and Draco awake.

You made your way over to Draco and drew the curtains around you to make sure no one would see you two. You smiled at him and sat down, "finally" you sighed before taking Draco's hand in yours.

"How are you?" You asked a smiling Draco, "I'm fine love, especially now that you're here" he said and you smiled. You peaked his lips softly before sitting down, "merlin, I've missed that" Draco sighed contently.

You smiled widely at Draco and nodded, "me too" you said, you two talked about everything that had been going on in each one of your lives. You kissed Draco a couple of times softly and passionately before you had to leave to go to bed.

Draco begged you not to go but you had to before Madam Pomfrey would come and throw you out herself. You gave him one last kiss before quietly making your way down to the Gryffindor common room.

Once you entered Hermione looked at you with big eyes. "How could you stay there so long? wasn't Harry asleep?" she asked, you chuckled a little before nodding. "Yes he was asleep when I arrived there, I just worked on a little homework then he woke up, we talked and now I'm here" you answered her.

"Well why are you smiling like that then?" She asked you and you tried to put a pout on you face but it didn't work. It had felt so good to finally talk to Draco again and kiss him that you couldn't wipe the smile off of your face.

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